
Monday, June 30, 2008

How Our Subconscious Works

By Greg Frost

Exploring how our subconscious works is the necessary first step behind realizing the various goals in our lives. Contrary to what most people believe, success in life does not so much depend on how smart we are or on whatever academic qualifications which we may have achieved. Certainly, these are important contributing factors to success in our lives. However, the key here is developing a winning mentality which would enable us to bring out the best of what we may have.

Essentially, the human mind can be divided into two broad categories - the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Essentially these two parts of the human mind co-exist with one another.

The conscious mind is the more familiar of the two, and we use it on a daily basis where we carry out cognitive functions such as making decisions or putting forward arguments. This part of the human mind constitutes what most people would make use to get about life. In order to achieve success, it is necessary to move beyond this.

On the other hand, the subconscious mind plays a key factor in our lives, in a comparatively unnoticeable fashion. This part of the human mind functions to regulate our bodily functions such as our heartbeat, our breathing, as well as the way in which we breathe. These are functions in life which we take for granted and barely notice.

How our subconscious works in our day-to-day lives is that it takes instructions from our conscious mind without questioning. Such instructions go through a process of repetition and affirmations. These are then realized as actions after such instructions are transmitted over to the conscious mind. Without such instructions brought forward over to the subconscious, no action would be taken and the subconscious would, as a result remain in a dormant state. Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious has no ability to discern truth from falsity, as well as the reality from the imaginary.

Given such, it is important to surround our subconscious minds with positive affirmations. Negative affirmations would often be manifested as negative results as the subconscious mind transmits the undesired results over to the conscious mind, which then takes action, resulting in the undesirable effect being manifested in reality. Given then, we should take the effort each day to place positive affirmations in our lives. Start off by thinking positive thoughts each day while rooting out negative ones. After all, changes all start from somewhere. Instead of telling yourself that "It is my entire fault" when something fails, make the break by choosing positive statements such as "What can I learn from this experience". These may be trying at the very start. However, over time, you would be able to surround yourself with thoughts, words and actions that are positive in nature.

In a nutshell, our subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can affect us in many ways, be it the good or the bad. In any case, it is necessary for one to be able to master his or her subconscious through means of positive affirmations. Doing so will guarantee you happiness and allow you to achieve more out of your life.

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