
Monday, December 24, 2007

How to Use Your Subconscious Power

By: Jimmy Cox

The secret of using the power of your subconscious is by deliberate preparation and by conscious predetermination of the outcome. Beyond that, you do nothing; you can do nothing to cause its power to be a major factor in your life. This brings us to the "formula" or "rules and regulations".

I did not dream up this formula. Science did not invent it, although science can be credited with discovering it. When the Creator gave you that two-part mind of yours the conscious and the subconscious He made this formula "part and parcel" of the fact that you are a human being. The formula has three steps to it.

1. Deliberately condition your subconscious by what you do consciously. You are always aware of what you are doing. Apply a personal "golden rule" to this awareness. "Do unto your subconscious as you would have your subconscious do unto you." That is why the recording camera is in your mind.

2. Wholeheartedly want the best results from such self-influence action. Certainly this supports the creed of "do" that is now yours.

3. Let your subconscious have free reign in demonstrating its power. Let things happen to you and they will happen to you. That is why you have your will at the control panel in your mind.

The use of this formula will bring the power of your subconscious mind into full play. It is the only way to use it positively, and the word "positive" is the only thing that I would add to this formula. Of course, I don't know why anyone would want to be deliberate about negative conditioning, or would want, or let, negative outcomes be predominate, least of all you!

Go on a retreat to start right

Now we can add some practical "do it yourself" suggestions to this formula. You have heard of the "retreat" program that many churches have. Perhaps you have had the remarkable experience of attending one. In such an experience, a person spends many consecutive hours in silent contemplation with himself and the spirit of his Creator and, in a practical fashion, with his subconscious. The objective is for him to see himself, and his life, objectively. Frankly, the best way to make steps one and two of the formula most effective is to go to a "retreat" in preparation for them. The time you spend alone, if only a few minutes, in contemplation of deliberate action will start you off on the right track without the slightest doubt. Try to establish a pattern of brief but regular "retreats" in your daily life.

Avoid trial-and-error ideas

Don't use the trial-and-error method of finding the right material for your subconscious to work on. There is no need for you to do it. This pattern of action is a time and effort waster and unnecessarily delays achievement. Seek guidance, if you are uncertain of the best steps to take at any time. Books, courses, counseling, the experience of others are all resources for supplying yourself with usable knowledge. With such proven knowledge, you will follow the positive course of self-influence.

Your subconscious is a versatile powerhouse. It can, and is willing to, work on many actions and results at the same time. Give it the chance to work for you at its top capacity by having a variety of positive actions on your program at any one time. In fact, the more you use the power of your subconscious, the more it will appear to be a power in your life. Here is one certain instance where practice makes perfect.

Be positive! Be deliberate!

Deliberate guidance, positive guidance, is the key to using the power of your subconscious. The best use of this power is dependent upon this guidance.
Just let the subconscious do its work!

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