
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Law of Attraction - Clear the Fear Between You and Your Dreams

By Pete Koerner

Many people don't realize that the only thing standing between them and their dream is fear. At first glance, this doesn't seem like it could possibly be true - at least not in every case. But it is true in practically every case; fear is the thing that stops us from reaching our goals and realizing our dreams. But how can we get rid of the fear?

The first step in clearing away fear is to acknowledge that it is there. It seems crazy to think that the reason you aren't successful is because you are afraid of success; but it's really not crazy at all. When you are successful, many things will change for you; and, your subconscious mind is afraid of some of those things - what you may see as frustration and self-sabotage is actually a very clever protective mechanism at work.

Imagine this: You are from a big family with lots of siblings; you love your family very much and, even though they've never made a lot of money, they support you and your new ideas and plans. Now imagine that you became fabulously successful and the rest of your family feels uncomfortable because you are now "different." You drive up to a family get-together in your new convertible sports car and a family member calls you, "spoiled," or "stuck-up." Of course, they may be teasing you, but your subconscious detects a threat to your status within the "tribe."

Or, imagine you start a company doing something you truly love to do; only now that you have turned it into a job, you are busy all the time and have bills and business concerns worrying you 7-days a week. Success, it seems, can have many aspects that are frightening to our protective, subconscious mind. If we succeed, we could be cast-out of our tribe, disliked, we could fail and lose it all, or simply find ourselves working more - and harder - than before! Somebody stop this train!

Of course, while our subconscious is going through this turmoil, we are consciously wondering why it is taking so long to manifest our dream of success; so we start worrying and second-guessing. "Have we done the right thing?" "What if I was wrong? What if I fail?" If you've started talking to yourself like this, you are absolutely on your way to what you call, "Failure." This negative, "what-if," self-talk is all a part of your master plan to keep things the way they are - to maintain the status quo.

We are all afraid of change in one way or another, and to one degree or another. Success is change; failure is change. And either one of them could lead to disaster; so why move - why change anything at all? I'll tell you why: Because change is guaranteed; it's going to happen. In fact, it's happening right now. Are you taking part in deciding the direction and nature of that change, or are you paralyzed with fear, doubt, worry, and uncertainty?

You can be, do, or have anything you want as long as you know what it is, and remove any reasons you may have for not experiencing it. Those reasons are always fear-based; so, clear the fear and you are on your way to any kind of success you can imagine. Health, happiness, prosperity, and rewarding relationships are all yours when you overcome your fear and move forward - consciously and boldly - into a new future.

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears and limiting beliefs!)

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

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