
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Power of the Subconscious Mind - Unlocking Your Subconscious Mind's Powerful Force

By Michael Lee

You may have heard how some people believe in the power of the subconscious mind. It is a fact that quite some people live emotionally crippled adulthoods because they have lived through harrowing childhoods. This is because the memory of being told that they are less than who they are as people has been burned into their memories. This is the power of the subconscious mind, which can either build or destroy a person.

Maybe you are one of these people, too. Maybe you are wondering if there is a solution to your low self-esteem. You can now cease to despair, because the same mechanism that had caused your low self-esteem, is the same mechanism you can harness to rebuild your confidence. Below are the ways you can use to turn around your subconscious mind’s power, from self-destructive to self-empowering.

1) Stop berating yourself for normal faults.

When you criticize yourself for mistakes that everyone does, you are actually deepening the self-worth wounds that you already have right now; so stop cursing yourself. You are only human: perfection is out of reach for everyone. Cut yourself some slack, and be kinder to yourself.

2) Encourage yourself.

Instead of allowing yourself to melt down when things go wrong, stop yourself and try to remember the things you have done that were either right or good. Remember your accomplishments, or the times when you had been a good person. Remember the good character traits that you have.

3) Accept compliments with a "thank you".

Most people do not realize that the best way to harness the power of the subconscious mind and reprogram the self-esteem is to accept positive things said by others. Most people have the tendency to reject compliments; not realizing this would only wound the psyche more. So do yourself a favor, and accept those compliments

You can reprogram the way you think. Harness the power of the subconscious mind through positive thinking and actions, and see yourself empowered and reaching your fullest potential.

Michael Lee is unbelievably giving away over $2355 worth of the best self-help ebooks FREE at for a limited time. Hurry! Download as many as you want before you miss out.

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Hypnosis - What Is It?

As many of us think hypnosis is not a magic or a state of sleep in which some body else take control of the person undergoing the hypnotic therapy. Though you will be asked by the hypnotists to sleep while he is inducing you to hypnosis, it will not take you to natural sleep. Natural sleep is a condition in which you forget every thing that is going on around you. But here in this process you will be able to feel every thing that is going on around you.

Many of us believe that focusing completely on some thing is hypnosis. In fact, it does not require total concentration on an object from the part of the person undergoing hypnotic therapy. For this reason itself it cannot be called as a trance state of mind in which you forget every thing except the thing or object on which you concentrate.

A person undergoing the hypnotic therapy will never fell in an unconscious state of mind in which he loses his control over his mind. He will still be in control of his thoughts and mind. If a person under this treatment wants to end up a session it will be possible for him to come out of it. If he does not like any suggestion or question from the part of the hypnotist he can record his objection in a hypnotic sleep by rejecting the question of the hypnotist.

It is a natural state of mind in which a person can naturally go in and come out safely. If you are not receptive to information or questions from the part of the hypnotist you will never be able to feel the condition or state of hypnosis.

Normally we all undergo a something like this when we sleep and sleeping is known as the natural state of hypnosis. If so we all are experiencing this state of mind in some way or another through out our life in varying degrees.

Hypnosis is nothing more than a person's ability to receptive to accept the suggestions of the hypnotist. More than that it is not something that is magical or a state in which a person transforms to a totally different identity.

This state of mind can be induced by a trained hypnotist or a person who is an expert to practise self hypnosis. More knowledge could be gained through proper practise and also from books and the internet to be the major source.

About the Author: For your free course teaching you exactly how to learn hypnosis and all the finer points of mastering the art of hypnosis, simply go to

Why You Should Use The Power Of Your Dreams

By Tony Hall

You really should take your dreams seriously! They are the expression of the fears, anxieties, hopes and emotions contained in your subconscious mind. They are the symbolic representation of the information that is stored and organized by your subconscious. They are the key to unlocking your future.

You don't always remember your dreams but in fact you dream virtually every night and usually between five and seven times. Over a typical lifetime that adds up to something like six years of dreaming. So doesn't it make sense to be able to grab hold of all their power to help you to achieve your goals?

You simply must learn to set clearly defined goals if you want to carve out a path towards the realisation of your life's ambitions. But equally importantly you must have a plan of how you are going to achieve them. Your path to fulfilling your goals needs a map to sit upon.

You will find many ways of defining your plan but one sure-fire route that is often overlooked is that of using the power of your dreams.

Contained within your subconscious mind are mountains of information that is not readily available to you when you are awake. But your dreaming mind will reveal this hidden source of data. It could be in the form of secret desires or longings. Or maybe unknown inner fears will be discovered which, through the process of dream analysis, you can learn to overcome.

You see, your dreams are an extension of how you really feel about yourself. Once you are able to recall and understand their content you will develop the power to increase your self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-belief.

You will confront and express your inner feelings in your dream state and by learning how to recall them, analyse them and understand them, you will gain a more positive approach and develop your personal skills and qualities.

Your subconscious mind is full of your inner fears and anxieties. It contains many of the reasons why you may worry and have doubts. By recalling and then understanding your dreams you will be better equipped to deal with the more stressful aspects of your life.

You are faced with many decisions each day. Some are simple, like what to eat or what to wear, but there will be many more important decisions to make regarding areas of your life like relationships or your career. Remembering your dreams and analyzing their meaning will reveal the wisdom that will help you to make those life-changing decisions.

Learning to interpret the dreams you have each night can truly open up a route to achieving your goals. But there is more you can do. You can actually learn to influence what you dream about and so be able to focus on the important areas of your life. By concentrating on the goals you have set you can ensure that they are reflected in the content of your dreams. You simply have to make sure that your subconscious mind is loaded with information on the subject concerned.

So during your waking hours find as much time as you can to read about your topic. Watch films and DVDs about the subject and research it on the Internet. Depending on what it is, you may also be able to view maps, photographs or works of art. This will all help to prepare your mind to have dreams relating to your goals.

You can also try visualization. Use it to see yourself as you will be having achieved your ambitions. Look how you feel and examine the benefits you have gained. Try to clearly picture the things around you, especially those material things like cars or houses that may feature in your goals. You will increase the chances of influencing what you dream about by especially using this technique at bed time just before you go off to sleep.

You can also feed your subconscious mind with the right sort of facts and images through the use of positive affirmation. Use short concise statements set in the present tense to reinforce your objectives and repeat them to yourself during the day whenever you can. You should also write them down and leave them in a prominent position so that you can see and read them often. Take one statement relating to one goal at a time and repeat it to yourself as you drift off to sleep each night.

Combine each of these methods and you will soon gain a fuller understanding of your dreams and how you can influence them to help you to achieve your goals. Very soon you will see the benefits as achieving your life goals becomes reality.
So set yourself a new goal today to start using the power of your dreams to help you to achieve your goals.

Tony Hall is the owner of T H I Marketing, publishers and marketers of self-improvement products. He has vast experience in business development and personal coaching. His latest work, "Dream Secrets Uncovered" deals with the subject of Dream Interpretation and how dreams can influence your life. To learn more visit the website at:

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Subliminal Affirmation

By Michael Mcgrath

In this modern age of technology we have such things as hypnosis, binaural beats and mind altering light and sound machines. However, long before these high-tech gadgets were invented millions of people the world over have used the power of affirmations to totally transform their lives, health, finances and relationships. Affirmations can be, and have been, used for anything you can imagine. If you can imagine it and write it down as an affirmation you can achieve it!

You are about to learn how to use the same procedures for mind conditioning that have been used by the most successful people on the planet and what's more you are going to learn how to put these techniques into over-drive!
There is little doubt that exposing yourself to positive affirmations repeatedly over time has a great beneficial impact on your thoughts, feelings, actions and therefore your life.

By creating an affirmation that states what you want to be, do or have as though it were already in existence you can create almost anything in your life. The process is very simple. You merely identify what it is that you want from life and write a sentence describing your life as though you already have it. Then three times a day you repeat this statement to yourself and visualize the scene as though you were experiencing it then and there.

Research has shown that the most effective times for using affirmations are in the early morning, not long after waking, and late at night, just before you go to bed. At these times your subconscious mind is much more open and receptive to the suggestions because your conscious mind is tired and off-guard. Then during the day you would state your affirmation to reinforce your intent.
Unfortunately there are a great many people who fail to get any real affects from using affirmations because they fail to realise a vital key to using them.

It not enough to just fill your subconscious mind with positive affirmations. It is also important that you first remove the negative resistant thoughts and feelings that are working against your success! It is necessary for you to remove the negative programming that is already installed in your brain before you can get new positive programming to work. Without this step all the new subconscious mind programming that you are trying to give your subconscious mind will not only not work but will most probably work against you. When this happens you get frustrated and impatient and the positive affirmations you are using can then actually work against you.

The best way to get the most of affirmations is to completely remove the negative programming that is currently working against you. There are many different methods for doing this from EFT to The Sedona Method and Release Technique. These techniques work with the energy system of the body and through some simple exercises you can remove the energy associated with the emotions that lie behind your negative thoughts.

Using these techniques, or others, to release the old negative and unproductive patterns of belief does require some effort and commitment but anything worthwhile does. However, they are extremely efficient and quick working.
There is an easier way to remove these destructive patterns and also install new positive beliefs simultaneously. It is a technique that involves bypassing the conscious rational thinking mind and gaining access directly to the powerful subconscious mind. Within your subconscious mind are held all your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. It makes sense to assume then that by gaining direct access to the subconscious mind is the best way to make changes quickly and most effectively! I am referring to Subliminal Messages and the use of subliminal technologies for mind reprogramming.

By using technologies that reprogram the mind through the use of subliminal messages you can remove negative thought patterns and completely replace them with whatever thoughts and beliefs you wish to have. Simply by listening to a subliminal recording or using subliminal computer technologies you can go about your everyday activities and allow the new affirmations to effortlessly saturate your mind. If you wish to use affirmations in the future you should seriously consider using them as part of a subliminal program. Thus you can eliminate the need to consciously make an effort and allow the entire process to be dealt with unconsciously. Through a carefully chosen program you can also chose and install your very own affirmations that are important and relevant to you and your life.

We have tested and then reviewed, for free, the best Subliminal Message products available on the web at Find out what really works! . Also read the free review of the best Subliminal computer software that we bought and tested at We find out what works so you don't have to!

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How hypnosis can help you - Hypnotherapy

By Andrew Nelson

Hypnosis is a peaceful, pleasant state of total relaxation and heightened awareness. It is the process of allowing yourself access to the abilities of the unconscious mind. The unconscious is the most dominant part of your mind. It is nature's complex computer that stores every feeling, event and idea you have ever heard, seen or felt in your entire life.

The unconscious acts the way it has been programmed to act, just like a computer does. Unfortunately much of this programming occurred before we were old enough to choose between ideas that were helpful, and those that were not. Hypnosis is the key to the mind. As you enter the hypnotic state your senses become more acute, your concentration becomes more focused on the positive changes that you want, and your unconscious mind becomes more open to suggestions.

Hypnotherapy can make positive changes in the physical response and mental and emotional attitude, and change ingrained habits. Hypnotherapy is not dangerous. You yourself naturally engage your unconscious mind every day. Hypnosis does not cause you to lose control; you cannot be made to say or do anything against your will or better judgment. Hypnosis is not an unconscious sleep state. You will be able to speak to answer questions and to recall events that you may have forgotten by your conscious mind. You will remember everything you see or think whilst in Hypnosis

In a hypnotic trance it is possible to concentrate totally on the desired goal. A few clients cannot be put into a trance but do come under the hypnotherapies’ control, while others enter a deep trance. It is also possible to gain deeper insight into one's own feelings and behavior. Hypnosis is applied in three main ways:

Deep Relaxation Letting go of virtually all physical and mental tension is possible under hypnosis.

Suggestion therapy the aim is to replace negative thought patterns with positive ones.

Analytical Therapy Root causes of problems are examined and reviewed from a new perspective.

When your therapist encourages you to relax, he will usually do so through your imagination, talking in a controlled way that ensures that you focus on his voice. Relaxation is normally encouraged through "heavy arms" and "semaphore" techniques.

Andrew Nelson of MB CH, ADV PRA, DYP HYP, CBT PRA, NLP PRA, Life Coach, has been a trained Practitioner for over 20 years, and is one of the most experienced practitioners in the North West of England helping people from all walks of life with their particular concerns. Andrew has busy Hypnotherapy, Life coaching, and NLP practices in Manchester city centre, Sale, Cheshire and in Preston

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hypnosis and The Mind

By Michelle Beaudry

Hypnosis: so easy, you do it with your eyes closed.

Fundamentals of the Mind

The human mind may be subdivided into three parts: the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious. These compare to a computer:

Unconscious = operating system
Subconscious = hard drive
Conscious = RAM

Each part has separate and distinct tasks.

The Unconscious mind operates your automatic body systems such as the circulatory system, much as a computer's operating system includes its basic functions. The Subconscious mind operates like a hard drive by storing files of all kinds, from a full memory bank of your past to your emotional spectrum, to its most vital task: protecting you at all costs. The Conscious mind is our everyday mind, making immediate day to day decisions like what to wear, eat, and drink. It is the gatekeeper, choosing what information is to be acted upon moment by moment. It's the mind you're reading this book with right now, and its tasks include comparing, reasoning, and explaining. These abilities are called the Critical Factor and are bypassed in hypnosis.

Importance of the Subconscious Mind

To update a file on your computer, you must open the original file and make the changes. In the human mind, original files are stored in the Subconscious. To gain access, we must reach the Subconscious directly, bypassing the Conscious mind. In other words, one way to gain positive changes in the present is to neutralize the negativity in the past. We do not change the memories, we upgrade how you feel about them.This upgrading can only be accomplished in the Subconscious, for that is where memories are stored, and it can only be reached through bypass of the Conscious mind, and that can only be done through hypnosis. Why? It's what works. Hypnosis specifically sets the Conscious mind aside temporarily.

Your Mind Must Protect You; Good News, Bad News

All levels of your mind work to protect you as best they can at all times. And this especially applies to the Subconscious. It must protect you at all costs, and to do so, it may even lie to you, or more to the point, to your Conscious mind. It may lie about you, about others, it may even lie to your hypnotist while you are in trance. It may hide memories from you. And much, much more. This is because once it accepts negative behaviors in the name of your safety, it hangs on to those behaviors. Some examples are:

"smoking anything"being obese"declining success"biting your fingernails" spending compulsively

You may well ask, how can compulsive spending possibly protect me? It distracts you. Misdirection is one highly effective way your Subconscious protects you by keeping a lid on overwhelming emotions. Ergo the addict. You may well ask, how can declining to be successful possibly protect me? It limits you. Limiting exposure to risk is another way to protect you. It is when such protective efforts do not meet your current needs that you desire change. Hypnosis sets aside the Conscious mind, makes changes via the Subconscious mind, and change is achieved.

How Hypnosis Upgrades Your Files

Hypnosis is able to change your perception of your memories, and thus of yourself. We do not change the events themselves, we upgrade how you feel about them, and thus your daily life is upgraded. By accessing the original files stored in the Subconscious, you are able to see all of the reasons why your mind specifies your behaviors in the name of protecting you, and together we upgrade those behaviors since, typically, the need of that protection is gone. You are no longer in the middle of the event that had such impact on you. Your Conscious mind does not have complete access to your memory files; that is not its job. This is why merely talking about change is such an ineffective means of getting any. Talking happens in the Conscious mind. Change happens in the Subconscious. And here's the rub: the Subconscious outvotes the Conscious mind. It is far, far larger, stronger, and more powerful. This is why willpower fails so miserably for the dieter. Unless the Subconscious agrees to a healthy diet and a normalized body weight, your finest of intentions are shortlived, having been overridden by the Subconscious mind.


Emotions are a function of, and are stored in, the Subconscious. When you have had an emotional reaction to danger, for example, real or imagined, those emotions are felt and stored in your Subconscious. Hypnosis accesses those stored emotions, upgrades your perception of them, and results in changed behavior. You must give yourself permission to make changes. You must want to change. You must want to enter into hypnosis. And this means not being afraid of hypnosis. So, let's define what hypnosis is in several ways, as there is no single perfect way to phrase it.

What Hypnosis Is

"Hypnosis is the bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind combined with the establishment of selective thinking, says the US Government.

"Hypnosis is a blend of physical relaxation and extreme mental alertness. Yes, I said extreme.

"Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration. This is why a few minutes of emotional expression in trance is worth hours in an alert state. Humans are so easily distracted, and the Conscious mind is forever making excuses for everything. In hypnosis, the conscious mind is set aside, and excuses are seen for what they are.

"Hypnosis is the state you enter into every time you watch a tv show you like, see a film you like, or sit down at the computer intending to only be there for 10 minutes... and suddenly it's two hours later.

"Hypnosis also happens when humans fall in love, literally entranced.
What Hypnosis Is Not

"Hypnosis is not mind control.

"Hypnosis is not a royal proclamation.

"Hypnosis is not sleep. We use relaxation, not sleep, to enter hypnosis. You do not wake up from hypnosis, you emerge. And you already know exactly what emerging from hypnosis feels like! Remember the last time you went to the movies, loved the film, and at the end when the credits rolled, you suddenly came to ? You just emerged from hypnosis. That's exactly what it feels like, because that's exactly what happened.

"Hypnosis is not being unconscious. You can hear everything that goes on around you during trance; you're just not interested in it.

"Hypnosis is not relaxation. That's just an optimal starting point.

"Hypnosis is not being drugged. However, one can easily mimic a drugged state in hypnosis, provided you have previously felt the effects of that drug. Your body remembers. This is useful for pain control.

"Hypnosis is not involuntary. Just as no one can make you enjoy a movie that fails to entrance you, no one can make you remain in hypnosis. I typically teach my clients self hypnosis on the very first session so that they know for certain that they can emerge whenever they like. Anyone can emerge from hypnosis instantly by making that their intention.

How Does It Actually Happen?

Hypnotists use methods we call techniques. These include Guided Imagery, Rescuing Events, The Forgiveness Pyramid, Parts, The Spa of Your Inner Mind, Upgrades, and Higher Mind, to mention a few.

The Last Word

The media uses hypnosis on you all the time. Aaaalllllllll the time. Advertisers have been known to employ hypnotists to assess the hypnotic potential of a given advertisement, and pay good money for it.

Everytime you watch tv and enjoy it, you go into a state of trance. Ditto listening to music, going to the movies, watching a DVD, hearing talk radio, reading a magazine, and so forth. When you don't like a particular type of music, that is expressly because it fails to put you into the trance you listen to music for.

So here comes the big duh. Why should media have all the fun? Please visit your friendly neighborhood trance specialist and use hypnosis to further your own goals.

Ah, hypnosis. So easy you can do it with your eyes closed.

Michelle Beaudry, NBH board certified hypnotist in the Orlando Florida area, takes clients by phone and in person from all over the world. Email

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Your Mind is Your Source of Power

By Anthony Stai

Your mind has the fantastic ability to transform you most intimate desires and wants into their physical counterparts and create brand new realities of your current life. It is an amazing wonder what you mind can conceive of and then using your belief and will power to actually implement.

Your mind has the fantastic ability to transform you most intimate desires and wants into their physical counterparts and create brand new realities of your current life. It is an amazing wonder what you mind can conceive of and then using your belief and will power to actually implement.

Are you skeptical? You should be because that also is an important part of your mind. It's the part that relates information to your current reality to determine what to believe and what not to believe. The problem with this mechanism is that it often gets in the way of itself and doesn't allow you to utilize your mind to its fullest.

For example, cancer patients who were given placebo pills (Placebos are often associated with sugar pills that have no medicine) as part of their treatment were able to get well without real medical treatment.

So how did these cancer patients get well?

The power to heal themselves came from their thoughts because they were told that the placebos contained the highest amounts of cancer-fighting medicine available which could cure them in a couple of days.

The cancer patients believed that their medicine would restore their health. Their minds turned their belief into a reality and cured them of their illnesses.
Isn't it amazing how powerful your mind is?

Of course, if your mind can cure cancer patients then all of your dreams should be achievable if you only "set your mind to it."

One of the most effective ways to use your mind for dream realization is to use the "as if" principle.

Using the "as if" principle, you act as if you are the person you want to be. Act as though the things that you want to possess are already in your possession. This isn't necessarily a literal possession that we are talking about but often a figurative possession.

What do you want to be? Do you want to be a doctor, lawyer, newscaster, Olympic athlete? Think, act, and feel like one. By "being" your goal, you'll be much closer to your goal because you are constantly in touch with your final objective. Be obsessed with your dream! You can be everything that you want to be.

For this to be effective, you can't just act like you are what you want to be. You have to actually take ACTION. Don't get so lost in this new reality that you forget to take action, because without action your new reality will remain a fantasy. Do what needs to be done and do it today! Let your dreams motivate you to actualize your purpose in your existing reality not just in your head.

There was a weightlifter who was stuck on 300lbs. No matter what he did he couldn't figure out a way to lift more. So, one day his lifting coach decided to trick the lifter. He told the lifter that the bar only had 300 lbs on it. The weightlifter went to the bar and lifted the 300lbs as he had done every day prior. After the successful lift the coach told him that he had just lifted 350 lbs!

It's often true we can do what we think we can't, if we change what's in our heads. There's an old saying: "Fortune favors the prepared mind." It's all in the mind!

In today's world, we're far too preoccupied with our worries, anxieties, and negative emotions. All of that baggage has adversely affected the state of our health, creating stress-induced conditions and diseases.

A famous person once said, "Whenever you think you can or you can't, you're right."

If you think that you are not rich, then you are not. You must recondition your thoughts and beliefs to be positive rather than negative. Many times it is hard to think rich if everything around you truly is poor but that when visualization with a bit of imagination are required.

Visualize your house/apartment to be a mansion, your old car to be new fancy sports car (no speeding), and everything else around you to be exceptional. Use your mind to expand the possibilities of your life into a new reality.

There is no limit to what your mind can achieve by combining belief, will power, and action with positive thinking and a positive mindset in order to arrive at your dream destination.

Article Source:

About the Author: Anthony Stai is a proud contributing author and writes articles on several self-improvement related topics including positive thinking. You can see more of Anthony's articles on his Self-Improvement Resources informational web site located at

A Proven Self Hypnosis Technique

The idea that comes to your mind when you hear the term 'Hypnosis' is the person sitting on the chair next to the therapist who gives suggestions and instructions. It is not all as you can also practice it yourself and this is known as self hypnosis technique. This will let you get the complete control of your mind. The steps followed for this technique is common and you can adjust it to suit your practice and desires. These are similar to the method adopted by the therapists.

While getting ready for the self hypnosis technique makes sure that you select the sentence to be told very carefully. This is because these sentences will have a greater impact on your mind. So take a lot of time to think and then select each of them.

To prepare yourself for self hypnosis technique, you need to first let yourself understand about the reason for adopting this method. This will lead you to perfection from the start to the end as you should remain within the same goal. Always select one goal at a time and never get along with multiple goals so as to get solution in one session. You will never be able to accomplish any of them if you are to select more than one and you will end up in creating more trouble for you.

The statements that you are going to use should be something positive and convey pretty good messages. Never start off with anything which discourages you like 'I am going for trekking no matter how tired I am'. These sentences will make you even more tired and weaker. So while you select something make sure that there is nothing negative in it. Even if there is anything told so, try to make it in the positive manner to encourage your spirits. The sentences that you select should make you touch the sky as you need to tell you are the best.

Select a calm place for practicing self hypnosis technique with closed doors, phones disconnected and in comfortable position so that no one is there to disturb you. Then sit back straight on a chair and focus your sight to the point which lies a little above the level of your eyes. Repeat the word 'Relax' few times as you breathe in and out. When you are breathing, just push off all the bad breath causing you trouble and breath in to inhale fresh air.

Then, keep your eyes shut and trying listening to some minute sounds like water fall, rain on the roof and lot more. Also note the rise of temperature, the weight of the body which lands up on the chair you are on and things like that. Now it is the time for you to enter into your subconscious mind by thinking that you are walking down the stairs to reach a beautiful garden at the end. Imagine as if you are passing each layer of cloud when you descend each step and thus making your more and more relaxed and thus all the worries and negative thoughts leaving you.

Now you are to step on the green lawn which is bright with the rays of the sun. After proper relaxation start off by repeating the words or sentences framed by you three times with a little gap after each repetition.

After this process imagine as if you are climbing the steps to the top. After reaching the top of the stairs, the self hypnosis technique is finished and you are in the normal state of mind. This time you will be new person and giving a try each time you have problems is a good practice.

About the Author: For your free course teaching you exactly how to learn hypnosis and all the finer points of mastering the art of hypnosis, simply go to

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Get Your Mind Into the Success Groove with Hypnosis

By Kevin Sinclair

Imagine trying to tear a piece of paper in half. If you want the tear to go along a clean straight line, it's best to crease the paper first. In fact, the more times you crease it, the more likely the paper will tear exactly the way you want. It will tear right along the groove.

Imagine trying to tear a piece of paper in half. If you want the tear to go along a clean straight line, it's best to crease the paper first. In fact, the more times you crease it, the more likely the paper will tear exactly the way you want. It will tear right along the groove.

Your mind works in a similar way. The subconscious is a natural goal-seeker. It strives to create whatever goal is set for it. You can be sure that unless you program your subconscious - bend it the way YOU want it to bend - external influences will program your subconscious for you. And those external forces may create a groove toward ill health, conflict, financial loss or failure.

So why not program your brain with a goal of your choosing? Once you give it a positive idea, this amazing goal-seeker will direct all its power and energy toward accomplishing your desires.

What the Subconscious Perceives, It Achieves.

Be the one to control what your subconscious perceives. That way you ensure that what it achieves is something you really want. The first step, then, to getting your mind into the success groove is to decide what success looks like to you. What do you want from life? Do you want to achieve a certain financial level? Do you desire a specific position in your career? Is success marital bliss and a happy family? Your subconscious wants to be guided. If you point it in the direction of a specific goal backed by a strong desire, your subconscious will do whatever it takes to get you there.

Creating the success groove - pointing your subconscious in the direction you want - is relatively easy with hypnosis. However, there are two guidelines that you need to follow in programming your subconscious:

- You must be specific. Rather than saying "I want financial success," describe what financial success is. For example, "I want a business of my own, making $350,000 a year."

- You must be realistic. That doesn't mean you have to dumb down your dreams! It simply means taking into account certain realities. For example, don't say you want to be a prima ballerina by next week if you are a 75-year-old woman with arthritic knees. DO be optimistic, because your subconscious can create the seemingly impossible.

Because the subconscious reasons deductively, you also must use care in how you word your hypnotic suggestions. By its very nature, the subconscious mind must obey suggestions as though they were orders. Hence, if you construct your suggestions carefully, your goal-seeking subconscious will carry out those suggestions without the need of willpower or conscious effort on your part.

How do you construct suggestions for maximum success?

1. Have a strong desire

If you direct your subconscious to create greater wealth in your life ' and that is something you really want - your subconscious will work 24/7 to grant your wish. (If you direct it to create something you think you SHOULD want but really don't want, your subconscious will know you're lying and won't work to create the goal for you.) So choose a strong motivating desire and start your suggestion with that desire. "Because I retire from my job with plenty of money for travel..." etc.

2. Be positive

Your subconscious does not understand negatives like NOT or NEVER. If you say, "I will not drink anymore," your subconscious hears "I will drink." You are actually suggesting to your subconscious the very idea that you want to eliminate! So frame your suggestions positively: "I am always satisfied with a single glass of wine. I enjoy a glass of wine only at dinner." Never mention the negative idea you intend to eliminate. The subconscious can only respond to mental images, so repeat and emphasize the positive new image.

3. Use the present tense

Your subconscious is an emotional, feeling mind that responds to the present. Don't say "I WILL feel good," but rather "I feel good." Say the words. Think them. Imagine them. See yourself acting out the suggestion because imagination enhances your ability to influence the subconscious. Visualize your goal as already accomplished.

4. Set a time limit

I know; I just said that when dealing with the subconscious, you must picture your goal as already accomplished. But you still have to deal with your CONSCIOUS mind, which knows some things cannot be done overnight. If you want to play the trumpet, even your subconscious can't make you play like Wynton Marsalis in 24 hours. So find out how long it usually takes to become adept at playing the trumpet and set your goal at HALF that amount of time. Then let your subconscious go to work! Once programmed, your subconscious won't stop until it achieves the goal.

5. State an action

Never say, "I have the ABILITY to play the trumpet." Be direct and forceful: "I PLAY the trumpet easily and well."

6. Focus

Choose something you want to accomplish and focus on that one idea. Never work on more than one suggestion during a given session.

7. Keep your language simple

Remember that your subconscious understands things literally. So speak as though your subconscious were a bright 10-year-old. Create your suggestions with words that the average 10-year-old would understand.

8. Use exaggeration and emotion

Because your subconscious is the seat of emotions, descriptive words have powerful influence. Don't be afraid to use exaggeration in your suggestions. Use words like fabulous, magnificent, beautiful, exciting, thrilling, gorgeous, stupendous, awesome. And back up those words with feeling!

9. Repeat

Find different ways and different words to express the same suggestion. Embellish the suggestion with convincing adjectives and repeat, repeat, repeat. Use the suggestion as often as necessary during your hypnosis sessions. Repeat the suggestion daily until it becomes entrenched in your subconscious.

Remember, your subconscious is a natural goal-seeker. It wants to create/achieve whatever goal you set for it. And it will work 24/7 to realize your dreams. So decide what you want in life and use hypnotic sessions to bend your subconscious in that direction. Then watch with delight as your subconscious moves you inexorably into your personal success groove.

Article Source:

About the Author: Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles for self improvement and personal growth and development.

How I Make And Save Thousands Of Dollars Using Only My Subconscious Mind-You Can Do The Same!

By Terry Goss

Thousands of dollars will be yours, just by using your subconscious mind.

You get a very good feeling when you make new money. You also get a very good feeling when you save money.

Here's how you can have and enjoy both:

First, I'd like to share my personal story with you.

When it came to fortunate breaks in life, I would lose out a lot. As the old saying goes: I'd be "a day late, and a dollar short".

I would sometime come in second place, third place, or fourth place. I would come up short. Missing out on first place opportunities by a thin hair.

Strange mishaps kept working against me. Odd-ball twists. Monkey wrenches thrown into my plans at the last minute. It was so bad, sometimes I thought there was a secret curse on me.

I would come up short too many times, too often, for it to be normal or natural. Something was mysteriously holding me back. Somehow, I was missing the good life; the mother lode of "lucky breaks", "deals", "bargains", "windfalls", "contests", "found Money", "fortunate advantages" etc.

You know what I mean. I was losing out. I would miss out on good opportunities by the skin of my teeth. I missed items on sale by a day, lost office pools, unfortunate mishaps, expired coupons, losing lottery tickets, etc.

I lost thousands of dollars every year on failed and missed opportunities.

I can still remember my sick stomach feeling I would have after purchasing an item, only to see it go on sale a day, or week later. It got so bad, I would hesitate buying, fearing the item would go on sale just afterward.

Some would say I was just plain "unlucky". Remember, I said it seemed like a curse was hanging over me.

But here's what I found out: there wasn't a curse on me after all, the problem was my own mind. I wasn't using it properly. I mean, I wasn't daily, actively, using it to better my life.

Formal schools never taught me how to use my mind. So, I wasn't educated about the mind/life circumstance connection. Even worst, I was mentally ignorant. I didn't know my subconscious mind from a hole in the ground.

I didn't see how my mind could make a difference in my life. I thought an unlucky curse was the cause of my missing out. I never suspected my own mind. I always looked outside for the cause/answer, never within.

That all changed, when I started learning how my mind worked. I got a good mental education. I started growing. I learned about my subconscious mind. I kept growing. I learned how to program my subconscious mind.

So, instead of rushing out and buying, only to see the item go on sale later, I now program my subconscious mind, and patiently wait on its intuitive hunch promptings. It works like magic!

My subconscious mind finds out, and sets up all kinds of profitable opportunities for me, then gently signal nudges me to do the right things, and go to the right places at the right times. I started winning. It was truly amazing!

I started catching items on sale, winning lotteries, office pools, parking spots, found money, stock dividends, savings growth, fortunate meetings, great deals on my car, home, etc.

Like a charmed life, I started making and saving thousands of dollars each year; just by properly using my subconscious mind. You can do it too!

Without my mental education, being taught how to use my subconscious mind, I'd still be a loser, missing out on the good life.

Today, people call me "happy-go-lucky", not knowing how unlucky my life used to be. Today, I treat my subconscious mind like a daily intimate partner. And like that credit card TV commercial said, "I never leave home without it"

About The Author: Terry Goss is author of the intriguing free e-course:

"Will The Real Subconscious Mind, Please Stand Up!"

And author of the popular ebook: "52 Mind Power Secrets"

You get (10) free secrets just for visiting:

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Affirmations - Positive Self-Talk

By Audrey Marlene Klingeman

Imagine that your friend is down on herself and you want to encourage her by saying positive things to buoy her spirits. What are some of the things you will say to make her feel better?

The same thing goes for self. When you feel down or begin to doubt yourself, you also need to find words of encouragement to redirect your focus and stimulate positive thoughts within you. Talk yourself into feeling better. Allow the continuous flow of positive talk to replace your negative inner critic at work. Positive affirmations and self-talk helps to produce positive thinking.

When you talk to yourself in positive ways, this does not mean you are crazy. It only means:
  • You have found a brilliant way to motivate yourself.
  • You know how to positively reinforce your own efforts.
  • You are constantly reminding you of how capable you are.
  • You are suppressing your self-doubts and accentuating your strength and skills.
  • You are boosting your self-confidence.
  • You are staying true to your goals.
  • You are a winner!
Logically and rationally explain situations to yourself. Do it continuously making it a daily habit. It will propel you to new heights.

Benefits of Positive Affirmations

Success in life depends to a great extent on a positive state of mind. In order to accomplish any goal you must be optimistic and motivated to take action. There are times when discouragements and doubts set in and you are the only one available to bolster your spirits and get you motivated again. This is where the positive self-talk comes in handy.

Let us examine some common doubts and self-criticism and how to counter them with positive self-talk.

Negative thought: I can't make it to the gym today. I don't; feel like it.Positive self-talk: I can do this. I know once I get to the gym I will feel better. Come on, let's go. I can, I can I can do this.

Negative thought: I'm never going to finish this project on time.Positive Self-talk: I know I can finish this project on time. If I do 1 more hour each day, I can pull it off. I can do this do. I know I can. I will get this done.

Negative thought: I am not good at anything, I wish I were ______.Positive self-talk: I am capable. In the past I have been able to do____ and ____. I know I'm good and I can do anything I want. Yes, I can.

These are just some ideas of how to go about feeding positive information to you. Do this as many times you can throughout your day. Let it become habit forming. By doing so:

problems will be seen as challenges and you will confront difficult situations with ease
  • your perception of you will drastically improve each day
  • your confidence in your ability will heighten
  • your self-esteem will improve
  • your state of well-being will improve
  • you will gain more friends and influence others
  • you will have more self-control and discipline
  • you will achieve more
Science Behind Positive Affirmations

Through positive self-talk, we feed positive recognition of self to our subconscious. Once the self-talk is continuous, over time our conscious mind takes action and our behavior changes. This is a conditioning technique that you can use to self-motivate, which can lead to constructive outcomes in your lives.

The same works for negative self-talk. The inner critic slowly feeds negative feedback to the subconscious and before long your start believing the negative self-talk. Your persona changes and a downward spiral begin to take place in your life. The doldrums set in, self-doubt, weakened self-confidence, and then it becomes even more difficult to climb out of it.

We become what we feed our minds. Positive self-talk only works if you truly believe what you are telling yourself. If your affirmations are not genuine, the subconscious knows and they would be ineffective. You must believe the affirmations! They must be spoken without any doubt and with complete sincerity.

Positive self-talk only works when it is consistent. If conditioning must take effect it has to be continuous. The neurochemical pathways in the brain are reinforced with daily repetition of positive feedback to self. The subconscious can let go of the negative beliefs and they become slowly replaced by the positive information received. Post reminders in your car, office, at home, or school. Allow the visual cues to trigger affirmative statements of your worth.

Your attitude is a reflection of your thought process. You are what you think. The mental food your feed the mind determines your actions and behaviors. Feed positive affirmations and reap positive results.

Give Positive Affirmations

The wonderful thing about positive self-talk is that is comes from within you. You get the credit for motivating you, which is an empowering feeling. It is an opportunity to use the power within you to bring about valuable changes in your life.

The following are tips on how to carry out positive self-affirmations:

1. Always use the first person singular pronoun "I" when giving self-affirmations. Remember the affirmations are only to self, so they must be subjective in nature and addressed to you. This personalizes the affirmation and allows more conscious awareness of the constructive feedback. This slowly replaces the negative beliefs lodged in the subconscious.

2. The positive self-talk must be brief, short, positive statements. It must be easy to remember, powerful, concise verbalizations that can be repeated continuously like a mantra. For example, I am a good person, I am positive, I am ambitious, and I am motivated.

3. Positive affirmations must be spoken in the present tense. This means the feedback is already occurring. It is not something that will occur in the future or has happened and continues to happen. For example, avoid statements that begin with "I am going to", or "I would like to."

4. Positive self-talk must be realistic and believable. You cannot trick your subconscious into believing something that is not so. You also cannot believe other peoples criticisms of you. You must be real and true to self. Be open to receiving the truth about you and believe it.

5. Give yourself reminders. Use small post it notes to remind you of positive self-talk. Every time you find yourself saying something negative about yourself turn it around and replace it with something positive. Let this be habit forming. Begin today to empower yourself by using positive self-talk and affirmations.

Observe the transformation taking place in your life and give yourself the credit.

Article Source:

Monday, January 21, 2008

Daily Uses Of Hypnosis

By Peter Saks

There are a lot of myths and opinions when it comes to topic of hypnosis. But it is more than certain that it works, around whole world people are enjoying benefits of it such as overcoming addictions, getting rid off their fears or healing phobias. But there is more to hypnosis than just that. You can use self-hypnosis daily in order to calm dawn, release stress or improve your memory.

The area where beneficial results of hypnosis are being slowly spotted is education. Using simple relaxation and focus increasing techniques you can greatly change results you are getting while learning. You have probably encountered in your life problems with concentrating full on reading or writing. Now you can in matter of minutes enter hypnotic-trance and get out of it being fully aware of what you want to learn and absorb it with great ease.

Hypnosis can also positively change your attitude and live perception. In current world where money is the biggest aim, we all are stressed and usually pessimistic. But it doesn't have to be this way. With few minutes of self-hypnosis a day you can not only become more happy and fulfilled person, but also increase your chances of achieving success in both career and social life.

Hypnosis is also great way to improve your business situation. If you struggle to complete all the expectations of your boss, are stressed all the time or simply you don't believe in yourself enough you can change all of it really easily. As in hypnotic trance you are communicating with your subconscious mind so the more powerful part of brain, you can really make this blocks on your way to success disappear.

Great hypnosis usage and very popular nowadays is weight loss and fitness. Pro athletes are using hypnosis to increase their performance and so can you. It doesn't mean you will be running like cheetah, it means that hypnotizing yourself can improve your will and by it you will stop to procrastinate, find ways to not work out or explain yourself from cheat-meals. That's why hypnosis is superb for weight loss, as most of people fail to lose weight cause they don't complete their diet program from lack of strong will.

Probably the most popular use of hypnosis is overcoming fears and false self beliefs. Why? The reason is simple, normally when you want to boost your self confidence or get rid off shyness you have to spend hours in situations you are afraid. Which is unpleasant experience and while some like this process of self-improvement most of people avoid it. And with Hypnosis you can get rid of your fears in one session! It is incredible and even thought that to maintain the results you should repeat séance from time to time, it is painless, relaxing and pleasant experience. It pretty much explains success of hypnosis in this area.

As you can see hypnosis is a great tool for improving your life. If you have any problems in any area of your life and if they are connected to mind or attitude you can easily make them vanish by using hypnosis. The even better news is that if you will learn self-hypnosis you can do all this stuff by yourself spending couple minutes a day.

Peter Saks, an amateur real estate seller who exploded his career success using little know mind control techniques more info at Reveals how he can hypnotize and take control over anyone within casual conversation.

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Subliminal Thoughts & The Power Of Focus

By Michael Mcgrath

Did you know that your subliminal thoughts have a direct affect upon how you live your life and the circumstances you now find yourself in? Never underestimate the power of your thoughts whether they be consciously directed or unconscious in nature. There is a law of the universe that has had many names and been described in many different ways. One simple statement can explain this law and if it were fully understood by you, you could build the life of your dreams in a very short time.

This law is so simple that 98% of the planet cannot use it. Some of that 98% have heard the law yet failed to understand it. Others understood the law but do not know how to use it. Are you prepared to enter the ranks of the fortunate 2% that understand the law and use it to build the lives of their dreams?

The law has been given numerous names throughout history but it can be summed up as follows:

You Always Get More Of What You Focus On In Life!

Simple isn’t it? However, most people do not use this law to create the life they want to live and therefore continue to live desperate lives totally dissatisfied with their own struggles and end up full of pain, frustrations and despair. Why is this?

There are basically two reasons why people who know the law cannot successful use it to change their lives. I will deal with both these issues in this article. They are as follows:

1. Failure to comprehend what the law means. 2. Inability to stay focused long enough to manipulate reality.

Now if you know the law and understand that you get more of what you focus on yet you cannot achieve your goals or build the life of your dreams then you are falling into one of the above two categories. If you stay with me I will show you how to break free from your self-imposed boundaries and move forward toward the life you deserve.

Let us look briefly at the first category:

1. Failure to comprehend what the law means.

Are you fully aware of what the term 'Focus' means?

Having clear focus is developing a very strong and powerful mind-set. Focus is simply a state of mind. It is wherever you are placing your predominant thoughts. The reason why many people fail to fully comprehend the law of focus is because they do not look at their unconscious subliminal thinking.

If you wish to create a better finacial situation in your life then you cannot just want more money while focusing on not having enough of it. You may set a goal to acquire an additional amount of money in your monthly income and visualize such a thing coming to pass. You may be filled with positive emotion and belief during this period and be certain that you will acquire your additional income. However, if your predominant thoughts throughout the day are focused on your current situation and your lack of money or if you feel frustrated at your lack of progress then that is where your true focus lies!

In order to ensure your focus is always on your goal you must also ensure that your subconscious thoughts and feelings, which arise when your conscious mind is off-guard, are in alignment with your goal. Think constantly of all the things in your life that you have now and that you are grateful for. This attitude of gratefullness builds a solid foundation on which to launch your desires and goals. However, you must take some action to reprogram your subliminal thinking. Therefore you must be aware of the thoughts you are holding. Ensure that your conscious and subliminal thoughts are sending positive messages to yourself.

The basic premise is this – you cannot focus on your goal for 15 minutes a day by visualizing, affirming and believing and then spend the remainder of your day thinking about the lack of it! Stay focused on having it or at least the thought that it is coming closer with each passing day, hour and minute. There are numerous ways to do this but I have found that subliminal message programming and hypnosis can be invaluable tools for achieving this type of mind-set automatically.

Now let us briefly look at the second category.

2. Inability to stay focused long enough to manipulate reality.

Are you unable to remain focused for any measurable length of time? If you are unable to remained focused it is usually due to thoughts and feelings of uncertainty and confusion at best or complete fear at worst.

Without a clear focus on what you want and where you are going you will be at the mercy of fate and your own negative thinking. By altering your focus constantly you are sending confusing messages to your subconscious mind and the world at large. Please remember that you always get more of what you are focusing on. Confusing thoughts of uncertainty or fear will attract to you situations, circumstances and people that will cause you more confusion, uncertainty and fear!

If you ask most people what they want in life they will be able to list you hundreds, if not thousands, of things they do not want. Yet if they are pushed to describe the life of their dreams their answers are vague or even non-existent. They cannot give any clear indication of what it is that they do want. You must get clear. You can easily eliminate uncertainty and any type of confusion only by knowing exactly what it is that you want. By knowing exactly what you want you can also easily stay focused on your goal.

By staying focused on your clearly defined goal and holding firmly to the belief that it is already yours and you are merely waiting delivery of it eliminates fear completely. How could you be fearful of what might happen when you already know the outcome? Take your fears and incorporate their opposites into your goal and visualizations. See things the way you want them to be. Do you fear the emotional, physical or spiritual price you have to pay for extra money may be too high? Are you fearful that earning an extra income may come at the expense of your family life? Then visualize the extra income coming to you easily and see your self enjoying the extra money with your family!

Take inventory of your life and chose an area that you feel needs improving. Then set yourself a goal and be prepared to stay with it until you achieve it. Commit yourself to its achievement. Ensure you stay focused on the end result and disregard anything in your environment that seems to be telling you that you won’t achieve it. Use negative situations as a learning mechanism to improve your position in regards to your goal. If something is blocking your path towards your desire just stayed focused on what you want and look for ways to overcome your obstacle – one obstacle at a time.

By staying focused on what you want you will re-train your mind to think positively and your subliminal thoughts and feelings will reflect this. Soon you will become the deliberate creator you came here to be!

Create laser like focus with the power of the Subliminal Message. Read free reviews of the best programs we tested at . Review of the most powerful Subliminal computer prgram we have tested at Create your own subliminal messages directly related to your goals or use pre-set messages. We find out what works so you don't have to!

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Hypnosis and the Human Mind

By Milos Pesic

Though a subject under hypnosis appears to take on the peculiarity of somebody asleep, they are in reality very alert. Hypnosis is extremely hard to illustrate, as nobody truly knows what is happening inside the mind of a subject put under hypnosis. What we do know is that whilst in hypnosis the subject becomes truly suggestible. A subject`s attention, while they are going into trance state, is narrowed down bit by bit. Firstly, the sense of sight is lost as the hypnotic subject is required to close their eyes. After a while it is not surprising for the subject to lose full awareness of their body. Though one by one the senses are gradually slipping away, one sense is to a great extent amplified by the process of induction. This is the sense of hearing. A hypnotized subject can regularly hear obscure sounds that they wouldn`t be able to hear in the natural waking state. This, evidently, means that during the course of the whole process the subject is able to hear all the things that the hypnotist might suggest. When you initiate to induce trance state in people you will frequently find that after awakening the hypnotic subject, they will consider they could not have been hypnotized as they could still hear your voice. The misapprehension that they won`t be able to hear your voice often comes from those people who think hypnosis to be similar to sleep.

A person in the hypnosis state is exceedingly suggestible. One of the main reasons for this is that, whilst in the hypnotic state, you are only able to concentrate on just one thing at a time. For example, if I were to tell you that you are a pretty ballerina, you would instantaneously compare this hypnotic suggestion with what you already know to be genuine, and, lest of course you are a ballerina, you would tell me I am talking nonsense. The hypnotised subject then again is not able to entertain the thought that they may not be what I have suggested, as their restricted concentration is taken up by the thought that they are actually a graceful ballerina. The result, as desired, ends in the subject jumping to their feet to carry out a series of pirouettes across the stage.

The human mind is split into two so different areas. The conscious mind, which is responsible for all our conscious thoughts and decisions, and the subconscious mind, which monitors our autonomous activity. The mind can be best thought of as a computer, the subconscious as the processor and the conscious as the monitor and keyboard. Our subconscious mind is a kind of protector; it secures our body and helps us to stay alive.

Although our subconscious can do a lot oftasks that consciously may be impossible, it also has one astonishingly plain feature. Somewhere between our two minds is what we call the critical factor. This is most likely best depicted as a door, at which is a keeper. Our subconscious mind will process anything that enters it no matter how peculiar. So, as long as you can push a suggestion through the door it will be adhered to. This is exactly why hypnosis works. The guardian's door can be thoughtlessly opened while we are under hypnosis.

Milos Pesic is a professional hypnotist who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis web site. Also visit his Hypnosis squidoo lens for more articles and resources on hypnosis related topics, self hypnosis, weight loss hypnosis, stop smoking hypnosis, hypnosis scripts and much more.

Article Source:

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Life Coach: The Deepest Level of the Subconscious with 7 Questions

By Kelly Burris

A question that is not answered or asked by anyone in the mental health community is: "What determines human behavior?" If you cannot answer this question (What determines human behavior?) you are guessing how to help someone with depression which is the primary symptom for almost all behavior disorders. If you want to assert control there are 7 questions that will lead you to a basic understanding of how to take control.

Question: 1 - Are you running your life?

Question: 2 - Do you know how the subconscious works?

Answer: If you do not know how your subconscious works you are not running your life your life is running you.

Question: 3 - How can the subconscious possibly be running my life?

Answer: To give you an idea of the power of the subconscious, you can speak at a rate of about two to three hundred words per minute. The subconscious runs at a rate of approximately one thousand to twelve hundred words per minute which is about four times faster than you can speak. This is why you can talk on the phone and perform other tasks like typing on the computer or driving a car because the subconscious is already programmed to do the other tasks.

You can look at the conscious mind and the subconscious mind like a tug of war with a vat of mud in the middle for whomever loses. The conscious mind is one person on one side against the subconscious, which are four people on the other side. If the conscious mind decides to move in a different direction like losing weight, increasing your fitness program, making more money, quitting smoking or any number of other things, it is usually a losing proposition because you are simply outnumbered with information.

This is the reason why spontaneous change is so difficult. Evidence of this is with the approximately 98% fail rate for people who do not maintain a desired weight loss. The dilemma is that the subconscious is not only running four times faster you also have no idea what it is doing.

Gaining Access to the Deepest Level of the Subconscious

Question: 4 - Do you ask yourself questions?

Answer: Yes. You begin the process of asking yourself questions as soon as you get up every morning. You ask yourself questions like...What do I need to do today, what am I going to wear, what calls or emails do I need to return?

Question: 5 - Does the subconscious work on questions when you are not consciously involved?

Answer: Yes. If you have ever asked yourself the question...What is that person's name? It may take an hour, a day or even a week but at a time when you are not even thinking about it the person's name will come popping into your head. The subconscious works on every question you ask even when you are not consciously involved. When you ask yourself a question this process happens every time.

Question: 6 - When I ask you a question where does the answer come from?

Answer: The subconscious

When I ask you a question about questions that you ask yourself you have now gained access to the very core of the subconscious and the very beginning of what brings about an emotional state and in turn determines your behavior.
If I ask you where you went on your last vacation, you repeat the question to yourself which brings up a picture of where you went on vacation and then you are able to explain to me where you went on vacation. Without going through this process there simply would not be any communication. How you communicate with yourself is the bottom line.

What you say to yourself is more important than anything anyone will say to you or about you especially the questions you ask yourself. The questions you ask yourself represent the very core of your power or the very core your destruction. This leads us to the most fundamental question of all.

Question: 7 - What determines human behavior?

Answer: Information

What determines human behavior is simply information and the components of this information are words and pictures. Getting control of this information from the deepest level of the subconscious will allow you to determine your emotional state your behavior and your life's path. Getting control of this information will empower you with true control of your life as opposed to your life being a random event.

To become a Certified Burris Life Coach, get your copy of THE Burris Life Coach for Adults and Ages 7-17 or to learn more about Kelly Burris and the only clinically proven process for depression please go to .

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Controlling Anger through Hypnosis

By Crizza Reyes

Now a day's psychology is such a profound and a successful field though human emotions. In the field of understanding in the human mind deserves a bounty of effort and man power. The two major emotions that humans tend to struggle cruelly are depression and anger. Several say that controlling anger and depression is related to the point of view of our life and others demand that drugs are required. Everyone has an opinion to this delicate subject, and all of them assume only their is correct.

Anger is "an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage," according to psychologist doctors. Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion but it can stiffle our emotional freedom. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems-problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. And it can make you feel as though you're at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion.

In dealing with anger, since it is impossible to fulfill all our desires or to stop unwanted things happening to us, we need to find a different way of relating to frustrated desires and unwanted occurrences. We need to learn patient acceptance. Patience is a mind that is able to accept, fully and happily, whatever occurs. It is much more than just gritting our teeth and putting up with things. Being patient means to welcome wholeheartedly whatever arises, having given up the idea that things should be other than what they are. It is always possible to be patient; there is no situation so bad that it cannot be accepted patiently, with an open, accommodating, and peaceful heart. As what I have experience from my anger problem for years, I could feel anger boiling and I know it unreasonable to get me upset but still I could not control it. This kind of feeling make me scared because I used to threaten people, until I learned to control anger. If you do not know how to control anger, you must learn - both for your own sake and the sake of those around you.

Many different strategies and skills for anger management intervention have been tried and tested. Some of the most empirically supported interventions are cognitive-behavioral interventions including relaxation coping skills, cognitive interventions, behavioral coping and social skills training, and problem-solving skills training. The goal of anger management is to reduce both your emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes. You can't get rid of, or avoid, the things or the people that enrage you, nor can you change them, but you can learn to control your reactions. And I found out that, as you can see it on the news regarding American drivers, named Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson. Even persons have a controlling anger, granted that some are worse compared to others, but humans do harbor anger issues. Some of them keep on battle and negatively affect their health with anger on regular basis still it is essential to deal with them. Some ways you can do this are through meditation, therapy, physical activity and mental imagery. Obviously anger management therapy is a commonly known treatment for controlling anger.

Though, not everyone is open enough to obtain such aid, with proper meditation allow you to relax your mind and body, clear all the burdens and negativity. This is healthy and will reduce your feelings of anger. The idea of using hypnosis or meditation to control anger has grown in popularity recently. No one took the idea seriously at all. Everyone thought that you had to deal with anger intellectually. Anything that relaxes you emotionally, such as meditation, taking a long walk, taking a hot shower, or reading, can be a good method of controlling anger. One thing here is physical venting this is one of my favorite in controlling anger. This involve through games such as basketball, rock climbing, swimming, martial arts, running or weight training. These great physical activities can vent feelings of anger at the end of your workout. The important thing is to find out what works for you and to do it!

Unfortunately, controlling anger is easier said and done. There are many methods out there nowadays, but none of them work for everyone. And there are several ways you can learn to control your anger. Relaxation is one of the best stress and anger management techniques. You can learn to relax through meditation, guided imagery, deep breathing, and hypnosis. When employing any of these techniques, you will be able to relax and calm down whenever you feel your temper getting the best of you. I found out that the best result from combining these two techniques which is anger management and anger therapy is we can learn tips and tricks to control our anger before it boils over and the have both good ways in controlling anger.

Another way of controlling anger here is once we fully accept other people as they are without the slightest judgment or reservation - as all the enlightened beings accept us - then there is no basis for problems in our relations with others. Problems do not exist outside our mind, so when we stop seeing other people as problems they stop being problems. The person who is a problem to a non-accepting mind does not exist in the calm, clear space of patient acceptance. For me, I had to find my own gear for controlling anger. It was a long and involved process of trial and error. Recognizing that you are angry is the first step in dealing with it. Some people find it difficult to admit they are angry perhaps because they view their feelings as inappropriate or not valid. These people may deny their feelings therefore choosing not to deal with them. And also recognizing the reason for your feelings of anger is an important step in dealing with the anger. After analyzing the reasons, you will decide in your mind if the anger is reasonable or justifiable. If you decide the anger is unrealistic you can diffuse the feelings. If you decide the anger is realistic, you can better decide how to deal with your feelings. A network of people to help you is the most important tool you can have for controlling anger. Without it, it is impossible to succeed.

Crizza To control anger and help achieve emotional freedom in your life, please visit our web site

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How Hypnotherapy is Used

By Ricky Hussey

In a hypnotic trance it is possible to concentrate totally on the desired goal. A few clients cannot be put into a trance but do come under the hypnotherapist's control, while others enter a deep trance. It is also possible to gain deeper insight into one's own feelings and behavior. Hypnosis is applied in three main ways:

Deep Relaxation

Letting go of virtually all physical and mental tension is possible under hypnosis.

Suggestion Therapy

The aim is to replace negative thought patterns with positive ones.

Analytical Therapy

Root causes of problems are examined and reviewed from a new perspective.

When your therapist encourages you to relax, she will usually do so through your imagination, talking in a controlled way that ensures that you focus on her voice. Relaxation is normally encouraged through "heavy arms" and "semaphore" techniques.

Heavy Arms

You will be asked to relax your arms and concentrate on the fact that your hands are becoming heavier and heavier until they are so heavy that you are unable to lift them.

The Semaphore Method

Your therapist will ask you to close your eyes and visualize a balloon on your wrist, pulling one arm upward while another is drawn down by a heavy weight. Your therapist will then suggest that the reverse is true.

Therapeutic techniques include those listed below.


Therapy, in which the therapist offers positive suggestions that your, will accept. This may be used for addictions, nel problems, or pain, for instance.

Parts Therapy, in which the therapist regression to discover why you have certain problems. For instance, your weight may be linked to an over whelming insecurity, or your aggressiveness may be caused by defensiveness about a problem. This technique addresses factors that may not immediately appear linked but have a common cause.

Hypnohealing is aimed at healing pathological disease. Your therapist uses visualization to release the cause of your illness.

Age Regression, which links illness and other problems to past problems and incidents.

Cell Command Therapy, which is used to slow down aging and associated degenerative diseases.

Hypnoanesthesia, which is used to control pain for instance in labor, or at the dentist.

Read out for Massage therapy. Check out mediterranean diet and arthritis treatment

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Create Subconscious Wealth Impressions In life

By Enoch Tan

Your inner world creates your outer world, but what you perceive in your outer world also reinforces your inner world. You can make your outer world a lot more supportive in reinforcing what you desire in your inner world, so that it will create more of what you wish to experience in your outer world. If you order your outer world with signs and impressions of wealth, you'll reinforce wealth consciousness in your inner world. Your work of reality creation is most effective when your inner and outer world are aligned.

The difference between the rich and the poor is not in how much money they have, but in the way they talk, the way they act and the way they think. The way you think is what you create in your inner world. The way you talk and act is what you express in your outer world. If you want to be fully wealthy, you must be fully congruent in your thoughts, speech and actions. Half congruence results in half wealth. Poor people communicate lack in every way while rich people communicate abundance in every way.

Your actions either create subconscious impressions of wealth or poverty. By choosing to buy the best and quality products for yourself, you are saying that you are worth it, that you are the best. Your subconscious mind will pick up these impressions from your actions and create conditions in your life that resonate with that state of mind. To manifest wealth, you must begin with living as though you are already wealthy. It doesn't mean you overspend, but you simply spend in a way that makes you truly happy.

The poor waste money by not allowing themselves to spend money on what they truly desire or on things of the right level of quality. By purchasing something of a lesser quality that is cheaper, but which they are not satisfied with, they are wasting their money. Because their dissatisfaction moves them to finally buy the very thing they should have bought in the first place. Their unhappiness also causes them to send forth vibrations that attract more poverty in life. This is the dual curse of limited mindset.

The poor are unwilling to spend money on what they truly desire or at the level of quality they desire not because they don't have the money, but because they are afraid to do so. They are more conscious of loss and not having enough, instead of seeing the value of having something more in exchange, or the supply that is always coming in. It is their poor relationship with money and material things that causes them to have such a poor experience of money and material things. Poverty is created by them.

Those who are rich or have a mind that is non limited allow themselves to spend their money on things at the level of quality they truly desire. The satisfaction they obtain from being true to themselves causes them to send forth vibrations that attract more satisfaction in their lives. Their very act of obtaining what they are truly happy with at the start saves them all the trouble of wasting time and money making further purchases. They are wise not to spend too much or too little. They spend what they see fit.

The elements in your environment affect your consciousness. Everything that you see around you will subconsciously impress upon you the idea of poverty or wealth. The more broken and dilapidated stuff you hold without replacing, the more you will feel lack. When you keep signs of abundance in your environment, your subconscious mind will be constantly impressed with the idea of supply and abundance. By causing yourself to feel abundance, you will perpetuate the conditions of abundance in your reality. The subconscious impression of abundance creates conditions of abundance. Seeing abundance in one area creates a mental shift and allows you to start seeing and feeling more abundance in your life. Whatever area in your life you have right now that makes you feel rich and powerful, create more of that. Use that area to affect other areas. The key is to get more references of abundance for you to be conscious of so as to impress upon your subconscious mind as much as possible the reality of abundance.

The poor are trapped in environments that contain signs of lack about everything they see around them, they are stuck with people that think, speak and act in ways that signify lack and powerlessness. The rich are placed in environments that contain signs of abundance and people that act rich. It is so difficult for the poor to become rich but it is so easy for the rich to become richer. The poor trap themselves with their limitations while the rich are free to increase. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

What tends to do away with poverty is not by getting pictures of poverty into your mind, but by getting pictures of abundance, wealth and possibility into the minds of the poor. The best way to help the poor is not to be one of them yourself. You are in fact making the world a better place by becoming wealthy. By becoming wealthy, you are in fact helping to be part of the cure to end all poverty. If you want to help the poor, demonstrate to them that they can become rich. Prove it totally by getting rich yourself.

You may not be able to avoid signs of poverty when you are not externally rich yet, but you can create wealth consciousness by choosing to focus on signs of abundance and taking your attention away from signs of poverty. Place yourself more in environments of the rich, relate more with the rich and act more like them. Then as you start having more money come your way, use it to remove more and more of the signs of poverty in your life and environment, and replace them with even more signs of wealth.

The extent that you have signs of wealth in your life is the extent you will continue to experience wealth. The extent you have signs of poverty in your life is the extent you will experience poverty. The reason why you experience a mix of wealth and poverty in your life is because of the mix signals you give out around you. Conflicting signals create conflicting results. The dominant signals will create the conditions that you experience more of. Remove all signs of poverty and your reality will be a totally rich one.

Enoch Tan aims to help people achieve greater awareness in living and experiencing life, to evolve human consciousness to higher levels and to revolutionize the way we understand the mind and reality, because that is what governs every area of life and destiny. When you learn Secrets of Mind and Reality which is the science behind all Self Help, you'll become a Law of Attraction and Manifestation Master. Visit the site:

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The Secret And The Subliminal Message

By Michael Mcgrath

In the movie The Secret you were introduced to the law of attraction and ways to create your reality in a way that you want. The movie outlined one of the most powerful laws in the universe but it never went far enough!

The power of visualization and the role of your feelings and thoughts were excellently covered in The Secret but the makers and teachers failed to explain the role of your subliminal thoughts.

In the movie you are told that everything you have in life is a direct result of your thinking. In addition you are told that your thinking is regulated by your emotions. How you feel about certain things in life determines how you think about them and how you think about them determines what you create, attract and ultimately what you experience.

Therefore, in order to create a life that you want all you have to do is to think about the things you do want and ensure that you do not think about the things you don't want. Now this sounds easy in theory but I am sure you will agree it is far from easy to practise!

It is true that people get what they do not want in life, whether those things are career related, relationship issues, financial problems, health issues or just negative life experiences in general, because they are giving thought to those things. However, how are you supposed to give thought only to the things you want to experience when everything in your environment is telling a different story? It is extremely hard to constantly imagine yourself as already having the life you want until your dominant thoughts reflect that when everything you can see, touch, smell and hear is the opposite of that inner vision!

Well the first step to doing this is to think of your vision in terms of not actually being that way already but thinking that it is in the process of coming real. This will eliminate a large portion of the resistance you will experience as you observe what is happening in your environment and life. By believing that your desires are in the process of manifesting and that life is unfolding in the direction that you want you can remain more focused on the life that you want to create through your vision.

While you hold this frame of mind your next step should be to program your subconscious mind with a blueprint of the life you want. Your subliminal thinking should reflect that of your vision and desires.

This is the important step you need to make the law of attraction work for you. The only reason that you cannot keep your thoughts only on the things you want and find yourself constantly thinking about the things you do not want is because your subliminal thought processes are programmed that way. Your subliminal thinking is regulated by your subconscious belief patterns and these must be changed if you wish to experience success and accomplish your goals in life. You must program yourself to think like a winner. You must access the subconscious mind and ensure the programming takes place there if you are sincere about making measurable, lasting changes.

To begin to program yourself at a subliminal level you should begin with gratitude. Gratitude is the starting point for achieving the life you desire. By reminding yourself daily of the things in life that you already have and that you are grateful for, you will dramatically alter your perception and focus and draw more things into your life to feel grateful for.

Then you should create an inner vision of the life you want and begin telling yourself that everyday is bringing this vision closer to reality. Keep reminders of the vision in the form of pictures, written affirmations or anything that will bring your vision to mind when you encounter it. Ensure that these "triggers" do not cause you frustration i.e. they should not remind you that you do not have your desire but instead motivate you and remind you that you are moving closer to it with every passing day!

Be prepared to take appropriate action if you still feel constantly frustrated or remain in a negative frame of mind. Use your negative thoughts as a positive launching platform. Address the issues that are causing you concern. For example, you may want a promotion but feel, think and believe that you will never impress your boss enough to get noticed. Use that to your advantage. Begin to think of ways that you can use your natural abilities and skills to get noticed or acquire some new ones.

Unfortunately though, many times negative thinking has no real basis is fact. It is therefore necessary to start reprogramming your subliminal thinking and subconscious belief patterns. Seek out ways to accomplish a winning attitude that is automatic. Subliminal messages are an excellent way to reprogram the mind and ensure your subliminal thinking is in alignment with your conscious desires.

Visualize your dream life everyday ' once in the morning and once at night. Be thankful for what you have in life. Practise, on a daily basis, feeling gratitude for the workings of the universe and the law of attraction. It is this law that is ensuring that your vision is in this very moment in the process of becoming very real. Be grateful that you have the power to program your own subliminal thoughts and that by focusing on whatever you want you can bring it to you.

We test and then review the best Subliminal Message products available on the web at We find out what works so you don't have to! . Read the free review of the best Subliminal computer software we tested at - Chose your subliminal messages or write your own.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Subliminal Thinker

By Michael Mcgrath

Throughout your day you think an average of 50,000 thoughts. In what direction are yours going? Have you become a habituated negative thinker? Do your thoughts generate negative, uncomfortable emotions? Your thinking affects your feelings. You feelings affect your actions. Your actions affect your life. To change your life you must only change your thinking and it's easier than you think!

There is a very important rule that governs your life which you must understand if you wish to create more of what you want. It is an unbreakable rule that never fails. When you examine your life closely enough you see numerous examples that show that this rule exists. Look at the people you interact with, the situations you continually find yourself in and the circumstances and environment that surround you. this is a very simple rule to explain and understand but many times it is very difficult to use this knowledge consciously to your advantage. The rule is: You always get more of what you focus on.

Every action you take or reaction you find yourself performing is a result of some initial thought or group of thoughts. Although it is how you feel about things which determines how you act and react in certain situations and around other people, your emotions only exist because they are generated by your thinking. So in order to change the results you are getting in life it is imperative that you first change your thinking.

Do you find yourself caught in a downward spiral of negative thinking and negative living?

Your reality is truly created by your predominant habituated thinking. As your results in life are just a mirror of your thoughts, you have the power to change your life because you have the power to change your thinking.

If it is really true that we get more of what we focus on in life then shouldn't you be more interested in what you are thinking about all day? A huge problem for most people is the idea of focusing and how to actually use it correctly. Many people falsely believe they are focusing on what they want when they state that they want more money, or want a better relationship or want to lose weight because they are overweight, in a bad relationship and broke etc. Because they have the desire to better their situation they falsely believe they are focusing on what they want. However, by thinking about all the negative aspects of a situation that you are currently in or by having thoughts that dwell on the fact that you do not have something that you want, you are focusing on the lack of it. By focusing on the lack of something you are actually creating more lack for yourself in the future. You are, in fact, focusing on what you do not want and therefore drawing more of that into your life.

The first thing to become aware of is that most of these thoughts are unconscious and act as self induced subliminal messages. They are affirmations you are giving to yourself thousands of times a day. The only reason these thoughts are unconscious in nature is because you have trained yourself to become unaware of them. They are habituated thought processes that happen automatically. When you begin to analyse your own thinking you will be surprised at the amount of negative thoughts you continually think throughout your day.

The majority of ordinary people find it very difficult to completely change a negative thought to a positive one using conscious effort alone. Therefore, there are several techniques and tools that have been developed to make this process much easier. I have personally witnessed the amazing power of subliminal messages to create new thinking patterns and also use some other neat techniques one of which I will now share with you. Do not underestimate the power and effectiveness of doing this. It can and will change your thoughts and thus your emotions which will lead to different actions which in turn will change your life!

One extremely effective way of dealing with the negative thoughts you have is to turn them into positive questions. A few examples of negative thoughts you may have are as follows: I'm sick of being in bad relationships, My spouse doesn't understand me, Why can't I find a decent partner?, I wish I was in a loving relationship.

Now all of the above negative statements are ensuring you get more of what they represent. You are focusing on what you do not want.

So once you identify that you have been thinking in this way begin to turn it around by asking positive questions about the situation. Look at the examples below.

If you think I'm sick of being in bad relationships, you would ask yourself, What do I need to do to improve my relationships?

When you think My spouse doesn't understand me, ask yourself, How can I better express myself to my partner?

After you think I wish I was in a loving relationship, ask yourself, What do I need to do to create a loving relationship in my life and find my perfect partner?

By asking empowering questions you force your mind in a new direction. For example by asking why all your relationships are bad you are asking your subconscious mind to answer that question. Therefore, before you know it you are thinking of all the reasons why your relationships are bad. However, by asking yourself what you need to do to create better relationships your subconscious mind begins searching for ways to make that happen and returns thoughts to you that are in harmony with that goal. Your thinking becomes more positive and your path gets clearer.

Using this approach to change your thinking will produce tremendous results in your life. If you use it in conjunction with a proven tool, such as subliminal message programming, you will quickly change your predominant thoughts, your actions and reactions and thus your life!

Read the review of the very best Subliminal computer software that we have tested. Chose your own subliminal messages or write your own. Find out what really works!. We test and then review the very best Subliminal Message products that are available on the web at We find out what works so you don't have to!

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