
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Discussing Subconscious Mind and Hypnosis

By Stephen C Campbell

Hypnosis is a subject that evokes several questions in the mind of the people. Some believe it and some criticize it. People have different views regarding this topic and it is also becoming one of the fastest growing areas of interest for many communities which include scientists as well. It has been an ancient method of solving the various conditions of the human life. Many people believe that it is state of mind under the magical spell of a magician. But, this believe is absolutely wrong. It is nothing but a step to control you and your life. It is the process by which changes in the personality, habits and the lifestyle is brought about.

Self hypnosis technique

There are several steps to reach the self hypnosis stage. The steps are:
Position: The self hypnosis-process starts after the person gets into a very comfortable position. It is advisable to get into a position that provides adequate support and comfort, while the whole process of self hypnosis takes place. The most ideal position that is suggested by most of the researchers is to sit down while putting the feet flat on the ground and the hands resting upon the thighs.

Reasons: This is the second step in the hypnosis-process and involves the process of going through the reasons behind the changes that are intended to be made. The speaking aloud of the reasons can be very helpful in the process.
Duration: After getting into a good position, the next thing is to decide upon the amount of time that has to be spent in the self hypnosis process.

The purpose: This is the process by which the person decides upon the purpose of his self hypnosis. It is suggested to always use a positive statement because the subconscious mind dos not understand the negative statements.
The final state: This is the way by which the person decides upon the final state in which he is going to be in after the completion of the hypnosis-process. The state in which the person wants to be in after the completion of the process depends upon the circumstances and the nature of the person.

External self hypnosis: This is the way of concentrating upon three major senses. They are sight, touch and sound. The process starts with sight in which the person is required to watch three tings in front of him always that the thing to be watched should be small things. After the seeing process is over the focus is to be shifted to hearing. The person is required to hear the firs three thing that he hears and think about them.

Internal self hypnosis: The internal self hypnosis-process involves closing of the eyes and bringing an image into the mind. Any image can be taken and should be given a name. Then wait a little and let some sound some into your hearing. After listening it give it a name. This has to be done with two more pictures and sounds.

Completion of the process: It is seen that many people fail to reach the end successfully in the process of hypnosis. But, if the person finds himself coming back at the end of the time allocated time, then he knows that he was not sleep and the mind was doing whatever was asked to do.

About the Author: Stephen C Campbell (Master NLP Practitioner) has published more information on using the Subconscious as a Goal Setting tool at

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