
Sunday, January 6, 2008

Using Free Subliminal Videos and Audio to Create Wealth

By Jon Mercer

Every single person can create a wealthy life by working with the law of attraction, and using free subliminal videos or audio MP3's can help speed up the process, changing your outlook from lack-based to wealth-based in very little time.

As a law of attraction coach, I have used many different methods with clients to change their dominant mindset from one of lack, poverty and limitation, to one of wealth, success and prosperity. Why is this so important?

The way we "see" the world on the inside (our state of mind) affects how we respond to the world on the outside, and what we attract into our life. You can see a very simple example of this if you think about how different individuals approach job interviews.

Some people approach a job interview from a fearful -- or lack-based -- point of view. Before showing up to an interview they may tell themselves that they have no chance of getting the job, and they may feel that they would be "lucky" if anyone offered them a good position. But other people would approach the same job interview from a very different point of view.

These individuals would feel excited about the prospect of the job interview, and their chances for contributing to the company. They would focus on what they can offer the organization, and tell themselves that the company would certainly want such an optimistic, hard-working individual on their team. They may even feel that if they should not get the job, it would only mean that there was a better position waiting for them right around the corner.

This is a wealth-based attitude, and on a very common sense level, we can all see how people who develop and maintain this point of view have more success in life. The tricky part for people who have developed a habit of thinking in a lack-based way is to change their dominant mindset to one of wealth and prosperity. Subliminal videos can be a great help in creating this change of attitude.

By using free subliminal videos and/or audio files, you can bypass your critical conscious mind, and directly "program" your subconscious for success, wealth and prosperity. And for those who are skeptical about the benefits of using subliminal videos, a recent study reported by the BBC indicates conclusively that subliminal messages are understood by the subconscious mind, even when not seen by the naked eye.

To create wealth in your life -- and a wealthy mindset -- the best type of subliminal video to use is one containing a massive amount of both visual and audio messages pertaining to wealth, money and success. One good example of this is the free subliminal video called "BigFatCashMoney," which is available on the Attractanything website or in demo format on YouTube.

Videos like BigFatCashMoney contain literally millions of intense visual and audio subliminal messages and suggestions of wealth and abundance. They are an excellent way for students of the law of attraction to keep the right information "on their radar" at all times, and thus, attract more money and opportunities into their life.

Using the law of attraction successfully is all about mastering where you focus your attention. By using free subliminal videos such as those mentioned above, you can overpower a limiting, lack-based point of view to create unbounded wealth and success.

About the Author: Jon Mercer, MA, is a Law of Attraction Coach and founder of Get Free Subliminal Videos for attracting wealth with the award-winning AttractAnything! Video Series.

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