
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Childhood Influences On The Subconscious Mind

By Mark David Peters

Incoming information into the subconscious mind has the ability to modify, erase or replace existing information. This means that beliefs formed during childhood can later be altered in your adult years of life.

However it is often much harder to reprogram a mind when you are older, because information has already been stored into it which the mind now uses to compare against new incoming information.

The Effect Of Childhood Influences

For example, if as a child you were constantly told that you will never amount to much in life, you would mostly likely grow up with poor self esteem and lack a belief that you are capable of success.

Essentially your mind was programmed not to achieve success, and it will act out this limiting belief in your future actions, preventing you from achieving any success you go after.

Subconscious Beliefs And Self Sabotage

The most common way this occurs is by self sabotage, whereby you unconsciously sabotage your chances of success or happiness, usually just before they occur.

Although consciously you may not like to fail, subconsciously, because your mind has been programmed to fail, that is what your mind thinks is best for you.

Modifying The Mind

However we are not all doomed by our limiting beliefs in the subconscious, because new information has the ability to change these limiting beliefs into beliefs that will improve and enrich your life.

So for example, if you were constantly put down by your parents as a child, but in your later years of life people kept telling you how wonderful and great you are, your subconscious mind is forced to reexamine its previous beliefs, and eventually will adopt the new belief that you now deserve success and happiness.

Unfortunately most people are not told how wonderful and great they are by the people they meet, and so in order to reprogram the mind they must do it themselves.

This is typically a slow process as you are trying to change or remove beliefs that have existed for many years, and which are therefore deeply engrained into the mind. However there are techniques to speed up the rate at which beliefs can be changed. You can find out about these various techniques by visiting the website listed below.

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