By Greg Frost
Exploring how our subconscious works is the necessary first step behind realizing the various goals in our lives. Contrary to what most people believe, success in life does not so much depend on how smart we are or on whatever academic qualifications which we may have achieved. Certainly, these are important contributing factors to success in our lives. However, the key here is developing a winning mentality which would enable us to bring out the best of what we may have.
Essentially, the human mind can be divided into two broad categories - the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Essentially these two parts of the human mind co-exist with one another.
The conscious mind is the more familiar of the two, and we use it on a daily basis where we carry out cognitive functions such as making decisions or putting forward arguments. This part of the human mind constitutes what most people would make use to get about life. In order to achieve success, it is necessary to move beyond this.
On the other hand, the subconscious mind plays a key factor in our lives, in a comparatively unnoticeable fashion. This part of the human mind functions to regulate our bodily functions such as our heartbeat, our breathing, as well as the way in which we breathe. These are functions in life which we take for granted and barely notice.
How our subconscious works in our day-to-day lives is that it takes instructions from our conscious mind without questioning. Such instructions go through a process of repetition and affirmations. These are then realized as actions after such instructions are transmitted over to the conscious mind. Without such instructions brought forward over to the subconscious, no action would be taken and the subconscious would, as a result remain in a dormant state. Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious has no ability to discern truth from falsity, as well as the reality from the imaginary.
Given such, it is important to surround our subconscious minds with positive affirmations. Negative affirmations would often be manifested as negative results as the subconscious mind transmits the undesired results over to the conscious mind, which then takes action, resulting in the undesirable effect being manifested in reality. Given then, we should take the effort each day to place positive affirmations in our lives. Start off by thinking positive thoughts each day while rooting out negative ones. After all, changes all start from somewhere. Instead of telling yourself that "It is my entire fault" when something fails, make the break by choosing positive statements such as "What can I learn from this experience". These may be trying at the very start. However, over time, you would be able to surround yourself with thoughts, words and actions that are positive in nature.
In a nutshell, our subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can affect us in many ways, be it the good or the bad. In any case, it is necessary for one to be able to master his or her subconscious through means of positive affirmations. Doing so will guarantee you happiness and allow you to achieve more out of your life.
Discover The Revolutionary Methods That You Can Implement To Literally 'Reprogram' Your Mind at for success. Learn how to harness your mind power and achieve massive success. Click Here to grab your FREE copy of the Mind Secrets Exposed Leaked Chapters.
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All Sources of Free Articles About Myth of subconscious Mind, Power Of The Subconscious Mind, Program Your Mind, Negative Thought, Self Hypnosis, Hypnotism, Subliminal Messages, Mind Messaging, Supraconscious Mind, Mental Tools, etc.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Train Your Subconscious Mind With Subliminal Messages
By Dan Bainbridge
Your mind is like an iceberg: Your conscious mind is only a small proportion of your minds total functioning, with 90% of processing done by your subconscious mind "under the surface". We are all constantly taking in new information, processing it, and storing it in our minds. This is how we learn, and develop patterns of behavior.
Our normal way of learning is through conscious, purposeful acts; for example, we study, read books, and take classes. However our subconscious minds absorb all kinds of information every day that we are not aware of, which also gets processed.
The theory behind subliminal messages is to take control of the information you send to your subconscious mind - to enhance your learning capabilities by targeting your subconscious mind with specific messages.
So instead of randomly absorbing information from our surroundings we can send positive messages to ourselves to aid learning specifically in areas we want to develop, and harness the power of the 90% of our minds we otherwise do not get to be in control of. Many people never truly take control of their minds and try to develop to their full potential. It is only a small percentage of society which excels past the norm, and these individuals often are the ones who have learned to focus their minds and developed positive patterns of behavior to guarantee their success.
Subliminal messages can be used to accelerate learning, build confidence, increase motivation, relieve fears and phobias, resolve addictions, and much more. In fact whatever area you are looking to develop, or personal problem you are looking to overcome you can use the power of subliminal messages to help achieve your goal.
Dan Bainbridge is the Director of - The largest, and most trusted source of subliminal subliminal messages, available in audio format in either mp3 or CD format.
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Your mind is like an iceberg: Your conscious mind is only a small proportion of your minds total functioning, with 90% of processing done by your subconscious mind "under the surface". We are all constantly taking in new information, processing it, and storing it in our minds. This is how we learn, and develop patterns of behavior.
Our normal way of learning is through conscious, purposeful acts; for example, we study, read books, and take classes. However our subconscious minds absorb all kinds of information every day that we are not aware of, which also gets processed.
The theory behind subliminal messages is to take control of the information you send to your subconscious mind - to enhance your learning capabilities by targeting your subconscious mind with specific messages.
So instead of randomly absorbing information from our surroundings we can send positive messages to ourselves to aid learning specifically in areas we want to develop, and harness the power of the 90% of our minds we otherwise do not get to be in control of. Many people never truly take control of their minds and try to develop to their full potential. It is only a small percentage of society which excels past the norm, and these individuals often are the ones who have learned to focus their minds and developed positive patterns of behavior to guarantee their success.
Subliminal messages can be used to accelerate learning, build confidence, increase motivation, relieve fears and phobias, resolve addictions, and much more. In fact whatever area you are looking to develop, or personal problem you are looking to overcome you can use the power of subliminal messages to help achieve your goal.
Dan Bainbridge is the Director of - The largest, and most trusted source of subliminal subliminal messages, available in audio format in either mp3 or CD format.
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Saturday, June 28, 2008
Mind Power Seduction Techniques
By Greg Frost
Mind power seduction involves the use of the mind's inherent powers to generate attraction between people. Unknown to most people, the human mind consists of both the conscious and subconscious mind. At any point in time, it is said that a human being uses no more than ten percent of his total mental capacity. Mind power seduction techniques stem from utilizing the forgotten ninety percent of the human mind, often referred to as the subconscious mind. Mastering the technique of mind power seduction involves utilizing different methods to align this part of your mind towards your success. Eliminate all fears of not being able to get hitched!
One of the best techniques to effective mind power seduction would be achieving perfect inner peace within yourself when interacting with someone you're interested in. Often, the primary factor behind ruining things is nervousness. Most women do not find men who are uptight and frigid to be attractive. You do not need to change yourself to be relaxed. Just work on your subconscious by telling yourself that this person whom you are meeting is just a normal person. Subsequently, your subconscious mind will condition itself accordingly and you will be relaxed when your conscious mind receives this message from your subconscious and puts it into action. Most women would prefer men to behave naturally when interacting with them as it exudes a sense of confidence. Achieving that with your mind power will in turn increase your seduction abilities.
Additionally, you have to be focused on what you want to achieve by the end of the interaction session. Make such goals specific and detailed. This would allow you to condition your subconscious mind towards your success. Remember your subconscious mind does not have the ability to differentiate between what makes sense and what does not. However, it does affect your conscious mind, which would in turn determine the ultimate course of action taken by yourself at the end of the day. Better still write down such goals in case you may lose focus of yourself from time to time. Remember, you have to be focused on who and what you want in order for you to better grasp the art of seduction.
Lastly, have a correct attitude. Possessing an outwardly strong self, but in actual fact, having self-defeatist thoughts from the start, will only be a recipe for failure. Never doubt your own abilities. Instead of telling yourself that "I might be able to do it", tell yourself that "I must do it". In terms of outlook, the key is to portray a fearless self, not an arrogant or shy self. In most cases, it is the dash and daring fearless nature of a man that tends to captivate the hearts of women.
Rounding off, your subconscious mind can be a wonderful ally for you. When used properly, mind power seduction techniques can be used to dramatically increase your appeal towards the person whom you desire. Thus, if you one of those swinging singles out there, its time to give mind power seduction techniques a try.
Discover The Revolutionary Methods That You Can Implement To Literally 'Reprogram' Your Mind at for success. Learn how to harness your mind power and achieve massive success. Click Here to grab your FREE copy of the Mind Secrets Exposed Leaked Chapters.
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Mind power seduction involves the use of the mind's inherent powers to generate attraction between people. Unknown to most people, the human mind consists of both the conscious and subconscious mind. At any point in time, it is said that a human being uses no more than ten percent of his total mental capacity. Mind power seduction techniques stem from utilizing the forgotten ninety percent of the human mind, often referred to as the subconscious mind. Mastering the technique of mind power seduction involves utilizing different methods to align this part of your mind towards your success. Eliminate all fears of not being able to get hitched!
One of the best techniques to effective mind power seduction would be achieving perfect inner peace within yourself when interacting with someone you're interested in. Often, the primary factor behind ruining things is nervousness. Most women do not find men who are uptight and frigid to be attractive. You do not need to change yourself to be relaxed. Just work on your subconscious by telling yourself that this person whom you are meeting is just a normal person. Subsequently, your subconscious mind will condition itself accordingly and you will be relaxed when your conscious mind receives this message from your subconscious and puts it into action. Most women would prefer men to behave naturally when interacting with them as it exudes a sense of confidence. Achieving that with your mind power will in turn increase your seduction abilities.
Additionally, you have to be focused on what you want to achieve by the end of the interaction session. Make such goals specific and detailed. This would allow you to condition your subconscious mind towards your success. Remember your subconscious mind does not have the ability to differentiate between what makes sense and what does not. However, it does affect your conscious mind, which would in turn determine the ultimate course of action taken by yourself at the end of the day. Better still write down such goals in case you may lose focus of yourself from time to time. Remember, you have to be focused on who and what you want in order for you to better grasp the art of seduction.
Lastly, have a correct attitude. Possessing an outwardly strong self, but in actual fact, having self-defeatist thoughts from the start, will only be a recipe for failure. Never doubt your own abilities. Instead of telling yourself that "I might be able to do it", tell yourself that "I must do it". In terms of outlook, the key is to portray a fearless self, not an arrogant or shy self. In most cases, it is the dash and daring fearless nature of a man that tends to captivate the hearts of women.
Rounding off, your subconscious mind can be a wonderful ally for you. When used properly, mind power seduction techniques can be used to dramatically increase your appeal towards the person whom you desire. Thus, if you one of those swinging singles out there, its time to give mind power seduction techniques a try.
Discover The Revolutionary Methods That You Can Implement To Literally 'Reprogram' Your Mind at for success. Learn how to harness your mind power and achieve massive success. Click Here to grab your FREE copy of the Mind Secrets Exposed Leaked Chapters.
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Friday, June 27, 2008
How to Overcome Bulimia by Eliminating Subconscious Blockages
By Irina Webster
I know you are thinking right now "Why do I have bulimia? How can I overcome it? And why isn't anything I tried before stopping it and has failed to help?"
You understand that bulimia is slowly killing you and ruining your life but you can't stop. It seems like something inside you is stronger that your own will.
Do you want to know what this "something else" is?
Well! It is another part of your brain called the subconscious mind that not only is responsible for your feelings, emotions and non-conscious actions that keep you alive, but it can also work against your own free will.
It is the part of the mind that is responsible for our actions when we do something but we don't know why we did it. Like when we get angry and explode, then we don't know why we did it (when there is no conscious explanation for it).
The subconscious mind operates on feelings and senses. And very often people can't even describe it logically. They just do what the subconscious mind wants.
So, the reason you have bulimia lies in your subconscious mind and to overcome bulimia you need to get rid off your subconscious blockages that always keep you being a bulimic against you will.
This is a major reason why conventional therapy doesn't work in most cases, because they try to affect the conscious mind of the person only. They don't change a person's subconscious. That's why when bulimics come back home from the clinic or doctor's room they continue their distractive eating behavior unabated again and again.
One of the common subconscious blockages bulimics have is the "broken eye syndrome". This is when bulimics see themselves fatter then they are and see their entire environment and other people in a different (wrong) way.
So, in order to overcome bulimia you should really find a way to change your subconscious mind and overcome these subconscious blockages that cause your bulimia.
Without working on your subconscious you will always come back to the same spot when you first started your bulimia and recovery becomes impossible, it is a never ending circle.
To conclude, if you have been unable to stop you bulimia it more that likely is a result of a subconscious emotional blockage. For example, the most common blockage is the "broken eye syndrome".
If you have a subconscious emotional blockage preventing you from stopping the bulimia, you are unlikely to realize it. An example of this is a bulimic who doesn't realize that they have "broken eye syndrome" - they see in a mirror a different picture from everyone else: basically their own mind is lying to them.
You are almost certainly not consciously aware of what the blockage is. For example again the "broken eye syndrome" - people are not aware of it, they truly believe that what they see in a mirror is the truth.
Subconscious self-beliefs cannot be identified and changed at the rational thinking level. For example, the "broken eye syndrome" gets worse and worse the longer you have bulimia, because the bulimic brain is constantly working on false information.
Identifying and eliminating your subconscious blockages is the best and really the only way you will ever overcome bulimia. More information
Dr Irina Webster MD is the Director of Women Health Issues Program which covers different areas of Women Health. She is a recognised authority in the eating disorders area. She is an author of many books and a public speaker.
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I know you are thinking right now "Why do I have bulimia? How can I overcome it? And why isn't anything I tried before stopping it and has failed to help?"
You understand that bulimia is slowly killing you and ruining your life but you can't stop. It seems like something inside you is stronger that your own will.
Do you want to know what this "something else" is?
Well! It is another part of your brain called the subconscious mind that not only is responsible for your feelings, emotions and non-conscious actions that keep you alive, but it can also work against your own free will.
It is the part of the mind that is responsible for our actions when we do something but we don't know why we did it. Like when we get angry and explode, then we don't know why we did it (when there is no conscious explanation for it).
The subconscious mind operates on feelings and senses. And very often people can't even describe it logically. They just do what the subconscious mind wants.
So, the reason you have bulimia lies in your subconscious mind and to overcome bulimia you need to get rid off your subconscious blockages that always keep you being a bulimic against you will.
This is a major reason why conventional therapy doesn't work in most cases, because they try to affect the conscious mind of the person only. They don't change a person's subconscious. That's why when bulimics come back home from the clinic or doctor's room they continue their distractive eating behavior unabated again and again.
One of the common subconscious blockages bulimics have is the "broken eye syndrome". This is when bulimics see themselves fatter then they are and see their entire environment and other people in a different (wrong) way.
So, in order to overcome bulimia you should really find a way to change your subconscious mind and overcome these subconscious blockages that cause your bulimia.
Without working on your subconscious you will always come back to the same spot when you first started your bulimia and recovery becomes impossible, it is a never ending circle.
To conclude, if you have been unable to stop you bulimia it more that likely is a result of a subconscious emotional blockage. For example, the most common blockage is the "broken eye syndrome".
If you have a subconscious emotional blockage preventing you from stopping the bulimia, you are unlikely to realize it. An example of this is a bulimic who doesn't realize that they have "broken eye syndrome" - they see in a mirror a different picture from everyone else: basically their own mind is lying to them.
You are almost certainly not consciously aware of what the blockage is. For example again the "broken eye syndrome" - people are not aware of it, they truly believe that what they see in a mirror is the truth.
Subconscious self-beliefs cannot be identified and changed at the rational thinking level. For example, the "broken eye syndrome" gets worse and worse the longer you have bulimia, because the bulimic brain is constantly working on false information.
Identifying and eliminating your subconscious blockages is the best and really the only way you will ever overcome bulimia. More information
Dr Irina Webster MD is the Director of Women Health Issues Program which covers different areas of Women Health. She is a recognised authority in the eating disorders area. She is an author of many books and a public speaker.
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Thursday, June 26, 2008
How To Move Things With Your Mind
By Greg Frost
How to move things with your mind? This may seem like a question which many may tend to associate, to the likes of great magicians such as David Copperfield. However, the truth is that we too can be able to move things with just the power of our minds. Of course, some clarification must be made here as what is being referred to in this case is the ability to create success in our lives with the power of our minds. Unknown to most people out there is the power of the human mind, which can be in fact, instrumental to shaping success in our lives.
Essentially, the human mind can be divided into both the conscious and subconscious mind. The ability to move things with our minds essentially stems from training the subconscious mind and aligning it towards our success.
The first way for us to train our minds to move things would be make every day of our lives count. To do that, it is necessary for us to live each day with objectives in mind. Make a list of things you want to achieve by the end of each day everyday when you wake up. This would allow you to have greater purpose in your life each day. This list can comprise of tasks of any nature around you. These can include your work, family or personal leisure goals. The trick here is not to assess how much work you complete by the end of each day, but to keep you focused on the task at hand, and for you to be sure of what you would like to achieve by the end of each day.
Subsequently, start to introduce positive affirmations into your life. Perhaps, you might have been one of the most infamous whiners of the 20th century, complaining about everything that goes wrong and filling the air full of negativity. It is time to make the break from this. Develop positive affirmations by adopting a positive "can-do" attitude in anything you do. Affirm that you have the capability to get a tough job done. Affirm that you have the ability to get a promotion and a pay rise. Affirm that you have the ability to be successful in life. But don't stop there. Should things not go your way, respond with positive affirmations too. Adopt a forward looking approach by thinking about what you can learn from a failure, rather than lament about the failure itself. This is important to success as when your subconscious mind is aligned towards success, your conscious mind and subsequently your actions will be aligned towards success.
Lastly, create appositive work environment. An ideal work environment should have as little distractions as possible and should consist of positive-minded people working together. Our subconscious mind is easily affected by the environment. A cluttered work environment staffed with negative-minded people would often tend to confuse our subconscious and condition it for the worse. This would in turn lead to actions causing failure and an inability to make things move smoothly.
To conclude, our ability to move things with our mind is closely linked to our subconscious and the environment we are in. Given such, it is important for both of these to be healthy in order for us to achieve greater success in whatever we do in life.
Discover The Revolutionary Methods That You Can Implement To Literally 'Reprogram' Your Mind at for success. Learn how to harness your mind power and achieve massive success. Click Here to grab your FREE copy of the Mind Secrets Exposed Leaked Chapters.
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How to move things with your mind? This may seem like a question which many may tend to associate, to the likes of great magicians such as David Copperfield. However, the truth is that we too can be able to move things with just the power of our minds. Of course, some clarification must be made here as what is being referred to in this case is the ability to create success in our lives with the power of our minds. Unknown to most people out there is the power of the human mind, which can be in fact, instrumental to shaping success in our lives.
Essentially, the human mind can be divided into both the conscious and subconscious mind. The ability to move things with our minds essentially stems from training the subconscious mind and aligning it towards our success.
The first way for us to train our minds to move things would be make every day of our lives count. To do that, it is necessary for us to live each day with objectives in mind. Make a list of things you want to achieve by the end of each day everyday when you wake up. This would allow you to have greater purpose in your life each day. This list can comprise of tasks of any nature around you. These can include your work, family or personal leisure goals. The trick here is not to assess how much work you complete by the end of each day, but to keep you focused on the task at hand, and for you to be sure of what you would like to achieve by the end of each day.
Subsequently, start to introduce positive affirmations into your life. Perhaps, you might have been one of the most infamous whiners of the 20th century, complaining about everything that goes wrong and filling the air full of negativity. It is time to make the break from this. Develop positive affirmations by adopting a positive "can-do" attitude in anything you do. Affirm that you have the capability to get a tough job done. Affirm that you have the ability to get a promotion and a pay rise. Affirm that you have the ability to be successful in life. But don't stop there. Should things not go your way, respond with positive affirmations too. Adopt a forward looking approach by thinking about what you can learn from a failure, rather than lament about the failure itself. This is important to success as when your subconscious mind is aligned towards success, your conscious mind and subsequently your actions will be aligned towards success.
Lastly, create appositive work environment. An ideal work environment should have as little distractions as possible and should consist of positive-minded people working together. Our subconscious mind is easily affected by the environment. A cluttered work environment staffed with negative-minded people would often tend to confuse our subconscious and condition it for the worse. This would in turn lead to actions causing failure and an inability to make things move smoothly.
To conclude, our ability to move things with our mind is closely linked to our subconscious and the environment we are in. Given such, it is important for both of these to be healthy in order for us to achieve greater success in whatever we do in life.
Discover The Revolutionary Methods That You Can Implement To Literally 'Reprogram' Your Mind at for success. Learn how to harness your mind power and achieve massive success. Click Here to grab your FREE copy of the Mind Secrets Exposed Leaked Chapters.
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
7 Mind Power Secrets to Unleash Your Creative Potential
By Andrew Winthorp
Mind power is not something that is easy to learn about. There are many courses conducted at educational institutions that position you to work in a certain career field but no real courses that help you to better utilize your own inherent creative powers. Sure there are books about the power of positive thinking and using affirmations to attract what you want but these approaches are somewhat shallow and limited. To have the highest and best chance for creating your personal reality you need knowledge and practical exercises that can help you to better understand and put your mind power to use. The following tips provide some practical guidelines for using your mind for constructive use.
Tip #1: The subconscious mind thinks in terms of images. When speaking to your subconscious mind is important to use clear imagery. You should avoid using words that are difficult to understand or could create confusion. Your subconscious self is like a naïve, innocent child that will believe what it images and serves to cause things to occur according to the way you image them.
Tip #2: You are your own source of creative action when it comes to creating your desired reality. Inaction, laziness or blind acceptance of adverse conditions set you up to operate within the confines of an environment created by others. Your desire for something better requires a conscious awareness to do something about it. Desire creates the drive to begin to take charge of your life and to work persistently and consistently towards that which is desired.
Tip #3: Don't live in the past. If you focus and attach your expectations to past age energies and beliefs having lower vibration rates than those of today and tomorrow, your spiritual evolution may be adversely retarded because the vibration rate of past age beliefs are out of sync with the present day higher vibration rate of the earth and its biosphere of beliefs and consciousness. Always look positively to the future and don't dwell on negative past events.
Tip #4: A central core belief and knowledge are different things. Belief is not knowledge and knowledge is not belief. They are closely associated, but not one and the same. Be very careful to always discern the difference between each.
Tip #5: Thought and mind have an intricate relationship. Thought is the blue printer and mind is the builder. Intensive thought creates the blueprint that mind the builder employs to design, structure and engineer the reality desired for manifestation. It is essential that one's thoughts, one's thinking be pure, clear, healthy and wholesome living experience realities. It is important to carefully observe and control the nature of one's inner thoughts. One's inner talk becomes an automatic blueprint for the manifestation of one's outer walk of living experience.
Tip #6: Keep a journal for your goals and record the action that you take towards manifesting those goals. This should also include details for any necessary training, equipment or steps that need to be taken to realize that goal. Visualization of your goals is also an important exercise that should comprise your creative action of working towards that desired.
Tip#7: Engage in a regular exercise program. Exercise helps to keep off weight, helps you to sleep better and raises your energy levels. You'll be more alert and productive during your day to day routine. The endorphins released during exercise assist you to feel better and definitely helps to maintain a positive attitude towards life.
Andrew Winthorp is a freelance writer for
Mind Power Secrets Learn more about creating your desired reality by signing up for the FREE ecourse: "7 Mind Power secrets to Creative Action".
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Mind power is not something that is easy to learn about. There are many courses conducted at educational institutions that position you to work in a certain career field but no real courses that help you to better utilize your own inherent creative powers. Sure there are books about the power of positive thinking and using affirmations to attract what you want but these approaches are somewhat shallow and limited. To have the highest and best chance for creating your personal reality you need knowledge and practical exercises that can help you to better understand and put your mind power to use. The following tips provide some practical guidelines for using your mind for constructive use.
Tip #1: The subconscious mind thinks in terms of images. When speaking to your subconscious mind is important to use clear imagery. You should avoid using words that are difficult to understand or could create confusion. Your subconscious self is like a naïve, innocent child that will believe what it images and serves to cause things to occur according to the way you image them.
Tip #2: You are your own source of creative action when it comes to creating your desired reality. Inaction, laziness or blind acceptance of adverse conditions set you up to operate within the confines of an environment created by others. Your desire for something better requires a conscious awareness to do something about it. Desire creates the drive to begin to take charge of your life and to work persistently and consistently towards that which is desired.
Tip #3: Don't live in the past. If you focus and attach your expectations to past age energies and beliefs having lower vibration rates than those of today and tomorrow, your spiritual evolution may be adversely retarded because the vibration rate of past age beliefs are out of sync with the present day higher vibration rate of the earth and its biosphere of beliefs and consciousness. Always look positively to the future and don't dwell on negative past events.
Tip #4: A central core belief and knowledge are different things. Belief is not knowledge and knowledge is not belief. They are closely associated, but not one and the same. Be very careful to always discern the difference between each.
Tip #5: Thought and mind have an intricate relationship. Thought is the blue printer and mind is the builder. Intensive thought creates the blueprint that mind the builder employs to design, structure and engineer the reality desired for manifestation. It is essential that one's thoughts, one's thinking be pure, clear, healthy and wholesome living experience realities. It is important to carefully observe and control the nature of one's inner thoughts. One's inner talk becomes an automatic blueprint for the manifestation of one's outer walk of living experience.
Tip #6: Keep a journal for your goals and record the action that you take towards manifesting those goals. This should also include details for any necessary training, equipment or steps that need to be taken to realize that goal. Visualization of your goals is also an important exercise that should comprise your creative action of working towards that desired.
Tip#7: Engage in a regular exercise program. Exercise helps to keep off weight, helps you to sleep better and raises your energy levels. You'll be more alert and productive during your day to day routine. The endorphins released during exercise assist you to feel better and definitely helps to maintain a positive attitude towards life.
Andrew Winthorp is a freelance writer for
Mind Power Secrets Learn more about creating your desired reality by signing up for the FREE ecourse: "7 Mind Power secrets to Creative Action".
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Law of Attraction - Clear the Fear Between You and Your Dreams
By Pete Koerner
Many people don't realize that the only thing standing between them and their dream is fear. At first glance, this doesn't seem like it could possibly be true - at least not in every case. But it is true in practically every case; fear is the thing that stops us from reaching our goals and realizing our dreams. But how can we get rid of the fear?
The first step in clearing away fear is to acknowledge that it is there. It seems crazy to think that the reason you aren't successful is because you are afraid of success; but it's really not crazy at all. When you are successful, many things will change for you; and, your subconscious mind is afraid of some of those things - what you may see as frustration and self-sabotage is actually a very clever protective mechanism at work.
Imagine this: You are from a big family with lots of siblings; you love your family very much and, even though they've never made a lot of money, they support you and your new ideas and plans. Now imagine that you became fabulously successful and the rest of your family feels uncomfortable because you are now "different." You drive up to a family get-together in your new convertible sports car and a family member calls you, "spoiled," or "stuck-up." Of course, they may be teasing you, but your subconscious detects a threat to your status within the "tribe."
Or, imagine you start a company doing something you truly love to do; only now that you have turned it into a job, you are busy all the time and have bills and business concerns worrying you 7-days a week. Success, it seems, can have many aspects that are frightening to our protective, subconscious mind. If we succeed, we could be cast-out of our tribe, disliked, we could fail and lose it all, or simply find ourselves working more - and harder - than before! Somebody stop this train!
Of course, while our subconscious is going through this turmoil, we are consciously wondering why it is taking so long to manifest our dream of success; so we start worrying and second-guessing. "Have we done the right thing?" "What if I was wrong? What if I fail?" If you've started talking to yourself like this, you are absolutely on your way to what you call, "Failure." This negative, "what-if," self-talk is all a part of your master plan to keep things the way they are - to maintain the status quo.
We are all afraid of change in one way or another, and to one degree or another. Success is change; failure is change. And either one of them could lead to disaster; so why move - why change anything at all? I'll tell you why: Because change is guaranteed; it's going to happen. In fact, it's happening right now. Are you taking part in deciding the direction and nature of that change, or are you paralyzed with fear, doubt, worry, and uncertainty?
You can be, do, or have anything you want as long as you know what it is, and remove any reasons you may have for not experiencing it. Those reasons are always fear-based; so, clear the fear and you are on your way to any kind of success you can imagine. Health, happiness, prosperity, and rewarding relationships are all yours when you overcome your fear and move forward - consciously and boldly - into a new future.
*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears and limiting beliefs!)
Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.
For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:
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Many people don't realize that the only thing standing between them and their dream is fear. At first glance, this doesn't seem like it could possibly be true - at least not in every case. But it is true in practically every case; fear is the thing that stops us from reaching our goals and realizing our dreams. But how can we get rid of the fear?
The first step in clearing away fear is to acknowledge that it is there. It seems crazy to think that the reason you aren't successful is because you are afraid of success; but it's really not crazy at all. When you are successful, many things will change for you; and, your subconscious mind is afraid of some of those things - what you may see as frustration and self-sabotage is actually a very clever protective mechanism at work.
Imagine this: You are from a big family with lots of siblings; you love your family very much and, even though they've never made a lot of money, they support you and your new ideas and plans. Now imagine that you became fabulously successful and the rest of your family feels uncomfortable because you are now "different." You drive up to a family get-together in your new convertible sports car and a family member calls you, "spoiled," or "stuck-up." Of course, they may be teasing you, but your subconscious detects a threat to your status within the "tribe."
Or, imagine you start a company doing something you truly love to do; only now that you have turned it into a job, you are busy all the time and have bills and business concerns worrying you 7-days a week. Success, it seems, can have many aspects that are frightening to our protective, subconscious mind. If we succeed, we could be cast-out of our tribe, disliked, we could fail and lose it all, or simply find ourselves working more - and harder - than before! Somebody stop this train!
Of course, while our subconscious is going through this turmoil, we are consciously wondering why it is taking so long to manifest our dream of success; so we start worrying and second-guessing. "Have we done the right thing?" "What if I was wrong? What if I fail?" If you've started talking to yourself like this, you are absolutely on your way to what you call, "Failure." This negative, "what-if," self-talk is all a part of your master plan to keep things the way they are - to maintain the status quo.
We are all afraid of change in one way or another, and to one degree or another. Success is change; failure is change. And either one of them could lead to disaster; so why move - why change anything at all? I'll tell you why: Because change is guaranteed; it's going to happen. In fact, it's happening right now. Are you taking part in deciding the direction and nature of that change, or are you paralyzed with fear, doubt, worry, and uncertainty?
You can be, do, or have anything you want as long as you know what it is, and remove any reasons you may have for not experiencing it. Those reasons are always fear-based; so, clear the fear and you are on your way to any kind of success you can imagine. Health, happiness, prosperity, and rewarding relationships are all yours when you overcome your fear and move forward - consciously and boldly - into a new future.
*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears and limiting beliefs!)
Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.
For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:
Article Source:
Monday, June 23, 2008
Self Hypnosis, IQ and Genius
By Albert Cristaldo
(Maybe a better title could be "How to become a Genius")
Most people fail to achieve a 'state' of genius because they do not have the right tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds all those useful, supportive beliefs and values that will allow them to easily and quickly access the 'genius' that is inside everyone alive.
Most people fail to achieve a 'state' of great and permanent health because they do not have the right tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds all those useful, supportive beliefs and values that will make their bodies respond with radiant, youthful health.
Most people cannot learn "How to Think like a Millionaire" because they do not have the RIGHT tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds the Millionaire Mind Secrets of the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires!
Most people cannot develop wonderful, fulfilling relationships because they do not have the right tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds those useful, supportive beliefs and values that will attract those relationships into their lives.
And YOUR GREATEST tool to help you accomplish all of the above and more is "SELF-HYPNOSIS, your ability to place yourself into a deep altered (trance) states and have your Subconscious mind totally open and ready to receive and accept your instructions and commands.
Do you want to become an inventive and creative genius? Is your goal to make money, lots of money? Do you want to Become healthier? Do you want to Improve your relationships?
Whatever your goal, YOUR Subconscious mind is the key to the achievement of those goals and the BEST and fastest tool to use is Self-hypnosis.
Being able to function at will at the deepest alpha and theta levels, where YOU have quick and easy access to your Subconscious mind, is the MOST valuable tool you will ever learn.
Are you ready to learn the method used by the world's greatest geniuses, YOUR FASTEST way to financial success, money, wealth, riches, health and happy relationships?
They FAIL because they do NOT teach you HOW TO use the deep altered (hypnotic) states to access and reprogram the contents of your Subconscious mind.
Instead, they LIMIT you to use ONLY your Conscious mind, the same mind telling you that you are a failure, that it is hard to make money, that you will never be rich. Changes are superficial and temporary.
And they seldom teach you HOW to identify and eliminate all the conflicting beliefs, values, rules, attitudes and behaviors blocking your financial goals -- without your conscious knowledge.
You can set all the creative, financial, health and relationship goals you want with your Conscious mind. But, if your Subconscious does NOT ACCEPT them (because of conflicting beliefs, values and rules), you will NEVER achieve them.
Self-hypnosis is your fastest way to health, financial success and is definitely the KEY to genius.
Many are familiar with the famous Napoleon Hill and his nightly 'reunions' with his Invisible Counselors, nine departed geniuses. In his imagination, he would hold conversations with these geniuses asking them for their help and inspiration in changing and reprogramming his personality weaknesses and pitfalls. Read the Chapter on "The Sixth Sense" in his best-selling book "Think and Grow Rich".
When performing this task, Napoleon Hill was in a deep trance (hypnotic) state - even though he did not call it that way most likely because 'hypnosis' had such a undeservedly bad reputation during those days. And even today, many people are still too superstitious to use self-hypnosis to achieve their goals.
In what state was Albert Einstein when he was traveling on a beam of light while trying to formulate his "Theory of Relativity"? You guessed it. In a light or deep trance state.
Nikola Tesla, one of the world's greatest inventive geniuses, would go into that 'twilight' state known as deep hypnosis and would start all his electromechanical inventions working IN HIS MIND. He would come back to them days or weeks later and be able to see the wear and tear and whatever improvements were needed, ALL IN HIS HEAD.
Leonardo Da Vinci used to concentrate on the wall until going into trance in order to connect with the Universal Source where supposedly all answers are stored.
Thomas Edison was famous for his "catnaps" during which his Subconscious MIND would provide answers to his questions. He trained himself to operate in deep trance without falling asleep by holding a can, yes, a metal can.
Mozart was not only great at putting himself in a trance state, he was also a great 'channeler'. During trance, he would receive his music as if someone were dictating to him, and he was just taking notes.
The great Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff lost his touch. He underwent hypnosis sessions. Following post-hypnotic suggestions, he wrote his Concerto #2, his most famous work, which he dedicated to his hypnotist.
Frederick Chopin, Goethe and Metternich were serious students of Hypnosis at the University of Strausbourg, France.
Many people are familiar with "The Treasure Island" and "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde", works of Robert Louis Stevenson. What you and they do not know is that every night at bedtime he would go into trance and instruct the little "brownies" inside his head to come up with stories that would make money for him.
The famous financier J. P. Morgan had a special table in his yacht. Whenever confronted with a financial decision, he would get a deck of cards and play 'solitaire' games for about an hour. After that, the answer would be clear in his mind. During all that time, he was in a state of trance, totally concentrated on the card game, and his Subconscious was able to find the solution without the interference of the Conscious part of his mind.
Famous financier Henry Kaiser would go into a deep trance state each night before going to sleep and would give ASSIGNMENTS for his Subconscious mind to carry out. No wonder he was so successful. He was using the method of the geniuses. Read about him.
Hypnotic trance (deep altered states) is the KEY to genius, health, wealth, love, you name it.
Once you develop the ability to hypnotize yourself AT WILL, you may reprogram your mind in any way, shape or form you so desire.
I am talking about "going into a deep hypnotic trance". I am talking not only about functioning at the alpha level, but also at deep theta levels with FULL CONSCIOUS AWARENESS -- any time, anywhere, at WILL!
Sure, there are techniques like visualization, affirmations, NLP, others that you may use to make changes in your subconscious computer. ALL these techniques are TREMENDOUSLY AMPLIFIED when in the hypnotic trance state.
And there are many, many things that NONE of those techniques will allow you to achieve. Only DEEP trance states will allow you to achieve them -- it is all a matter of habit and practice. Once you master Self-hypnosis, YOU will be using the FASTEST method known to men to deliberately bypass your Conscious mind and implant new beliefs, values, rules directly into the Subconscious part of your mind, make the changes you desire quickly and easily, and set and achieve your goals, ANY goals in ANY area, much FASTER than before -- with the HELP of your Subconscious mind.
By using deep altered states, you will be able to reach the deepest levels of your Subconscious mind, change your Self-Image, TRAIN your Subconscious minds to GUIDE YOU in achieving all your goals, and REJECT all the negative thoughts and beliefs coming daily from many external sources.
Here are a few examples of some of the things you could accomplish using self-hypnosis - a lot faster and easier that using any other method.
As you think about all those painful, hurtful memories of past failures, rejections and setbacks, a past filled with memories of frustrations and disappointments, how do you feel right now about yourself, about what you can or cannot do, about your current attitude to tackle new problems and face new challenges?
I bet that every time you go over those memories of failures and disappointments, you again feel the pain or humiliation. Those painful memories make you feel like a failure, a loser, hopeless, right?
You feel as though you are carrying this heavy load. And you most likely do NOT have either the enthusiasm or the courage needed to go forward and tackle head on anything that comes your way.
There is no question that all those memories of past failures and setbacks and limitations have molded your Self-Image to make you the person you are today. And they are preventing you from having all your energy available in PRESENT time.
What would happen if ALL DAY long you had in your conscious awareness the old memories of failure and disasters with money or in any other area? You would be overwhelmed. And you would not be able to think about anything else. And you would not be able to function at all in ANY area of your life.
To avoid this paralyzing situation, the Subconscious minds suppresses those memories so that they are not in your conscious awareness all day long. Your Subconscious is using lost of precious energy trying to protect you by KEEPING those memories OUT OF your conscious awareness most of the time.
That amount of energy should ideally be available to you in order to deal with your present and/or your future. But it is not. Some or most of your energy is being unproductively used to suppress the painful memories of your past. Therefore, you are like a Lamborghini or a Ferrari functioning only on 4 or 5 cylinders instead of 12.
Your Self-Image is composed of all those negative, painful, limiting recordings about yourself AND your capabilities, based on your evaluation of those negative past events.
If you could, almost by magic, neutralize or even eliminate all those painful memories of setbacks, do you believe that you would feel and behave differently?
If you could employ some technique so that every time you thought about your past you could ONLY remember wonderful memories of so many victories and great accomplishments, would you feel maybe unstoppable, even invincible?
You most definitely would. You would feel and behave like a Lamborghini or a Ferrari cruising on 12 cylinders at speeds over 200 miles per hour. And you could accomplish just about anything you wanted.
Why? Because by changing the memories of your past you will be changing your Self-Image. You will be creating new neuron connections. You will be creating a totally different past, a past filled with success and great victories.
How would feel right now if you could only remember ALWAYS being successful, if you could not remember failing at anything EVER? You would always think in terms of success, and never in terms of failure. You would not even think that you could possibly fail. You would have an incredible confidence in yourself and your ability to achieve anything you want.
In their book "Trance-formations", pg. 169, Richard Bandler and John Grinder stated that "one very nice thing about hypnosis is it gives you the ability to create alternative history".
Then, on pg.197, they stated that if a past experience created in your life some limiting beliefs with its corresponding attitudes and behaviors, reliving that experience EXACTLY THE WAY IT HAPPENED over and over will only keep REINFORCING those same limitations.
They also tell us that therapists Virginia Satir and the famous Milton Erickson, MD, the greatest medical hypno-therapist, would make people regress in time, using deep trance states, and then relive these past experiences but in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT way.
These people were having their past REARRANGED AND REWIRED in a different way. So, when they came out of trance, they essentially had a different past, one that supported them instead of limiting them.
Can you see the tremendous implications? You could go back to those old memories of having money problems, or all those old memories where you made the wrong moves and got the wrong results, or when you lost money or had a hard time making money.
And then, you would replay those memories over and over again. But now, you always succeed, you always make the right move, you always make lots of money easily, you always succeed in all your financial investments. You have changed your past. You created an alternative reality. And your mind will accept it as being true.
Can you imagine what you would be like, how you would feel and how you would behave if you ONLY REMEMBER being ALWAYS financially successful in your past? And if you could do it in a real deep hypnotic trance, when your RAS (Reticular Activating System) is shut-off, it will be as real to you as if it had actually happened exactly this NEW way.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if every time you think about your past experiences with MONEY (or in any other area) you could only remember being always successful? Just imagine for a moment if you could only remember success after success. Do you think much of your energy would be wasted in suppressing all those memories of past failures, and pain and disappointments? Of course not. You would feel invincible. And you would be invincible in the financial area (or any other area). And you would act that way because your Self-Image would be phenomenal.
Done under deep, deep hypnosis, people can be given an alternative history. One can create totally new memories in the person's mind. It does not matter that those things never happened. To your mind they will be just as real. YOU ARE CREATING A NEW PAST. JUST AS YOU ARE CREATING YOUR FUTURE WHEN YOU VISUALIZE FUTURE EVENTS AND VISUALIZE AND IMAGINE THEM HAPPENING EXACTLY THE WAY YOU WANT TO MAKE THEM HAPPEN.
Reprogramming the past may require for you to be at a very deep hypnotic trance. By using light trance states, it may take longer to make the changes desired.
Many of you have most likely heard about Napoleon Hill and his book "Think and Grow Rich", famous all over the world. It is among the top bestsellers of all times.
In Ch.14 of his book, "The Sixth Sense", he described a powerful technique that he used for many years to reprogram his Self-Image and model himself after the fashion of some great people that he admired, and who had those traits that he wanted to acquire.
Mr. Hill himself declared that he used this method in order to overcome the handicap of being born in an environment filled with limitations, superstition and ignorance.
First, he selected nine great men he admired: Edison, Emerson, Burbank, Napoleon, Paine, Darwin, Lincoln, Carnegie and Ford. And he read everything about their lives. He also had personally interviewed some of them, so he was quite familiar with their thinking and working habits.
Then, he used the weapon of auto-suggestion (looks familiar?) in order to imprint the specific characteristics he wanted to acquire from each one.
Every night, at bedtime, he would picture in his imagination this big conference table and sitting at these table he saw all these great men. He was the Chairman of the Board at these meetings.
He would address each one of these nine great men and would ask this individual to imprint in his mind the traits that he, Napoleon Hill, desired from him. He did that for many months.
In another of his many books, he added that several times during his normal working hours, he would pause for a minute or two, close his eyes, see in his imagination all these great men sitting at the table and he would REMIND himself that he was becoming like these men.
Later on, he would call on these "Invisible Counselors" for GUIDANCE regarding many of his personal problems, as well as those of his clients. And the guidance he got was always astonishing.
You should realize by now that Napoleon Hill was in a "deep trance" state while imagining all these great men talking with him and giving him advise as well as imprinting in his Subconscious computer those new beliefs, attitudes and behaviors he wanted to acquire from these famous men. Of course, he did not want to mention that word "hypnosis" - which was and still is TABOO for some many people whose minds are still RULED BY heavy and totally erroneous religious beliefs - more accurately religious superstitions and nonsense.
You can use this same technique to receive help and guidance to carry out your financial goals.
Just see or imagine hat you see every night, as you go to bed, that you assemble around your imaginary table characters like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Paul Getty, Aristotle Onassis, even Donald Trump or a Bill Gates, or anyone else you admire when it comes to money and wealth. They can be dead or alive, or fictional characters. It works the same
To your mind they are all real, the reason being that your Subconscious cannot tell the difference within a "REAL" picture and an "IMAGINARY" picture, if imagined VIVIDLY enough or with enough feelings/emotions. You can even ask advice on what you are not doing correctly or how to improve your "batting" success with investments from these "imaginary" characters.
You must understand that these are imaginary meetings with imaginary characters that you create in your imagination - and has nothing to do with other methods that will allow you to tune to the disembodied "personalities" of geniuses of the past or other human beings who have lived on this planet before in order to receive their help and guidance.
Scientists in the former Soviet Union, known as Parapsychologists, developed techniques way ahead of anything that the U.S scientist had in this area. And the soviet scientists did it with soviet government grants. One of these techniques was known as "Artificial" Reincarnation.
As documented in the book titled "Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain" by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, the man mainly responsible for this technique was Dr. Vladimir L. Rainkov, psychiatrist and master hypnotist. You may also read about it in a book titled "The Einstein Factor" by Win Winger and Richard Poe, Ch. 8, pg 160-182.
Dr. Rainkov stated the following: "I am able to evoke this phenomenon of reincarnation only when the subject is in exceedingly deep trance".
In "Trance-formations", Richard Bandler and John Grinder in their book pg. 185-189, talk about Deep-Trance Identification, "a state of consciousness in which the subject assumes the identity of someone else.... one of the hardest hypnotic phenomena of all". Therefore, the subject MUST be put in an extremely deep trance in order to be able to implant these new past into the subject's mind without crashing against his previous belief system, which includes his current identity.
After selecting the genius most appropriate to the area in which the subject wants to excel, he/she would read and learn as much as possible about this genius. Then, Dr. Rainkov would hypnotize him/her, not only once but many, many times during a period of weeks, using many "reincarnation" sessions.
While in a VERY deep trance state, he would give him/her instructions to the effect that he/she is that genius, that he/she thinks, sees, acts, produces like and has all the talents and abilities of that genius. After a few of these sessions the subject started to incorporate to his/her own personality, and in varying degrees, those talents and abilities that supposedly belonged to that particular genius. There was no substitution of personality.
Even though when under hypnosis the subject thought that he/she was that genius, he/she did not forget who he/she was when returned to full awakening consciousness. But his/her new talents and abilities started to explode.
Notice that the subject must FIRST learn everything possible about the personality he/she wants to reincarnate, so that his/her Subconscious mind stores enough information on how that personality used to think, see and act.
It would be totally useless to put you in the deepest possible trance state and tell you that you think, see and act like Einstein and that you are Einstein. And then I bring you out of trance only to find out that you do not have the slightest idea who this Einstein person was and you never heard of him in your entire life. And how can your Subconscious mind make you think, see and act like somebody IT has no previous history about?
In Win Wenger's "The Einstein Factor", he presents a couple of methods that do not go through a FORMAL hypnotic induction. Winger's method is a more sophisticated version of the one used by Napoleon Hill.
And contrary to what W. Wenger claims, the person using this method still goes into a self-induced trance state, make no mistakes about it. The subject does not go through a FORMAL induction. Still, by the very nature of the procedure, a light and maybe even deep trance state will be achieved. Results will be much faster when using very deep trance states.
Due to lack of training, most people are not capable of functioning consciously EVEN at the alpha level. They fall asleep. On the other hand, geniuses operate at much lower frequencies than most people, predominantly at the deepest alpha and theta levels.
When you start practicing self-hypnosis you TRAIN yourself to LOWER your brainwave frequencies so that you begin to operate at a level at which your mind will absorb new information much quicker and more readily. And you will have access to talents, abilities and capabilities that you did not even know you could have.
Your goal should be to keep practicing every day until you are able to function at the deepest alpha and even theta levels WITHOUT FALLING ASLEEP. The more you practice, the deeper you will be able to go WITHOUT FALLING ASLEEP. And with a lot of practice, you should be able to function in a deep hypnotic trance even while talking to people and walking and moving around with your eyes "wide" open. And then, you will be able to accomplish quire amazing things.
I want to warn you that once you get proficient at using self-hypnosis, you will be very tempted when faced with an unwanted habit or behavior to quickly hypnotize yourself and give yourself new instructions to 'program' or imprint in your mind a new habit or behavior. Refrain from doing it.
First, use what you already learned to identify what limiting belief is responsible for that habit or behavior. And then, proceed to eliminate that useless belief BEFORE reprogramming the new data.
Otherwise, you are opening yourself to the dangers of "Symptom Substitution", which means that, in the presence of stored limiting beliefs/values that are opposing the new instructions and goals you are new 'programming' into your Subconscious, one of the following can happen:
(1) you new instructions are totally rejected
(2) your new instructions are only temporarily accepted and in a certain amount of time you go back the previous belief/behavior/situation
(3) your new instructions are permanently accepted -- BUT the old limiting beliefs and values, which MUST be expressed, find a destructive outlet in a completely different area of your life and you do not have the slightest clue as to what or why this is happening.
In a not very distant future, genius will be regarded with a lot LESS admiration than today because using the tools of self-hypnosis, it will become normal to operate at the genius level.
But at least, let me tell you that you can use self-hypnosis very easily to change your Self-Image, improve your financial talents, abilities and capabilities and help you make more money, improve your health dramatically, skyrocket your inventive/creative genius and develop wonderful relationships. That should be enough to get you excited about the possibilities of self-hypnosis.
Albert Cristaldo has been always interested in using deep altered (hypnotic) states to develop genius and to achieve goals, ANY goals in ANY area quickly, easily, as effortlessly as possible, and having fun in the process.
Article Source:
(Maybe a better title could be "How to become a Genius")
Most people fail to achieve a 'state' of genius because they do not have the right tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds all those useful, supportive beliefs and values that will allow them to easily and quickly access the 'genius' that is inside everyone alive.
Most people fail to achieve a 'state' of great and permanent health because they do not have the right tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds all those useful, supportive beliefs and values that will make their bodies respond with radiant, youthful health.
Most people cannot learn "How to Think like a Millionaire" because they do not have the RIGHT tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds the Millionaire Mind Secrets of the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires!
Most people cannot develop wonderful, fulfilling relationships because they do not have the right tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds those useful, supportive beliefs and values that will attract those relationships into their lives.
And YOUR GREATEST tool to help you accomplish all of the above and more is "SELF-HYPNOSIS, your ability to place yourself into a deep altered (trance) states and have your Subconscious mind totally open and ready to receive and accept your instructions and commands.
Do you want to become an inventive and creative genius? Is your goal to make money, lots of money? Do you want to Become healthier? Do you want to Improve your relationships?
Whatever your goal, YOUR Subconscious mind is the key to the achievement of those goals and the BEST and fastest tool to use is Self-hypnosis.
Being able to function at will at the deepest alpha and theta levels, where YOU have quick and easy access to your Subconscious mind, is the MOST valuable tool you will ever learn.
Are you ready to learn the method used by the world's greatest geniuses, YOUR FASTEST way to financial success, money, wealth, riches, health and happy relationships?
They FAIL because they do NOT teach you HOW TO use the deep altered (hypnotic) states to access and reprogram the contents of your Subconscious mind.
Instead, they LIMIT you to use ONLY your Conscious mind, the same mind telling you that you are a failure, that it is hard to make money, that you will never be rich. Changes are superficial and temporary.
And they seldom teach you HOW to identify and eliminate all the conflicting beliefs, values, rules, attitudes and behaviors blocking your financial goals -- without your conscious knowledge.
You can set all the creative, financial, health and relationship goals you want with your Conscious mind. But, if your Subconscious does NOT ACCEPT them (because of conflicting beliefs, values and rules), you will NEVER achieve them.
Self-hypnosis is your fastest way to health, financial success and is definitely the KEY to genius.
Many are familiar with the famous Napoleon Hill and his nightly 'reunions' with his Invisible Counselors, nine departed geniuses. In his imagination, he would hold conversations with these geniuses asking them for their help and inspiration in changing and reprogramming his personality weaknesses and pitfalls. Read the Chapter on "The Sixth Sense" in his best-selling book "Think and Grow Rich".
When performing this task, Napoleon Hill was in a deep trance (hypnotic) state - even though he did not call it that way most likely because 'hypnosis' had such a undeservedly bad reputation during those days. And even today, many people are still too superstitious to use self-hypnosis to achieve their goals.
In what state was Albert Einstein when he was traveling on a beam of light while trying to formulate his "Theory of Relativity"? You guessed it. In a light or deep trance state.
Nikola Tesla, one of the world's greatest inventive geniuses, would go into that 'twilight' state known as deep hypnosis and would start all his electromechanical inventions working IN HIS MIND. He would come back to them days or weeks later and be able to see the wear and tear and whatever improvements were needed, ALL IN HIS HEAD.
Leonardo Da Vinci used to concentrate on the wall until going into trance in order to connect with the Universal Source where supposedly all answers are stored.
Thomas Edison was famous for his "catnaps" during which his Subconscious MIND would provide answers to his questions. He trained himself to operate in deep trance without falling asleep by holding a can, yes, a metal can.
Mozart was not only great at putting himself in a trance state, he was also a great 'channeler'. During trance, he would receive his music as if someone were dictating to him, and he was just taking notes.
The great Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff lost his touch. He underwent hypnosis sessions. Following post-hypnotic suggestions, he wrote his Concerto #2, his most famous work, which he dedicated to his hypnotist.
Frederick Chopin, Goethe and Metternich were serious students of Hypnosis at the University of Strausbourg, France.
Many people are familiar with "The Treasure Island" and "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde", works of Robert Louis Stevenson. What you and they do not know is that every night at bedtime he would go into trance and instruct the little "brownies" inside his head to come up with stories that would make money for him.
The famous financier J. P. Morgan had a special table in his yacht. Whenever confronted with a financial decision, he would get a deck of cards and play 'solitaire' games for about an hour. After that, the answer would be clear in his mind. During all that time, he was in a state of trance, totally concentrated on the card game, and his Subconscious was able to find the solution without the interference of the Conscious part of his mind.
Famous financier Henry Kaiser would go into a deep trance state each night before going to sleep and would give ASSIGNMENTS for his Subconscious mind to carry out. No wonder he was so successful. He was using the method of the geniuses. Read about him.
Hypnotic trance (deep altered states) is the KEY to genius, health, wealth, love, you name it.
Once you develop the ability to hypnotize yourself AT WILL, you may reprogram your mind in any way, shape or form you so desire.
I am talking about "going into a deep hypnotic trance". I am talking not only about functioning at the alpha level, but also at deep theta levels with FULL CONSCIOUS AWARENESS -- any time, anywhere, at WILL!
Sure, there are techniques like visualization, affirmations, NLP, others that you may use to make changes in your subconscious computer. ALL these techniques are TREMENDOUSLY AMPLIFIED when in the hypnotic trance state.
And there are many, many things that NONE of those techniques will allow you to achieve. Only DEEP trance states will allow you to achieve them -- it is all a matter of habit and practice. Once you master Self-hypnosis, YOU will be using the FASTEST method known to men to deliberately bypass your Conscious mind and implant new beliefs, values, rules directly into the Subconscious part of your mind, make the changes you desire quickly and easily, and set and achieve your goals, ANY goals in ANY area, much FASTER than before -- with the HELP of your Subconscious mind.
By using deep altered states, you will be able to reach the deepest levels of your Subconscious mind, change your Self-Image, TRAIN your Subconscious minds to GUIDE YOU in achieving all your goals, and REJECT all the negative thoughts and beliefs coming daily from many external sources.
Here are a few examples of some of the things you could accomplish using self-hypnosis - a lot faster and easier that using any other method.
As you think about all those painful, hurtful memories of past failures, rejections and setbacks, a past filled with memories of frustrations and disappointments, how do you feel right now about yourself, about what you can or cannot do, about your current attitude to tackle new problems and face new challenges?
I bet that every time you go over those memories of failures and disappointments, you again feel the pain or humiliation. Those painful memories make you feel like a failure, a loser, hopeless, right?
You feel as though you are carrying this heavy load. And you most likely do NOT have either the enthusiasm or the courage needed to go forward and tackle head on anything that comes your way.
There is no question that all those memories of past failures and setbacks and limitations have molded your Self-Image to make you the person you are today. And they are preventing you from having all your energy available in PRESENT time.
What would happen if ALL DAY long you had in your conscious awareness the old memories of failure and disasters with money or in any other area? You would be overwhelmed. And you would not be able to think about anything else. And you would not be able to function at all in ANY area of your life.
To avoid this paralyzing situation, the Subconscious minds suppresses those memories so that they are not in your conscious awareness all day long. Your Subconscious is using lost of precious energy trying to protect you by KEEPING those memories OUT OF your conscious awareness most of the time.
That amount of energy should ideally be available to you in order to deal with your present and/or your future. But it is not. Some or most of your energy is being unproductively used to suppress the painful memories of your past. Therefore, you are like a Lamborghini or a Ferrari functioning only on 4 or 5 cylinders instead of 12.
Your Self-Image is composed of all those negative, painful, limiting recordings about yourself AND your capabilities, based on your evaluation of those negative past events.
If you could, almost by magic, neutralize or even eliminate all those painful memories of setbacks, do you believe that you would feel and behave differently?
If you could employ some technique so that every time you thought about your past you could ONLY remember wonderful memories of so many victories and great accomplishments, would you feel maybe unstoppable, even invincible?
You most definitely would. You would feel and behave like a Lamborghini or a Ferrari cruising on 12 cylinders at speeds over 200 miles per hour. And you could accomplish just about anything you wanted.
Why? Because by changing the memories of your past you will be changing your Self-Image. You will be creating new neuron connections. You will be creating a totally different past, a past filled with success and great victories.
How would feel right now if you could only remember ALWAYS being successful, if you could not remember failing at anything EVER? You would always think in terms of success, and never in terms of failure. You would not even think that you could possibly fail. You would have an incredible confidence in yourself and your ability to achieve anything you want.
In their book "Trance-formations", pg. 169, Richard Bandler and John Grinder stated that "one very nice thing about hypnosis is it gives you the ability to create alternative history".
Then, on pg.197, they stated that if a past experience created in your life some limiting beliefs with its corresponding attitudes and behaviors, reliving that experience EXACTLY THE WAY IT HAPPENED over and over will only keep REINFORCING those same limitations.
They also tell us that therapists Virginia Satir and the famous Milton Erickson, MD, the greatest medical hypno-therapist, would make people regress in time, using deep trance states, and then relive these past experiences but in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT way.
These people were having their past REARRANGED AND REWIRED in a different way. So, when they came out of trance, they essentially had a different past, one that supported them instead of limiting them.
Can you see the tremendous implications? You could go back to those old memories of having money problems, or all those old memories where you made the wrong moves and got the wrong results, or when you lost money or had a hard time making money.
And then, you would replay those memories over and over again. But now, you always succeed, you always make the right move, you always make lots of money easily, you always succeed in all your financial investments. You have changed your past. You created an alternative reality. And your mind will accept it as being true.
Can you imagine what you would be like, how you would feel and how you would behave if you ONLY REMEMBER being ALWAYS financially successful in your past? And if you could do it in a real deep hypnotic trance, when your RAS (Reticular Activating System) is shut-off, it will be as real to you as if it had actually happened exactly this NEW way.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if every time you think about your past experiences with MONEY (or in any other area) you could only remember being always successful? Just imagine for a moment if you could only remember success after success. Do you think much of your energy would be wasted in suppressing all those memories of past failures, and pain and disappointments? Of course not. You would feel invincible. And you would be invincible in the financial area (or any other area). And you would act that way because your Self-Image would be phenomenal.
Done under deep, deep hypnosis, people can be given an alternative history. One can create totally new memories in the person's mind. It does not matter that those things never happened. To your mind they will be just as real. YOU ARE CREATING A NEW PAST. JUST AS YOU ARE CREATING YOUR FUTURE WHEN YOU VISUALIZE FUTURE EVENTS AND VISUALIZE AND IMAGINE THEM HAPPENING EXACTLY THE WAY YOU WANT TO MAKE THEM HAPPEN.
Reprogramming the past may require for you to be at a very deep hypnotic trance. By using light trance states, it may take longer to make the changes desired.
Many of you have most likely heard about Napoleon Hill and his book "Think and Grow Rich", famous all over the world. It is among the top bestsellers of all times.
In Ch.14 of his book, "The Sixth Sense", he described a powerful technique that he used for many years to reprogram his Self-Image and model himself after the fashion of some great people that he admired, and who had those traits that he wanted to acquire.
Mr. Hill himself declared that he used this method in order to overcome the handicap of being born in an environment filled with limitations, superstition and ignorance.
First, he selected nine great men he admired: Edison, Emerson, Burbank, Napoleon, Paine, Darwin, Lincoln, Carnegie and Ford. And he read everything about their lives. He also had personally interviewed some of them, so he was quite familiar with their thinking and working habits.
Then, he used the weapon of auto-suggestion (looks familiar?) in order to imprint the specific characteristics he wanted to acquire from each one.
Every night, at bedtime, he would picture in his imagination this big conference table and sitting at these table he saw all these great men. He was the Chairman of the Board at these meetings.
He would address each one of these nine great men and would ask this individual to imprint in his mind the traits that he, Napoleon Hill, desired from him. He did that for many months.
In another of his many books, he added that several times during his normal working hours, he would pause for a minute or two, close his eyes, see in his imagination all these great men sitting at the table and he would REMIND himself that he was becoming like these men.
Later on, he would call on these "Invisible Counselors" for GUIDANCE regarding many of his personal problems, as well as those of his clients. And the guidance he got was always astonishing.
You should realize by now that Napoleon Hill was in a "deep trance" state while imagining all these great men talking with him and giving him advise as well as imprinting in his Subconscious computer those new beliefs, attitudes and behaviors he wanted to acquire from these famous men. Of course, he did not want to mention that word "hypnosis" - which was and still is TABOO for some many people whose minds are still RULED BY heavy and totally erroneous religious beliefs - more accurately religious superstitions and nonsense.
You can use this same technique to receive help and guidance to carry out your financial goals.
Just see or imagine hat you see every night, as you go to bed, that you assemble around your imaginary table characters like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Paul Getty, Aristotle Onassis, even Donald Trump or a Bill Gates, or anyone else you admire when it comes to money and wealth. They can be dead or alive, or fictional characters. It works the same
To your mind they are all real, the reason being that your Subconscious cannot tell the difference within a "REAL" picture and an "IMAGINARY" picture, if imagined VIVIDLY enough or with enough feelings/emotions. You can even ask advice on what you are not doing correctly or how to improve your "batting" success with investments from these "imaginary" characters.
You must understand that these are imaginary meetings with imaginary characters that you create in your imagination - and has nothing to do with other methods that will allow you to tune to the disembodied "personalities" of geniuses of the past or other human beings who have lived on this planet before in order to receive their help and guidance.
Scientists in the former Soviet Union, known as Parapsychologists, developed techniques way ahead of anything that the U.S scientist had in this area. And the soviet scientists did it with soviet government grants. One of these techniques was known as "Artificial" Reincarnation.
As documented in the book titled "Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain" by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, the man mainly responsible for this technique was Dr. Vladimir L. Rainkov, psychiatrist and master hypnotist. You may also read about it in a book titled "The Einstein Factor" by Win Winger and Richard Poe, Ch. 8, pg 160-182.
Dr. Rainkov stated the following: "I am able to evoke this phenomenon of reincarnation only when the subject is in exceedingly deep trance".
In "Trance-formations", Richard Bandler and John Grinder in their book pg. 185-189, talk about Deep-Trance Identification, "a state of consciousness in which the subject assumes the identity of someone else.... one of the hardest hypnotic phenomena of all". Therefore, the subject MUST be put in an extremely deep trance in order to be able to implant these new past into the subject's mind without crashing against his previous belief system, which includes his current identity.
After selecting the genius most appropriate to the area in which the subject wants to excel, he/she would read and learn as much as possible about this genius. Then, Dr. Rainkov would hypnotize him/her, not only once but many, many times during a period of weeks, using many "reincarnation" sessions.
While in a VERY deep trance state, he would give him/her instructions to the effect that he/she is that genius, that he/she thinks, sees, acts, produces like and has all the talents and abilities of that genius. After a few of these sessions the subject started to incorporate to his/her own personality, and in varying degrees, those talents and abilities that supposedly belonged to that particular genius. There was no substitution of personality.
Even though when under hypnosis the subject thought that he/she was that genius, he/she did not forget who he/she was when returned to full awakening consciousness. But his/her new talents and abilities started to explode.
Notice that the subject must FIRST learn everything possible about the personality he/she wants to reincarnate, so that his/her Subconscious mind stores enough information on how that personality used to think, see and act.
It would be totally useless to put you in the deepest possible trance state and tell you that you think, see and act like Einstein and that you are Einstein. And then I bring you out of trance only to find out that you do not have the slightest idea who this Einstein person was and you never heard of him in your entire life. And how can your Subconscious mind make you think, see and act like somebody IT has no previous history about?
In Win Wenger's "The Einstein Factor", he presents a couple of methods that do not go through a FORMAL hypnotic induction. Winger's method is a more sophisticated version of the one used by Napoleon Hill.
And contrary to what W. Wenger claims, the person using this method still goes into a self-induced trance state, make no mistakes about it. The subject does not go through a FORMAL induction. Still, by the very nature of the procedure, a light and maybe even deep trance state will be achieved. Results will be much faster when using very deep trance states.
Due to lack of training, most people are not capable of functioning consciously EVEN at the alpha level. They fall asleep. On the other hand, geniuses operate at much lower frequencies than most people, predominantly at the deepest alpha and theta levels.
When you start practicing self-hypnosis you TRAIN yourself to LOWER your brainwave frequencies so that you begin to operate at a level at which your mind will absorb new information much quicker and more readily. And you will have access to talents, abilities and capabilities that you did not even know you could have.
Your goal should be to keep practicing every day until you are able to function at the deepest alpha and even theta levels WITHOUT FALLING ASLEEP. The more you practice, the deeper you will be able to go WITHOUT FALLING ASLEEP. And with a lot of practice, you should be able to function in a deep hypnotic trance even while talking to people and walking and moving around with your eyes "wide" open. And then, you will be able to accomplish quire amazing things.
I want to warn you that once you get proficient at using self-hypnosis, you will be very tempted when faced with an unwanted habit or behavior to quickly hypnotize yourself and give yourself new instructions to 'program' or imprint in your mind a new habit or behavior. Refrain from doing it.
First, use what you already learned to identify what limiting belief is responsible for that habit or behavior. And then, proceed to eliminate that useless belief BEFORE reprogramming the new data.
Otherwise, you are opening yourself to the dangers of "Symptom Substitution", which means that, in the presence of stored limiting beliefs/values that are opposing the new instructions and goals you are new 'programming' into your Subconscious, one of the following can happen:
(1) you new instructions are totally rejected
(2) your new instructions are only temporarily accepted and in a certain amount of time you go back the previous belief/behavior/situation
(3) your new instructions are permanently accepted -- BUT the old limiting beliefs and values, which MUST be expressed, find a destructive outlet in a completely different area of your life and you do not have the slightest clue as to what or why this is happening.
In a not very distant future, genius will be regarded with a lot LESS admiration than today because using the tools of self-hypnosis, it will become normal to operate at the genius level.
But at least, let me tell you that you can use self-hypnosis very easily to change your Self-Image, improve your financial talents, abilities and capabilities and help you make more money, improve your health dramatically, skyrocket your inventive/creative genius and develop wonderful relationships. That should be enough to get you excited about the possibilities of self-hypnosis.
Albert Cristaldo has been always interested in using deep altered (hypnotic) states to develop genius and to achieve goals, ANY goals in ANY area quickly, easily, as effortlessly as possible, and having fun in the process.
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Sunday, June 22, 2008
Bulimia in Men
By Irina Webster
It was with great interest that I read in the UK Telegraph about the ex deputy prime minister of the UK John Prescott and his battle with bulimia. It is good that man in such a high powered position has finally come out and said he was a sufferer of this insidious disorder.
It was also with interest that the headline in the Times online said "How could a big man like John Prescott have a girl's illness"?
This has always been a huge misconception that only women and girls get eating disorders and of course this could not be further from the truth. Although there are more women with the disease than men, it does not mean there are not many more male sufferers out there who have hidden the disorder like Mr. John Prescott has.
Statistics say that there are many more women with the disease than men but this could be because men will not come forward and seek help. It boils down to the fact that men will not tell anyone because of the stigma attached to people with eating disorders, especially males with this problem: this in turn can easily skew the statistics.
Mr. Prescott put his bulimia down to the fact he was under enormous stress associated with his job as a parliamentarian, working long hours and deriving his only pleasures from eating large amounts of food. He stated himself that he ate huge amounts of food and no one ever suspected he was a bulimic because he was not thin.
This is another misconception; you do not have to be really thin to have bulimia: Mr. Prescott is certainly no stick figure. I have been asked the same question many times by family members of a sufferer who say, but he does not look really thin. My answer back is you don't have to be to be thin to be bulimic.
So why do men contract a disorder like bulimia? Like Mr. Prescott says his was due to stress and this is certainly one of the keys. But it can also be for job reasons and many male sufferers start of being bulimic because of their occupation. We have come across many male sufferers who are dancers, gymnasts, jockeys, airline stewards, male models and many more industries where being a certain size is a must for the job.
Most people, who know little about a disease like bulimia and this includes many journalists, say why can't they just stop: I wish it was as simple as that but it is not. Like Mr. Prescott said he got some weird satisfaction from binging and then purging and all bulimics get the same thing.
When a bulimic purges they get a release of a pleasure hormone not unlike the endorphins an athlete gets after exercising. This feel good hormone is one of the reasons a bulimic continues on with his erratic eating behavior. The problem is the rush they get is very short lived, so they have to binge and purge even more. So asking a bulimic to simply stop is like asking a non-sufferer to give up breathing air: it is not going to happen.
Most non-sufferers and many others think that you can beat bulimia with logic and by pointing out the errors of their ways they will stop. But again this is an impossibility and simply cannot happen. Mr. Prescott and his wife knew for years it was wrong and that he was in danger of serious medical problems, but he could not stop. If bulimia was a logical disease then he should have been able to stop when he realized he was doing harm to himself, but he couldn't.
This is because bulimia lives in the subconscious mind of the sufferer and the subconscious mind does not work on logic, it works on feelings and emotions and these are certainly not logical. The longer the bulimic has the disorder the more ingrained it becomes in the subconscious mind of the sufferer.
There is a way you can see how the subconscious mind works for yourself. The next time you explode at one of the kids or go off for no apparent reason, just ask yourself if it was logical. I bet you do not have the slightest idea why it happened; it is because it came from your subconscious mind and not your logical mind.
There is only one way you can really stop bulimia and that is through the subconscious mind where the bulimia lives. It lives there because it was programmed by the sufferer to be there over months or even years as was the case with Mr. Prescott.
Dr Irina Webster MD is the Director of Women Health Issues Program which covers different areas of Women Health. She is a recognised authority in the eating disorders area. She is an author of many books and a public speaker.
If you are a bulimic or if you are a family member of a bulimic, the best place to find out more about how the subconscious mind works is at where it explains all about the connection with the subconscious mind and bulimia.
Article Source:
It was with great interest that I read in the UK Telegraph about the ex deputy prime minister of the UK John Prescott and his battle with bulimia. It is good that man in such a high powered position has finally come out and said he was a sufferer of this insidious disorder.
It was also with interest that the headline in the Times online said "How could a big man like John Prescott have a girl's illness"?
This has always been a huge misconception that only women and girls get eating disorders and of course this could not be further from the truth. Although there are more women with the disease than men, it does not mean there are not many more male sufferers out there who have hidden the disorder like Mr. John Prescott has.
Statistics say that there are many more women with the disease than men but this could be because men will not come forward and seek help. It boils down to the fact that men will not tell anyone because of the stigma attached to people with eating disorders, especially males with this problem: this in turn can easily skew the statistics.
Mr. Prescott put his bulimia down to the fact he was under enormous stress associated with his job as a parliamentarian, working long hours and deriving his only pleasures from eating large amounts of food. He stated himself that he ate huge amounts of food and no one ever suspected he was a bulimic because he was not thin.
This is another misconception; you do not have to be really thin to have bulimia: Mr. Prescott is certainly no stick figure. I have been asked the same question many times by family members of a sufferer who say, but he does not look really thin. My answer back is you don't have to be to be thin to be bulimic.
So why do men contract a disorder like bulimia? Like Mr. Prescott says his was due to stress and this is certainly one of the keys. But it can also be for job reasons and many male sufferers start of being bulimic because of their occupation. We have come across many male sufferers who are dancers, gymnasts, jockeys, airline stewards, male models and many more industries where being a certain size is a must for the job.
Most people, who know little about a disease like bulimia and this includes many journalists, say why can't they just stop: I wish it was as simple as that but it is not. Like Mr. Prescott said he got some weird satisfaction from binging and then purging and all bulimics get the same thing.
When a bulimic purges they get a release of a pleasure hormone not unlike the endorphins an athlete gets after exercising. This feel good hormone is one of the reasons a bulimic continues on with his erratic eating behavior. The problem is the rush they get is very short lived, so they have to binge and purge even more. So asking a bulimic to simply stop is like asking a non-sufferer to give up breathing air: it is not going to happen.
Most non-sufferers and many others think that you can beat bulimia with logic and by pointing out the errors of their ways they will stop. But again this is an impossibility and simply cannot happen. Mr. Prescott and his wife knew for years it was wrong and that he was in danger of serious medical problems, but he could not stop. If bulimia was a logical disease then he should have been able to stop when he realized he was doing harm to himself, but he couldn't.
This is because bulimia lives in the subconscious mind of the sufferer and the subconscious mind does not work on logic, it works on feelings and emotions and these are certainly not logical. The longer the bulimic has the disorder the more ingrained it becomes in the subconscious mind of the sufferer.
There is a way you can see how the subconscious mind works for yourself. The next time you explode at one of the kids or go off for no apparent reason, just ask yourself if it was logical. I bet you do not have the slightest idea why it happened; it is because it came from your subconscious mind and not your logical mind.
There is only one way you can really stop bulimia and that is through the subconscious mind where the bulimia lives. It lives there because it was programmed by the sufferer to be there over months or even years as was the case with Mr. Prescott.
Dr Irina Webster MD is the Director of Women Health Issues Program which covers different areas of Women Health. She is a recognised authority in the eating disorders area. She is an author of many books and a public speaker.
If you are a bulimic or if you are a family member of a bulimic, the best place to find out more about how the subconscious mind works is at where it explains all about the connection with the subconscious mind and bulimia.
Article Source:
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Goal Setting Helps You Reach Your Full Potential
By Alvin Loh
Are you completely satisfied with your life? Which part of your life would you like to see improvement? If you are completely satisfied with your life, then this article and goal setting may not be suitable for you. However, for most of us, usually there are some parts of our lives which we wish to see changes. Perhaps some of us will like to get healthier and fitter while others will like to attain a level of financial wealth in their lives. Being human, everyone is undoubtedly aiming at something at some point in their lives. This is because we have a thinking ability and we have emotions. With this ability to comprehend and think, we will certainly always have the drive to do better and live better. However, because of this ability, we also have the tendency to resist the effort need to bring about the changes, even if the changes are beneficial to us.
So can we then change for the better and reach our full potential and live a more purposeful life? The answer is simple. Just give our brains something to aim for and we will almost immediately be more focused. The human brain is an amazing computer. It can comprehend patterns and some things far more efficient and faster then the fastest computer on earth. The human brain is also the main driver for our body actions. By giving it an instruction or a task to accomplish, it will find ways and means to complete the task. This is because our mind has a habit to complete things. Unfinished puzzles and questions or task creates an imbalance in our minds and our brains will try its best to solve this imbalance. For example, think about the last thing that you wanted to remember but for some reason, you just cannot recall what it is. A few days later, the answer just popped up in your mind when you least expect it. In this example, when you first wanted to recall something, you gave your brain an instruction. Your brain processed the instruction and it doesn't stop until it has finished even thought you are not actively thinking about it.
This process is made possible by the portion of the brain that also controls our emotions and feeling. Its called the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the powerhouse portion of our brains. While the conscious mind controls logic, the subconscious part works silently in the background, controlling how we behave and influencing our habits. Why is the subconscious mind more powerful then the logical, conscious mind? Its because emotions and feelings are always more powerful then logic. When people mention their will power is very strong, what they are referring to is the power that comes from the subconscious part of their minds.
How does this subconscious part of the mind helps with achieving our goals? For one, the goal setting process specifically taps on the powerhouse portion of the mind to help us achieve our goals. Techniques in goal setting like setting up a plan and writing down the goals imprints our goals in our mind. During the goal setting process, you involve your emotions and feelings and these factors gives motivation for you to achieve your goals. When you draw up a plan on the steps that you will be taking to achieve your goals, you give your mind an imbalance and the need to complete the task. Each small milestone that you achieve in your plan provides you with a positive feedback loop which fires up your enthusiasm and motivation even more.
Goal setting, without doubt, gives us direction and provides us a platform and a structured way to achieve our goals. In that, it gives the control and power to reach our maximum potential in all areas of our lives.
Alvin runs a Personal Goal Setting website that deals with issues on goal setting, time management and other essential life skills at LifeGoals.
Article Source:
Are you completely satisfied with your life? Which part of your life would you like to see improvement? If you are completely satisfied with your life, then this article and goal setting may not be suitable for you. However, for most of us, usually there are some parts of our lives which we wish to see changes. Perhaps some of us will like to get healthier and fitter while others will like to attain a level of financial wealth in their lives. Being human, everyone is undoubtedly aiming at something at some point in their lives. This is because we have a thinking ability and we have emotions. With this ability to comprehend and think, we will certainly always have the drive to do better and live better. However, because of this ability, we also have the tendency to resist the effort need to bring about the changes, even if the changes are beneficial to us.
So can we then change for the better and reach our full potential and live a more purposeful life? The answer is simple. Just give our brains something to aim for and we will almost immediately be more focused. The human brain is an amazing computer. It can comprehend patterns and some things far more efficient and faster then the fastest computer on earth. The human brain is also the main driver for our body actions. By giving it an instruction or a task to accomplish, it will find ways and means to complete the task. This is because our mind has a habit to complete things. Unfinished puzzles and questions or task creates an imbalance in our minds and our brains will try its best to solve this imbalance. For example, think about the last thing that you wanted to remember but for some reason, you just cannot recall what it is. A few days later, the answer just popped up in your mind when you least expect it. In this example, when you first wanted to recall something, you gave your brain an instruction. Your brain processed the instruction and it doesn't stop until it has finished even thought you are not actively thinking about it.
This process is made possible by the portion of the brain that also controls our emotions and feeling. Its called the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the powerhouse portion of our brains. While the conscious mind controls logic, the subconscious part works silently in the background, controlling how we behave and influencing our habits. Why is the subconscious mind more powerful then the logical, conscious mind? Its because emotions and feelings are always more powerful then logic. When people mention their will power is very strong, what they are referring to is the power that comes from the subconscious part of their minds.
How does this subconscious part of the mind helps with achieving our goals? For one, the goal setting process specifically taps on the powerhouse portion of the mind to help us achieve our goals. Techniques in goal setting like setting up a plan and writing down the goals imprints our goals in our mind. During the goal setting process, you involve your emotions and feelings and these factors gives motivation for you to achieve your goals. When you draw up a plan on the steps that you will be taking to achieve your goals, you give your mind an imbalance and the need to complete the task. Each small milestone that you achieve in your plan provides you with a positive feedback loop which fires up your enthusiasm and motivation even more.
Goal setting, without doubt, gives us direction and provides us a platform and a structured way to achieve our goals. In that, it gives the control and power to reach our maximum potential in all areas of our lives.
Alvin runs a Personal Goal Setting website that deals with issues on goal setting, time management and other essential life skills at LifeGoals.
Article Source:
Friday, June 20, 2008
Do Subliminal Messages Really Work
By Dan Bainbridge
Some people will not trust subliminal messages as they can't hear or see the information. Other people simply think it is too good to be true - What could be better than being able to change your life for the better with very little conscious effort?
The truth is that if you play a subliminal message cd or mp3 album without having an open, positive attitude, and without really consciously wanting the change to occur then no, it WILL NOT WORK. For example if you give a stop smoking subliminal cd to a friend who does not WANT to stop smoking there is very little chance of them stopping.
Just like hypnosis subliminal messages will not make you do anything you do not want to do. They simply align your subconscious mind with your conscious goals. However if you want to quit smoking, or maybe you have tried before and failed then subliminal messages can help you.
In this scenario your conscious mind really wants to quit smoking, but something in your subconscious mind holds you back and you start smoking again - this could be out of habit for smoking for so long, or smoking at certain times, your addiction to nicotine, or just a craving that is too strong.
The subliminal messages would strengthen and align your subconscious mind to meet your conscious mind's goal of quitting smoking to ensure that you are 100% committed, and much more likely to succeed.
This example can be applied to many other scenarios - there is no limit to what you can achieve with Subliminal Messages. subliminal messages (if you really want to) - from overcoming phobias, to building confidence or memory, or even gaining the edge in sports!
Dan Bainbridge is the Director of, the largest, and most trusted source of subliminal messages online - to help you change your life in whatever areas you wish: increasing confidence, improving memory, learning a new language, increasing motivation and much more!
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Some people will not trust subliminal messages as they can't hear or see the information. Other people simply think it is too good to be true - What could be better than being able to change your life for the better with very little conscious effort?
The truth is that if you play a subliminal message cd or mp3 album without having an open, positive attitude, and without really consciously wanting the change to occur then no, it WILL NOT WORK. For example if you give a stop smoking subliminal cd to a friend who does not WANT to stop smoking there is very little chance of them stopping.
Just like hypnosis subliminal messages will not make you do anything you do not want to do. They simply align your subconscious mind with your conscious goals. However if you want to quit smoking, or maybe you have tried before and failed then subliminal messages can help you.
In this scenario your conscious mind really wants to quit smoking, but something in your subconscious mind holds you back and you start smoking again - this could be out of habit for smoking for so long, or smoking at certain times, your addiction to nicotine, or just a craving that is too strong.
The subliminal messages would strengthen and align your subconscious mind to meet your conscious mind's goal of quitting smoking to ensure that you are 100% committed, and much more likely to succeed.
This example can be applied to many other scenarios - there is no limit to what you can achieve with Subliminal Messages. subliminal messages (if you really want to) - from overcoming phobias, to building confidence or memory, or even gaining the edge in sports!
Dan Bainbridge is the Director of, the largest, and most trusted source of subliminal messages online - to help you change your life in whatever areas you wish: increasing confidence, improving memory, learning a new language, increasing motivation and much more!
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Become a Hypnotist With Hypnosis Training Today
By Shane Wilson
As more and more people develop problems in their lives, hypnosis is becoming a popular and safe way of dealing with them. In most cases, a person will consult with a hypnotherapist in an attempt to help them deal with issues like addiction, pain and even mental problems brought on by an accident or other traumatic experience. Aside from what you may have heard, a hypnotherapist does not have full control over the person they are helping. A hypnotherapist can only give an individual suggestions that are embedded deep within the psyche upon exiting a state of hypnosis.
If you aspire to become a hypnotherapist or just want hypnosis training, there are numerous schools available on and off line. Depending on what kind of training you receive, you will have various avenues at your disposal to aid individuals in their search for help with whatever ails them. An excellent example of this is the type of hypnotherapy that you will be undertaking is conversational hypnosis. Of the various types of hypnotherapy, all have a common ground through the use of mental imagery and a soft voice. This is used to enable an individual to become relaxed and to provide additional mental pictures while under to alleviate their symptoms. For individuals looking for self help, you'll have the ability to instruct them on the correct procedure of self hypnosis.
People undergo hypnosis training for several different reasons. The first reason is that it is an excellent way for people who has their own practice or is in the field of psychology to bring their career to the next level. In addition, hypnotherapy can be used as a therapeutic option in helping people and also can be utilized in countless self help programs. As an added bonus, a person that is supervising a self help program could then teach his or her clients how to use self hypnosis to better themselves. This is very common in these types of programs and gives the people that are going through it the sense and encouragement they need to be able to help themselves in the future.
Another form of hypnosis training is for use in the barroom and for theatrics. Contrary to what you may believe, you will not receive this kind of treatment from a doctor and unfortunately this type of training leads to the many myths that surround hypnosis in general. For instance, when someone uses this type of hypnosis they will utilize tricks in the form of mental imagery like counting back from 10 and clapping their hands. You would be hard pressed to find a trained hypnotherapist using such forms to help someone in need.
If you truly want to undergo hypnosis training there are plenty of courses and schools on and offline at your disposal so that you can start helping others with their problems. By choosing the right course, you will not only be helping others but you will be helping yourself by learning in a professional manner.
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About the Author: Get the best hypnosis training available now by visiting for complete details. Shane Wilson is an accomplished website owner at where he has more articles on the subject of hypnosis. Visit his site today.
As more and more people develop problems in their lives, hypnosis is becoming a popular and safe way of dealing with them. In most cases, a person will consult with a hypnotherapist in an attempt to help them deal with issues like addiction, pain and even mental problems brought on by an accident or other traumatic experience. Aside from what you may have heard, a hypnotherapist does not have full control over the person they are helping. A hypnotherapist can only give an individual suggestions that are embedded deep within the psyche upon exiting a state of hypnosis.
If you aspire to become a hypnotherapist or just want hypnosis training, there are numerous schools available on and off line. Depending on what kind of training you receive, you will have various avenues at your disposal to aid individuals in their search for help with whatever ails them. An excellent example of this is the type of hypnotherapy that you will be undertaking is conversational hypnosis. Of the various types of hypnotherapy, all have a common ground through the use of mental imagery and a soft voice. This is used to enable an individual to become relaxed and to provide additional mental pictures while under to alleviate their symptoms. For individuals looking for self help, you'll have the ability to instruct them on the correct procedure of self hypnosis.
People undergo hypnosis training for several different reasons. The first reason is that it is an excellent way for people who has their own practice or is in the field of psychology to bring their career to the next level. In addition, hypnotherapy can be used as a therapeutic option in helping people and also can be utilized in countless self help programs. As an added bonus, a person that is supervising a self help program could then teach his or her clients how to use self hypnosis to better themselves. This is very common in these types of programs and gives the people that are going through it the sense and encouragement they need to be able to help themselves in the future.
Another form of hypnosis training is for use in the barroom and for theatrics. Contrary to what you may believe, you will not receive this kind of treatment from a doctor and unfortunately this type of training leads to the many myths that surround hypnosis in general. For instance, when someone uses this type of hypnosis they will utilize tricks in the form of mental imagery like counting back from 10 and clapping their hands. You would be hard pressed to find a trained hypnotherapist using such forms to help someone in need.
If you truly want to undergo hypnosis training there are plenty of courses and schools on and offline at your disposal so that you can start helping others with their problems. By choosing the right course, you will not only be helping others but you will be helping yourself by learning in a professional manner.
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About the Author: Get the best hypnosis training available now by visiting for complete details. Shane Wilson is an accomplished website owner at where he has more articles on the subject of hypnosis. Visit his site today.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
2 Step Process To Covert Hypnosis You Can Use Now
By Shane Wilson
Hypnosis, generally performed in a quite setting, is utilized to aid people with certain problems they may have like, anxiety, fear, habits and even to deal with pain. Typically, this is performed by a hypnotherapist and is just a way of aiding individual's to relax their minds and block out distractions so that their mind is left open to suggestion. There are many types of hypnosis and the one we'll be discussing here is called covert hypnosis. Covert hypnosis is done by using subtle suggestions in a setting that is different from a clinical one.
Basically, covert hypnosis is just a way of connecting with someone on a subconscious level. This form of hypnosis is utilized without an individual knowing that you are doing it. Of all the many reasons why someone would want to do this, it simply comes down to wanting someone other than yourself the see or feel the same way you do. This form is widely used in sales either by a salesman or in a sales letter. With as little as two steps you can be using covert hypnosis today.
The first step to covert hypnosis involves building up trust and rapport with someone who is the focus of your attention. What this accomplishes is setting the person's mind at ease and in turn opening it up to suggestion. Attaining rapport or trust is not easy but can be made easier with a little agreeable conversation. Let me show you an example. Let's say you are speaking with someone and they tell you that they hate those little Prius cars. You can simply agree with them by saying, you know, I don't like those that much either. What this accomplishes is that it brings you to their level thus making them more at ease with talking with you.
Moving on to step two. After trust has been established you'll now want to begin to persuade them by using body language and more conversation. The reason for this is to try and guide a person into feeling or thinking in a way that is at your best interest. A great example of this is a cell phone salesman. They won't start out by trying to sell you the Iphone upgrade, they will strike up a conversation even complimenting you in some manner and agree with you on how inefficient your old phone is before trying to close the sale. This is a very effective way of utilizing covert hypnosis in an attempt to steer a person's thinking in a way that benefits them.
Upon mastering covert hypnosis, you will be able to use this technique to dominate any conversation you have. With just a bit of practice, you'll be amazed at how you can manipulate people into seeing things the way that you want them to see things. Before long, you'll find that you can steer individual's in any direction you see fit and not even know your doing it.
If you want to know a little known, Covert Hypnosis secret then visit now! Shane Wilson is a successful website owner at where he discusses various topics of Hypnosis. Visit his site forcomplete information now.
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Hypnosis, generally performed in a quite setting, is utilized to aid people with certain problems they may have like, anxiety, fear, habits and even to deal with pain. Typically, this is performed by a hypnotherapist and is just a way of aiding individual's to relax their minds and block out distractions so that their mind is left open to suggestion. There are many types of hypnosis and the one we'll be discussing here is called covert hypnosis. Covert hypnosis is done by using subtle suggestions in a setting that is different from a clinical one.
Basically, covert hypnosis is just a way of connecting with someone on a subconscious level. This form of hypnosis is utilized without an individual knowing that you are doing it. Of all the many reasons why someone would want to do this, it simply comes down to wanting someone other than yourself the see or feel the same way you do. This form is widely used in sales either by a salesman or in a sales letter. With as little as two steps you can be using covert hypnosis today.
The first step to covert hypnosis involves building up trust and rapport with someone who is the focus of your attention. What this accomplishes is setting the person's mind at ease and in turn opening it up to suggestion. Attaining rapport or trust is not easy but can be made easier with a little agreeable conversation. Let me show you an example. Let's say you are speaking with someone and they tell you that they hate those little Prius cars. You can simply agree with them by saying, you know, I don't like those that much either. What this accomplishes is that it brings you to their level thus making them more at ease with talking with you.
Moving on to step two. After trust has been established you'll now want to begin to persuade them by using body language and more conversation. The reason for this is to try and guide a person into feeling or thinking in a way that is at your best interest. A great example of this is a cell phone salesman. They won't start out by trying to sell you the Iphone upgrade, they will strike up a conversation even complimenting you in some manner and agree with you on how inefficient your old phone is before trying to close the sale. This is a very effective way of utilizing covert hypnosis in an attempt to steer a person's thinking in a way that benefits them.
Upon mastering covert hypnosis, you will be able to use this technique to dominate any conversation you have. With just a bit of practice, you'll be amazed at how you can manipulate people into seeing things the way that you want them to see things. Before long, you'll find that you can steer individual's in any direction you see fit and not even know your doing it.
If you want to know a little known, Covert Hypnosis secret then visit now! Shane Wilson is a successful website owner at where he discusses various topics of Hypnosis. Visit his site forcomplete information now.
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All Hypnosis Is Self Hypnosis
By Mark Boardman
Forget the image of a swinging pendulum or a complete stranger bounding around a stage clucking like a chicken. Hypnosis is most definitely not mind control! In fact, nothing could be further from the truth as no one can use hypnosis to control you. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. You are in control.The human mind is extremely complex and we are nowhere near unravelling its mysteries completely. However we do not know that hypnosis has fantastic therapeutic and healing qualities. All living things in the plant and animal world have one thing in common: all have within them the most incredible capacity to heal. An animal recovers from wounds and illness and a tree can grow new leaves and branches, and we can use our minds to cure ourselves of virtually any ailment. The absolute, unwavering belief in your own ability to heal is key to all self healing. Hypnosis reaches below that part of the mind that does not understand, or maybe does not believe, to that part of the mind that has great belief and full understanding. This is the part of your mind that keeps you going at a level where you do not need to think about it. Your breathing, the beating of your heart, your reflexes, everything that works in your body beyond your conscious thought is being controlled by your sub-conscious mind. And thank goodness it is! Can you imagine the chaos if you could consciously alter all of your subconscious processes. It is believed that over 90% of all diseases and disabilities stem from our minds. This is, of course, impossible to quantify, but if so many illnesses are caused by the human mind, then it is well within the scope of the human mind to cure and prevent these illnesses. The unconscious part of the mind doesn't distinguish the difference between what is real and unreal, what is imagined and what is fact.
As a consequence anything the unconscious mind accepts as fact will be carried out by the human body. The stronger the impressions or emotions on the mind the more certainly it will be carried out.Have you ever been told you don't look well and suddenly start feeling some symptoms? This is the power of the human mind in all its glory. The unconscious mind doesn't distinguish between what is real or unreal. Whatever our subconscious mind accepts as fact will be carried out in our bodies. The imagination has a powerful effect on the body. It is often said that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, and consequently the Hypnotherapist is merely a catalyst. Self hypnosis generally consists of having a quiet undisturbed time focussing inwardly, or on an object, and permitting yourself to drift into a deeply relaxed state by talking to yourself in a positive and repetitive way. This deeply relaxed self hypnotic state can help reduce pain, stress and anxiety, increase your energy levels and helps you to have a more positive outlook on life so you can achieve your full potential.
Mark Boardman BSc dip.hyp is an experienced Hypnotherapist and highly qualified EFT and TAT practitioner. After a childhood interest in the Weather Mark went on to study Climatology at University and has continued his studies for the subsequent 20 years.
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Forget the image of a swinging pendulum or a complete stranger bounding around a stage clucking like a chicken. Hypnosis is most definitely not mind control! In fact, nothing could be further from the truth as no one can use hypnosis to control you. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. You are in control.The human mind is extremely complex and we are nowhere near unravelling its mysteries completely. However we do not know that hypnosis has fantastic therapeutic and healing qualities. All living things in the plant and animal world have one thing in common: all have within them the most incredible capacity to heal. An animal recovers from wounds and illness and a tree can grow new leaves and branches, and we can use our minds to cure ourselves of virtually any ailment. The absolute, unwavering belief in your own ability to heal is key to all self healing. Hypnosis reaches below that part of the mind that does not understand, or maybe does not believe, to that part of the mind that has great belief and full understanding. This is the part of your mind that keeps you going at a level where you do not need to think about it. Your breathing, the beating of your heart, your reflexes, everything that works in your body beyond your conscious thought is being controlled by your sub-conscious mind. And thank goodness it is! Can you imagine the chaos if you could consciously alter all of your subconscious processes. It is believed that over 90% of all diseases and disabilities stem from our minds. This is, of course, impossible to quantify, but if so many illnesses are caused by the human mind, then it is well within the scope of the human mind to cure and prevent these illnesses. The unconscious part of the mind doesn't distinguish the difference between what is real and unreal, what is imagined and what is fact.
As a consequence anything the unconscious mind accepts as fact will be carried out by the human body. The stronger the impressions or emotions on the mind the more certainly it will be carried out.Have you ever been told you don't look well and suddenly start feeling some symptoms? This is the power of the human mind in all its glory. The unconscious mind doesn't distinguish between what is real or unreal. Whatever our subconscious mind accepts as fact will be carried out in our bodies. The imagination has a powerful effect on the body. It is often said that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, and consequently the Hypnotherapist is merely a catalyst. Self hypnosis generally consists of having a quiet undisturbed time focussing inwardly, or on an object, and permitting yourself to drift into a deeply relaxed state by talking to yourself in a positive and repetitive way. This deeply relaxed self hypnotic state can help reduce pain, stress and anxiety, increase your energy levels and helps you to have a more positive outlook on life so you can achieve your full potential.
Mark Boardman BSc dip.hyp is an experienced Hypnotherapist and highly qualified EFT and TAT practitioner. After a childhood interest in the Weather Mark went on to study Climatology at University and has continued his studies for the subsequent 20 years.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Treating Bruxism Through Hypnosis
By Mike Kay
Right now, hypnosis is used to treat a lot of behavioral problems. And during the recent years, experts are taking advantage of its use for bruxism. Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding. Teeth grinding is that annoying sound people unknowingly make while asleep.
Bruxism can be caused by a lot of factors. Research show that bruxism could develop due to the physical defects of the jaws and teeth. However, stress is also a big factor why people grind their teeth at night. And it is also on this cause where hypnosis is most effective at.
Practitioners say that hypnosis is the best solution to bruxism caused by jaw tension. While a night guard may do a good job in preventing denture damages, it cannot reduce the pain in the head and the neck that are also caused by teeth grinding.
Bruxism patients are required to attend a 30-minute hypnosis session to correct the problem. The therapy could be just one session or more, depending upon the patient's mental stature. Inside the session, the subconscious of the patient are be taught to feel the sensation created when the upper and lower teeth touches each other. And the moment that happens, the mind is instructed to relax the jaw muscles and create a comfortable space between the teeth.
For people who find going to a therapist a little too much on their budget, they could opt for a bruxism hypnosis CD instead. The CD is best used before sleeping so it is easier to achieve a state of total relaxation. Some people report that using a hypnosis CD is as effective as the one conducted personally by a hypnotherapist.
On the average, patients who subjected themselves to hypnosis session for bruxism claim that they experience relief two to three nights after the therapy session. Luckier patients go through immediate relief. This means that right at the night of the therapy session, they don't grind their teeth any longer.
However, it is important to note that hypnosis, just like other treatment methods, is a healing process. Patients should not be too impatient on the results of the therapy. It could take some time to work, especially on people whose minds are not too accommodative to these types of treatment procedures.
If you want to try hypnosis as a permanent solution to bruxism, talk to a hypnotic expert whose proficiency lies on the treatment of bruxism. Local therapists who had gained reputation in the practice are your best choices.
Read our articles and find out more about How To Stop Teeth Grinding, what to consider before buying Teeth Grinding Night Guards and Teeth Grinding And Hypnosis at
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Right now, hypnosis is used to treat a lot of behavioral problems. And during the recent years, experts are taking advantage of its use for bruxism. Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding. Teeth grinding is that annoying sound people unknowingly make while asleep.
Bruxism can be caused by a lot of factors. Research show that bruxism could develop due to the physical defects of the jaws and teeth. However, stress is also a big factor why people grind their teeth at night. And it is also on this cause where hypnosis is most effective at.
Practitioners say that hypnosis is the best solution to bruxism caused by jaw tension. While a night guard may do a good job in preventing denture damages, it cannot reduce the pain in the head and the neck that are also caused by teeth grinding.
Bruxism patients are required to attend a 30-minute hypnosis session to correct the problem. The therapy could be just one session or more, depending upon the patient's mental stature. Inside the session, the subconscious of the patient are be taught to feel the sensation created when the upper and lower teeth touches each other. And the moment that happens, the mind is instructed to relax the jaw muscles and create a comfortable space between the teeth.
For people who find going to a therapist a little too much on their budget, they could opt for a bruxism hypnosis CD instead. The CD is best used before sleeping so it is easier to achieve a state of total relaxation. Some people report that using a hypnosis CD is as effective as the one conducted personally by a hypnotherapist.
On the average, patients who subjected themselves to hypnosis session for bruxism claim that they experience relief two to three nights after the therapy session. Luckier patients go through immediate relief. This means that right at the night of the therapy session, they don't grind their teeth any longer.
However, it is important to note that hypnosis, just like other treatment methods, is a healing process. Patients should not be too impatient on the results of the therapy. It could take some time to work, especially on people whose minds are not too accommodative to these types of treatment procedures.
If you want to try hypnosis as a permanent solution to bruxism, talk to a hypnotic expert whose proficiency lies on the treatment of bruxism. Local therapists who had gained reputation in the practice are your best choices.
Read our articles and find out more about How To Stop Teeth Grinding, what to consider before buying Teeth Grinding Night Guards and Teeth Grinding And Hypnosis at
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Monday, June 9, 2008
Proven Mind Control Techniques – How to Control Minds By Asking For More
By Michael Lee
Are there any proven mind control techniques to get someone to do what you want, even if you have that feeling that you’re asking too much? Fortunately, there is.
It’s called "asking for more." Ironic as it may sound, this is one of the most potent and proven mind control techniques you may use.
Here’s how it works. Let’s say you want your friend to donate $10 to a charitable cause you’re involved with. For him, $10 might already be a big amount. Instead of asking for less, you asked him for $25 because you imply that’s what most people are giving. If he doesn’t want to give you the $25, tell him, "In that case, we’ll just have to be contented with $10." He’ll feel so relieved to save $15 and will gladly give the $10 to you.
You won’t believe how often kids apply proven mind control techniques. They simply want to go to a movie, but they ask their parents to take them to expensive vacation spots. When their parents say that such trips are too expensive, their children would ask, "Could we just go to a movie then?" The kids get what they want, while the parents feel that the pressure has been taken off them.
The power of this persuasion technique comes from the feeling of obligation to reciprocate the concession you initially gave.
People will be more receptive to grant your true (and smaller) request after they declined the first (and bigger) one. They will feel embarrassed to turn down the second favor, especially if it’s much easier to comply than the first request.
The second request gives them the freedom of choice. It’s like they’re given an escape route. They will feel like a special favor has been given to them because they’re given room to negotiate and reject the first offer.
Using this proven mind control technique, they will feel a sense of contentment and at the same time, a sense of responsibility to fulfill the secondary (and even other future) requests.
Remember that people feel a sense of guilt if they refuse your request. If your second favor is something they can afford to do, then they'll grab the opportunity to make it up to you.
The great thing about this is that they might even give you the larger request. This is one of the most effectively proven mind control techniques because you give them the chance to negotiate, and at the same time you make them feel that they got the better end of the deal because you "gave in".
Discover proven mind control techniques and be an expert in the art of persuasion and conversational hypnosis in just a few short days! Get a FREE course that reveals groundbreaking persuasion secrets at
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Are there any proven mind control techniques to get someone to do what you want, even if you have that feeling that you’re asking too much? Fortunately, there is.
It’s called "asking for more." Ironic as it may sound, this is one of the most potent and proven mind control techniques you may use.
Here’s how it works. Let’s say you want your friend to donate $10 to a charitable cause you’re involved with. For him, $10 might already be a big amount. Instead of asking for less, you asked him for $25 because you imply that’s what most people are giving. If he doesn’t want to give you the $25, tell him, "In that case, we’ll just have to be contented with $10." He’ll feel so relieved to save $15 and will gladly give the $10 to you.
You won’t believe how often kids apply proven mind control techniques. They simply want to go to a movie, but they ask their parents to take them to expensive vacation spots. When their parents say that such trips are too expensive, their children would ask, "Could we just go to a movie then?" The kids get what they want, while the parents feel that the pressure has been taken off them.
The power of this persuasion technique comes from the feeling of obligation to reciprocate the concession you initially gave.
People will be more receptive to grant your true (and smaller) request after they declined the first (and bigger) one. They will feel embarrassed to turn down the second favor, especially if it’s much easier to comply than the first request.
The second request gives them the freedom of choice. It’s like they’re given an escape route. They will feel like a special favor has been given to them because they’re given room to negotiate and reject the first offer.
Using this proven mind control technique, they will feel a sense of contentment and at the same time, a sense of responsibility to fulfill the secondary (and even other future) requests.
Remember that people feel a sense of guilt if they refuse your request. If your second favor is something they can afford to do, then they'll grab the opportunity to make it up to you.
The great thing about this is that they might even give you the larger request. This is one of the most effectively proven mind control techniques because you give them the chance to negotiate, and at the same time you make them feel that they got the better end of the deal because you "gave in".
Discover proven mind control techniques and be an expert in the art of persuasion and conversational hypnosis in just a few short days! Get a FREE course that reveals groundbreaking persuasion secrets at
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Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Hypnotized Brain - Self Esteem And Negative Thinking
By Michael Mcgrath
Are you dogged by negative thinking and negative emotions throughout your day? Does negativity stop you from moving forward in your life? Everyone of us carry around negative beliefs and harmful emotions, usually based in past negative experiences. Would you like to break free and start to live life more on your terms today? If so, read on!
If you are a person who finds it hard to get through the day without experiencing negative thoughts and emotions that cripple your ability to interact and make sound clear decisions then you know how harmful allowing these negatives to remain can be.
It is proable though that you are just an average person who is neither very positive nor very negative. You are most likely to be the type of person who feels neither good nor bad most of the time yet can get bogged down in negativity as the world and circumstances push against you.
The purpose of this article is to show you that you can eliminate these negative from your life and free your mind so that you can enjoy every moment and make decisions that are beneficial to your chosen life path without the hindrance of negative emotions and thoughts which usually guide you.
It is a great misconception amongst the majority of people that we have no control over our thoughts and emotions. They believe that negative thoughts and stressful emotions are a normal part of life. However, this could not be further from the truth.
Your brain is just like a computer. It needs software to run it and the software that it uses comes in the form of beliefs. Beliefs are just a collection of thoughts grouped together to form a picture of yourself and the world.
There are programs which are hot-wired in your brain designed to keep you safe like your fear of sudden bangs for example., however most of the programming that you have was amassed over your lifetime. Some of these programs are very beneficial like looking both ways when you cross the road, don't touch fire etc. However, many of these programs are extremely negative and to the detriment of your success and happiness. For instance not wanting to try something new in case you fail may have been beneficial if you grew up around dysfunctional people who belittled your every effort but as an adult it would stop you from progressing in life and create extreme emotional responses when you are confronted with new experiences.
When you begin to identify and then remove the negative programming from your mind you will experience rewards in your life that you never dreamed were possible. In addition the freedom you experience in your own mind and body will allow you to enjoy each moment and be more present in the moment without the internal negative dialogue that has followed you around to this point.
The main reason behind negative thoughts lies in your self-esteem. Low self-esteem and a lack of self-worth lead to self doubt and fear. The key to removing all negativity from your life lies in your ability to love yourself and others unconditionally. Learning to improve your self-esteem is the one skill that you need to create success in any and all areas of your life. Disapproving of yourself and withholding self-approval is the main reason behind all your failure.
When you experience self doubt or fear you can always trace the reason back to a lack of self-worth. Re-read the last sentence then give it some real thought. Can you not see how true it is!
If you analyse all your negative thoughts and trace them back to their roots you will find that they lie in a belief that you are not good enough or unworthy in some way. By tacking the problem of negative thinking and negative emotions at their root ' low self-esteem ' you can lessen their effect at worst and totally eliminate them at best.
Begin today to forgive yourself for past mistakes and let-go of any regrets you may have. View your past as a path to the person you are today. In this way you can begin to become not only tolerant of your past but eventually you will become thankful for it. If you make a mistake in your life be gentle with yourself. Remove the habit of berating yourself. The world is filled with people who will do that for you, why should you be one them?
Practise forgiving yourself. Practise giving yourself approval ' it's just a decision. Decide now that you will no longer tolerate internal criticism. It is you that has your mind and it is you that thinks your thoughts. No-one else does it for you so therefore you have complete control over your mind and your thinking! Exercise that control today.
Recall all the wonderful things that you have done in life and congratulate yourself for the progress you have made. Many people don't make it as far as you have. Seek out tools to help you reprogram your mind for high self-esteem. Try hypnosis. You have been hypnotized into believing that you are unworthy of success and happiness so re-hypnotize yourself with the opposite.
With increased self esteem comes more self confidence and a deeper feeling of self worth. 80% of all communication is non-verbal so you will find that other people begin to react to you in a more positive way as you unconsciously project a better self image which reflects your feelings of self worth and confidence. You will also find your life begins to improve in ways you would not have thought possible. Try it, you may just be surprised!
Go to and read our free reviews of the best Self Hypnosis products we tested. Find out what really works! . Alternatively you can visit where we have reviews of the best Hypnosis products we tested. We find out what works so you don't have to!
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Are you dogged by negative thinking and negative emotions throughout your day? Does negativity stop you from moving forward in your life? Everyone of us carry around negative beliefs and harmful emotions, usually based in past negative experiences. Would you like to break free and start to live life more on your terms today? If so, read on!
If you are a person who finds it hard to get through the day without experiencing negative thoughts and emotions that cripple your ability to interact and make sound clear decisions then you know how harmful allowing these negatives to remain can be.
It is proable though that you are just an average person who is neither very positive nor very negative. You are most likely to be the type of person who feels neither good nor bad most of the time yet can get bogged down in negativity as the world and circumstances push against you.
The purpose of this article is to show you that you can eliminate these negative from your life and free your mind so that you can enjoy every moment and make decisions that are beneficial to your chosen life path without the hindrance of negative emotions and thoughts which usually guide you.
It is a great misconception amongst the majority of people that we have no control over our thoughts and emotions. They believe that negative thoughts and stressful emotions are a normal part of life. However, this could not be further from the truth.
Your brain is just like a computer. It needs software to run it and the software that it uses comes in the form of beliefs. Beliefs are just a collection of thoughts grouped together to form a picture of yourself and the world.
There are programs which are hot-wired in your brain designed to keep you safe like your fear of sudden bangs for example., however most of the programming that you have was amassed over your lifetime. Some of these programs are very beneficial like looking both ways when you cross the road, don't touch fire etc. However, many of these programs are extremely negative and to the detriment of your success and happiness. For instance not wanting to try something new in case you fail may have been beneficial if you grew up around dysfunctional people who belittled your every effort but as an adult it would stop you from progressing in life and create extreme emotional responses when you are confronted with new experiences.
When you begin to identify and then remove the negative programming from your mind you will experience rewards in your life that you never dreamed were possible. In addition the freedom you experience in your own mind and body will allow you to enjoy each moment and be more present in the moment without the internal negative dialogue that has followed you around to this point.
The main reason behind negative thoughts lies in your self-esteem. Low self-esteem and a lack of self-worth lead to self doubt and fear. The key to removing all negativity from your life lies in your ability to love yourself and others unconditionally. Learning to improve your self-esteem is the one skill that you need to create success in any and all areas of your life. Disapproving of yourself and withholding self-approval is the main reason behind all your failure.
When you experience self doubt or fear you can always trace the reason back to a lack of self-worth. Re-read the last sentence then give it some real thought. Can you not see how true it is!
If you analyse all your negative thoughts and trace them back to their roots you will find that they lie in a belief that you are not good enough or unworthy in some way. By tacking the problem of negative thinking and negative emotions at their root ' low self-esteem ' you can lessen their effect at worst and totally eliminate them at best.
Begin today to forgive yourself for past mistakes and let-go of any regrets you may have. View your past as a path to the person you are today. In this way you can begin to become not only tolerant of your past but eventually you will become thankful for it. If you make a mistake in your life be gentle with yourself. Remove the habit of berating yourself. The world is filled with people who will do that for you, why should you be one them?
Practise forgiving yourself. Practise giving yourself approval ' it's just a decision. Decide now that you will no longer tolerate internal criticism. It is you that has your mind and it is you that thinks your thoughts. No-one else does it for you so therefore you have complete control over your mind and your thinking! Exercise that control today.
Recall all the wonderful things that you have done in life and congratulate yourself for the progress you have made. Many people don't make it as far as you have. Seek out tools to help you reprogram your mind for high self-esteem. Try hypnosis. You have been hypnotized into believing that you are unworthy of success and happiness so re-hypnotize yourself with the opposite.
With increased self esteem comes more self confidence and a deeper feeling of self worth. 80% of all communication is non-verbal so you will find that other people begin to react to you in a more positive way as you unconsciously project a better self image which reflects your feelings of self worth and confidence. You will also find your life begins to improve in ways you would not have thought possible. Try it, you may just be surprised!
Go to and read our free reviews of the best Self Hypnosis products we tested. Find out what really works! . Alternatively you can visit where we have reviews of the best Hypnosis products we tested. We find out what works so you don't have to!
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Programming The Subconscious Mind
By Odille Rault
The conscious mind can process about 40 bits of information per second; the subconscious mind can process 40 Million bits of information per second! Imagine if you could program the subconscious mind by delivering millions of instructions to it.
Of course, we constantly program our subconscious minds without realizing it. The conversations we have with ourselves and others, the information we expose ourselves to, our experiences, and our daily repetitive thinking -- all program the subconscious mind by default! The result can be seen in patterns in our lives.
The Subconscious Mind Controls Most Bodily Functions.
A small example of the Power of programming the subconscious mind is this: one of the bodily functions controlled by the subconscious is the production and absorption of HGH (human growth hormone). One of the reasons for the effects of aging is a decline in the production and absorption in the body, of HGH. If you could program your subconscious, you could instruct it to increase production and absorption of your body's own natural HGH, thus helping to diminish the effects of aging.
The Subconscious Mind Controls Habits.
We all have a myriad of habits we're unaware of, from physical habits to emotional and mental habits, and it can take immense work, time and will-power (not to mention therapy) to change these habits. Even something as apparently simple as thinking positively, or feeling enthusiastic about life, can prove to be a major challenge. Imagine the possibilities if you could go directly to the source and program your subconscious mind.
Methods of Programming the Subconscious Mind:
There are various ways you can attempt to program your subconscious. Some of these are conscious and manual, others are more direct and automatic.
Let's start with the better known methods. Affirmations are one of the most popular ways in which people try to program their subconscious and change habits. With affirmations it's essential to use the present tense. For example: "I am confident" rather than "I will be confident." Affirmations can take a long time - they need to be repeated many times, and over a long period before the message may get through to the subconscious. They are also dependent on the conscious mind - which will usually argue with the affirmation "No I'm not." The old beliefs and patterns can often block the instructions from reaching the subconscious. The affirmation has to try (by repetitive convincing) to gain permission from the "gatekeeper" - the conscious mind - in order to enter the subconscious.
This is a method of attempting to reach the subconscious but avoid the arguments of the conscious mind. With this method, the "gatekeeper" may be asleep, but the instructions still have to sneak past it without being noticed.
Subliminal Messaging:
A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind. So with this technique, the gatekeeper is out cold, and it's fairly easy for instructions to sneak past without his ever knowing they were there! However, there is a lot of debate and disagreement as to the effectiveness of this method. There are subliminal messaging CDs you can buy, most of which consist of a background sound like rain or music, and have messages, instructions and affirmations embedded, which are inaudible to the conscious mind.
P.A.T.H.S. (Program Authoring the Human Subconscious)
Paths is a method of programming the subconscious mind by delivering instructions and cues directly to the subconscious, automatically.
However, unlike subliminal messaging it doesn't require hours a week listening to a CD. The person using Paths will watch an online customized theater presentation for three minutes per module. The modules relate to specific topics chosen by the user. These visual and audio theaters include cues targeting the person's subconscious mind. The subconscious mind recognizes that the theater is specifically for that user and nobody else. The subconscious mind then downloads millions of instructions corresponding to the modules chosen and then the presentation is over.
Over the next seven days, on average, the person's brain has assimilated and built new connections corresponding to the instructions that the subconscious mind received. The best analogy of how this is possible is that you could send one hundred pages to a printer all at once. The printer stores it in a memory. Then, the printer prints one page at a time, as it is able. This is like the brain forming new neural connections to correspond to this information, as it is able.
Although this method is no magical cure for all, by communicating more directly with the subconscious mind in this manner and at the huge repetitious cycle that RDT (Rapid Data Transfer) utilizes, the results are realized in a very fast manner that most people are unfamiliar with.
Whatever method you find works for you, the potential of the being able to program the subconscious mind is "mind-blowing" especially when you take into account the experiments conducted in 1979 by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR). The PEAR program at Princeton University was set up to determine if human consciousness can externally affect the physical world. In 2007, PEAR was closed because they accomplished what they set out to do.
The Subconscious mind, not space, is the Final Frontier!
Odille Rault is a Life Coach and author of The Magic Pill ebooks. Her roller-coaster journey through Self Development has resulted in a deep understanding of many methods and modalities, as well as enabled her to help others get from "there" to "here". Because of her strong belief that low self esteem is at the root of all issues and "problems", she has created a website for Self Esteem resources, which can be found at:
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The conscious mind can process about 40 bits of information per second; the subconscious mind can process 40 Million bits of information per second! Imagine if you could program the subconscious mind by delivering millions of instructions to it.
Of course, we constantly program our subconscious minds without realizing it. The conversations we have with ourselves and others, the information we expose ourselves to, our experiences, and our daily repetitive thinking -- all program the subconscious mind by default! The result can be seen in patterns in our lives.
The Subconscious Mind Controls Most Bodily Functions.
A small example of the Power of programming the subconscious mind is this: one of the bodily functions controlled by the subconscious is the production and absorption of HGH (human growth hormone). One of the reasons for the effects of aging is a decline in the production and absorption in the body, of HGH. If you could program your subconscious, you could instruct it to increase production and absorption of your body's own natural HGH, thus helping to diminish the effects of aging.
The Subconscious Mind Controls Habits.
We all have a myriad of habits we're unaware of, from physical habits to emotional and mental habits, and it can take immense work, time and will-power (not to mention therapy) to change these habits. Even something as apparently simple as thinking positively, or feeling enthusiastic about life, can prove to be a major challenge. Imagine the possibilities if you could go directly to the source and program your subconscious mind.
Methods of Programming the Subconscious Mind:
There are various ways you can attempt to program your subconscious. Some of these are conscious and manual, others are more direct and automatic.
Let's start with the better known methods. Affirmations are one of the most popular ways in which people try to program their subconscious and change habits. With affirmations it's essential to use the present tense. For example: "I am confident" rather than "I will be confident." Affirmations can take a long time - they need to be repeated many times, and over a long period before the message may get through to the subconscious. They are also dependent on the conscious mind - which will usually argue with the affirmation "No I'm not." The old beliefs and patterns can often block the instructions from reaching the subconscious. The affirmation has to try (by repetitive convincing) to gain permission from the "gatekeeper" - the conscious mind - in order to enter the subconscious.
This is a method of attempting to reach the subconscious but avoid the arguments of the conscious mind. With this method, the "gatekeeper" may be asleep, but the instructions still have to sneak past it without being noticed.
Subliminal Messaging:
A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind. So with this technique, the gatekeeper is out cold, and it's fairly easy for instructions to sneak past without his ever knowing they were there! However, there is a lot of debate and disagreement as to the effectiveness of this method. There are subliminal messaging CDs you can buy, most of which consist of a background sound like rain or music, and have messages, instructions and affirmations embedded, which are inaudible to the conscious mind.
P.A.T.H.S. (Program Authoring the Human Subconscious)
Paths is a method of programming the subconscious mind by delivering instructions and cues directly to the subconscious, automatically.
However, unlike subliminal messaging it doesn't require hours a week listening to a CD. The person using Paths will watch an online customized theater presentation for three minutes per module. The modules relate to specific topics chosen by the user. These visual and audio theaters include cues targeting the person's subconscious mind. The subconscious mind recognizes that the theater is specifically for that user and nobody else. The subconscious mind then downloads millions of instructions corresponding to the modules chosen and then the presentation is over.
Over the next seven days, on average, the person's brain has assimilated and built new connections corresponding to the instructions that the subconscious mind received. The best analogy of how this is possible is that you could send one hundred pages to a printer all at once. The printer stores it in a memory. Then, the printer prints one page at a time, as it is able. This is like the brain forming new neural connections to correspond to this information, as it is able.
Although this method is no magical cure for all, by communicating more directly with the subconscious mind in this manner and at the huge repetitious cycle that RDT (Rapid Data Transfer) utilizes, the results are realized in a very fast manner that most people are unfamiliar with.
Whatever method you find works for you, the potential of the being able to program the subconscious mind is "mind-blowing" especially when you take into account the experiments conducted in 1979 by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR). The PEAR program at Princeton University was set up to determine if human consciousness can externally affect the physical world. In 2007, PEAR was closed because they accomplished what they set out to do.
The Subconscious mind, not space, is the Final Frontier!
Odille Rault is a Life Coach and author of The Magic Pill ebooks. Her roller-coaster journey through Self Development has resulted in a deep understanding of many methods and modalities, as well as enabled her to help others get from "there" to "here". Because of her strong belief that low self esteem is at the root of all issues and "problems", she has created a website for Self Esteem resources, which can be found at:
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Saturday, June 7, 2008
Begin Using Covert Hypnosis in Just Moments
By Shane Wilson
In general, hypnosis is used to help individual's deal with a habit, overcome pain or even deal with fear and anxiety. Typically, this is performed by a hypnotherapist and is just a way of aiding individual's to relax their minds and block out distractions so that their mind is left open to suggestion. There are other types of hypnosis, however, such as covert hypnosis. This form of hypnosis is utilized via simple suggestions that are entered into a person's mind just in a different setting.
Basically, covert hypnosis is just a way of connecting with someone on a subconscious level. This form of hypnosis is utilized without an individual knowing that you are doing it. Of all the many reasons why someone would want to do this, it simply comes down to wanting someone other than yourself the see or feel the same way you do. This form is widely used in sales either by a salesman or in a sales letter. Covert hypnosis can be simply done in two steps.
In the first step in covert hypnosis, you will need to build up a bit of rapport or trust. What is accomplished by this is that it sets the individual's mind at ease and thus opens their mind to suggestion. Attaining rapport or trust is not easy but can be made easier with a little agreeable conversation. Let me show you an example. Say you are conversing with an individual and they confess to you that they dislike Prius cars immensely. You can simply agree with them by saying, you know, I don't like those that much either. What this accomplishes is that it brings you to their level thus making them more at ease with talking with you.
Moving on to step two. After trust has been established you'll now want to begin to persuade them by using body language and more conversation. The reason for this is to try and guide a person into feeling or thinking in a way that is at your best interest. A great example of this is a cell phone salesman. They won't start out by trying to sell you the Iphone upgrade, they will strike up a conversation even complimenting you in some manner and agree with you on how inefficient your old phone is before trying to close the sale. This is a very effective way of utilizing covert hypnosis in an attempt to steer a person's thinking in a way that benefits them.
Upon mastering covert hypnosis, you will be able to use this technique to dominate any conversation you have. With a little bit of practice, you would be surprised at how easy it is to manipulate somebody else's feelings on any matter. Before long, you'll find that you can steer individual's in any direction you see fit and not even know your doing it.
Article Tags: Hypnosis, Hypnotism, Covert Hypnosis, Hypnosis Therapy, Conversational Hypnosis, Hypnosis Training, Hypnosis Home Study Course, Hypnosis And Nlp
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About the Author:If you want to know a little known, Covert Hypnosis secret then visit now! Shane Wilson is a successful website owner at where he discusses various topics of Hypnosis. Stop by his site today.
In general, hypnosis is used to help individual's deal with a habit, overcome pain or even deal with fear and anxiety. Typically, this is performed by a hypnotherapist and is just a way of aiding individual's to relax their minds and block out distractions so that their mind is left open to suggestion. There are other types of hypnosis, however, such as covert hypnosis. This form of hypnosis is utilized via simple suggestions that are entered into a person's mind just in a different setting.
Basically, covert hypnosis is just a way of connecting with someone on a subconscious level. This form of hypnosis is utilized without an individual knowing that you are doing it. Of all the many reasons why someone would want to do this, it simply comes down to wanting someone other than yourself the see or feel the same way you do. This form is widely used in sales either by a salesman or in a sales letter. Covert hypnosis can be simply done in two steps.
In the first step in covert hypnosis, you will need to build up a bit of rapport or trust. What is accomplished by this is that it sets the individual's mind at ease and thus opens their mind to suggestion. Attaining rapport or trust is not easy but can be made easier with a little agreeable conversation. Let me show you an example. Say you are conversing with an individual and they confess to you that they dislike Prius cars immensely. You can simply agree with them by saying, you know, I don't like those that much either. What this accomplishes is that it brings you to their level thus making them more at ease with talking with you.
Moving on to step two. After trust has been established you'll now want to begin to persuade them by using body language and more conversation. The reason for this is to try and guide a person into feeling or thinking in a way that is at your best interest. A great example of this is a cell phone salesman. They won't start out by trying to sell you the Iphone upgrade, they will strike up a conversation even complimenting you in some manner and agree with you on how inefficient your old phone is before trying to close the sale. This is a very effective way of utilizing covert hypnosis in an attempt to steer a person's thinking in a way that benefits them.
Upon mastering covert hypnosis, you will be able to use this technique to dominate any conversation you have. With a little bit of practice, you would be surprised at how easy it is to manipulate somebody else's feelings on any matter. Before long, you'll find that you can steer individual's in any direction you see fit and not even know your doing it.
Article Tags: Hypnosis, Hypnotism, Covert Hypnosis, Hypnosis Therapy, Conversational Hypnosis, Hypnosis Training, Hypnosis Home Study Course, Hypnosis And Nlp
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About the Author:If you want to know a little known, Covert Hypnosis secret then visit now! Shane Wilson is a successful website owner at where he discusses various topics of Hypnosis. Stop by his site today.
Hypnosis Technique,
Friday, June 6, 2008
Transforming The Mind
By Pauline Lewinson
Where did the time go? It is almost the end of March already! Our minds can not conceive how God designed time any better than we can conceive the power of our minds. We just have to understand that God is the only one who has all the answers and we must trust Him with all our questions. Let us take a look at the mind.
The Webster’s dictionary describes the mind as: "That which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; Knowledge and intellectual ability: An opinion formed by judging something; your intention, what you intend to do". I will stop right here and ask what are your intentions?
The mind is the most powerful tool that any one possesses and it can make or break an individual. Just as a pistol can destroy anyone who is caught in its line of fire, our minds can cause us to do things, beyond our wildest imaginations, whether in a good way or in a bad way. In what way will you choose to use your mind today? Will it be in a negative way, in a positive way or in no way at all? .There is a saying, "the saying, the mind is a terrible thing to waste."
How do you plan to use your mind to impact the lives of others? The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is opened. What good is a closed mind or a mind that is not used for the greater good of mankind?
We are responsible for our thoughts and actions. We can use them to destroy ourselves or to create heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. What you think determines what you say, what you say determines what you do, what you do determines your habits and your habits determines your destiny. It truly is the thought life that defiles a person:
Bear in mind that you should use your heart, because Jesus challenges the focus of our hearts and our intentions. He said, "What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean." (Mark 7:20)
The wise man also shed some light on this issue when he said: "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he Proverb (23:7) and Paul warns: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2).
What kind of character are you allowing your thoughts to build? Will you entertain pure thoughts, so that you can have joy in your life or will you entertain evil thoughts and have pain and suffering?
When we begin to ask ourselves serious questions and begin to transform our minds, God promises:
"For here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to take you out of these countries, gather you from all over, and bring you back to your own land. I'll pour pure water over you and scrub you clean. I'll give you a new heart; put a new spirit in you. I'll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that's God-willed, not self-willed. I'll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands. You'll once again live in the land I gave your ancestors. You'll be my people! I'll be your God!"(Ezekiel 36:26-27) The Message.
Until next time Love, joy, peace and blessings to you
Pauline Lewinson, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Pauline can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. visit : Inspired Life
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Where did the time go? It is almost the end of March already! Our minds can not conceive how God designed time any better than we can conceive the power of our minds. We just have to understand that God is the only one who has all the answers and we must trust Him with all our questions. Let us take a look at the mind.
The Webster’s dictionary describes the mind as: "That which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; Knowledge and intellectual ability: An opinion formed by judging something; your intention, what you intend to do". I will stop right here and ask what are your intentions?
The mind is the most powerful tool that any one possesses and it can make or break an individual. Just as a pistol can destroy anyone who is caught in its line of fire, our minds can cause us to do things, beyond our wildest imaginations, whether in a good way or in a bad way. In what way will you choose to use your mind today? Will it be in a negative way, in a positive way or in no way at all? .There is a saying, "the saying, the mind is a terrible thing to waste."
How do you plan to use your mind to impact the lives of others? The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is opened. What good is a closed mind or a mind that is not used for the greater good of mankind?
We are responsible for our thoughts and actions. We can use them to destroy ourselves or to create heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. What you think determines what you say, what you say determines what you do, what you do determines your habits and your habits determines your destiny. It truly is the thought life that defiles a person:
Bear in mind that you should use your heart, because Jesus challenges the focus of our hearts and our intentions. He said, "What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean." (Mark 7:20)
The wise man also shed some light on this issue when he said: "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he Proverb (23:7) and Paul warns: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2).
What kind of character are you allowing your thoughts to build? Will you entertain pure thoughts, so that you can have joy in your life or will you entertain evil thoughts and have pain and suffering?
When we begin to ask ourselves serious questions and begin to transform our minds, God promises:
"For here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to take you out of these countries, gather you from all over, and bring you back to your own land. I'll pour pure water over you and scrub you clean. I'll give you a new heart; put a new spirit in you. I'll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that's God-willed, not self-willed. I'll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands. You'll once again live in the land I gave your ancestors. You'll be my people! I'll be your God!"(Ezekiel 36:26-27) The Message.
Until next time Love, joy, peace and blessings to you
Pauline Lewinson, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Pauline can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. visit : Inspired Life
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