By Stephen C Campbell
Subconscious mind can be defined as that part of our consciousness, about which we are not aware of, but it still affects our thoughts and actions. The subconscious-mind stores all our past information, experiences and memories and these are instrumental in shaping our character and life. It has tremendous power for influencing one's life to a great extent. The only thing is that this power remains hidden and can be brought to the fore by practicing some techniques.
The law of attraction states that all experiences in our life, whether positive or negative, are governed or affected by our thought process. Our thoughts affect our lives and all situations surrounding our lives. The law of attraction depends on a strong desire, great faith, spirituality, belief, sincerity, hard work, satisfaction, happiness, gratitude and openness. We can take control of our lives and situations around us by developing our thoughts and consciousness. The law of attraction and subconscious-mind can be utilized for the benefit of leading a successful life. You can achieve great wealth and success with the subconscious-mind resource aids.
Subconscious-Mind and the Resource Aids
The subconscious-mind has profound effect on one's life. The great 'Buddha' says that we are the result of our thoughts and we go on to make the world with our thoughts. The subconscious mind power is magnetic in the sense that it attracts all the things that correspond with its beliefs. The occurrences in and around your life are solely dependent upon you and your thinking. You create realities with your own subconscious beliefs. One must learn to take control and charge of one's life by changing their thinking and inner beliefs.
The subconscious mind has the power of maintaining and balancing the body's well being. The body has a self healing nature due to this. We have intuitive powers because of our subconscious minds that help in protecting us and our loved ones from some dangers and emergencies. All of our past memories and experiences are stored in the subconscious minds. The subconscious-mind receives information from the super conscious-mind and it also sends information to the super conscious-mind. The conscious-mind and subconscious mind are connected. The conscious-mind is the decision maker.
One can train one's subconscious-mind through various techniques and tools like affirmation, visualization, hypnosis, autosuggestion, binaural beats, emotional freedom, meditation, EMDR and subliminal messages. The affirmation process of training involves repetition of the goals or beliefs so that they are instilled into the subconscious mind. Affirmation can be done by writing of, verbal or mental repetition of, acting of or listening to the statement till it gets fixed into the subconscious-mind.
Positive thinking is the key to developing subconscious mind. In the visualization process, one has to see the desired thing in one's mind's eye and start living in the mind's eye completely. The goal has to be set properly and the focus needs to be maintained throughout. The subconscious mind communicates through intuition, so one needs to develop intuition.
About the AuthorStephen C Campbell (Master NLP Practitioner) has published more information on using the Subconscious as a Goal Setting tool at
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