By R J Licata
There are two parts to our brains- the conscious mind, which handles all things we are aware of and the subconscious mind, which controls everything else. The conscious mind works only some of the time (when we are awake). But the subconscious mind is always at work.
Whether we are aware of it or not, the subconscious mind, not including involuntary physical behaviors such as breathing and our heart beat, works off of signals sent to it from the conscious mind. In other words, whatever we spend our conscious time thinking about most becomes a point of interest for our subconscious mind. And since our subconscious mind is always at work, it puts forth a great deal of effort addressing those topics.
Have you ever gone to bed shortly after watching a scary movie? More often than not you have some sort of nightmares, right? Even if you can't recall being woken from the nightmares, there is a good chance that you had them. The occurrence of the nightmares is a prime example of the awesome power of our subconscious minds. While you watched the movie your conscious mind was creating thoughts and images of the parts that you found scary. If you don't change those thoughts before going to sleep, then your subconscious mind has nothing to work with other than the movie you just watched. During sleep is the most effective time for the subconscious mind, because there is no chance of conflicting signals coming from the conscious mind. This is why when making an important decision people will sometimes want to "sleep on it".
Ultimately your subconscious mind knows what's in your best interest, and will nudge you in that direction. Without the negative influence of the conscious mind, which tends to make decisions based on emotion rather than logical thought, your subconscious is free to do what it does best. That is, to help you achieve whatever it is you desire.
Now that we've determined that sleep is the best time for your subconscious mind to handle its work, we need to be sure that the scary movie thoughts are replaced with positive, problem solving and productive thoughts. This way, when your subconscious mind gets working it is addressing the issues of most importance to you, and not caught up with trivial matters that are out of your control anyway.
Following is a list of ten methods you can apply to your life that will help you access your subconscious mind.
Although the ideal situation would be to apply these tactics right before bed, it's not practical to expect to do so. I also think there are advantages to applying them throughout the day so that you're sure the things you want are reaching your subconscious mind.
Like anything else, these concepts will become easier with practice, but even when implemented poorly or improperly, you should still begin to see substantial results.
1. Leave Reminders
The easiest way to be sure you're thinking about things that are important is to leave physical reminders. There are a number of ways you can do this. The simplest is to write yourself notes. A to-do list can be helpful, though it's easy to have your primary goals blend in with other, less important daily activities.
What I suggest instead, and have found personal success with, is to firmly and clearly write your goal or desire on an note card or piece of paper and put it in a strategic location. I did this with my recent weight loss goal.The idea being that you will see it often, and the goal or thought will begin to fester in your mind, even if you are unaware of what's taking place.
Physical reminders use your conscious mind as a bridge to get to your subconscious mind. First, by creating the reminders (i.e. drawing the notes) you are instilling the thought into first your conscious mind, and then your subconscious.
Second, when you place the reminder in a strategic location, one where you will see it frequently, you give the thought an opportunity to take a direct route to your subconscious. (Think subliminal messaging.) If advertisers take advantage of this method so freely, and with such success, why can't we "trick" ourselves, too?
2. Meditate
I'm not a person who puts myself into deep trances on a regular basis, but as someone who daydreams occasionally, I can attest to the benefits of allowing your mind to drift into a relaxed, thoughtless state.
Thoughtless may be the wrong word. Focused is probably more accurate.
The next time you catch yourself daydreaming, take a moment and think about how focused and in tune with your thoughts you were. That is the state of mind you should shoot for when you meditate. Relax until you are literally lost in thought.
Be sure to have a focused topic as you are drifting into meditation or your thoughts may be misdirected. Take a minute to specifically identify the goals you want to achieve or the problem you'd like to solve. Once you've got them clearly in your mind, close your eyes, control your breathing and relax your body. Don't let those thoughts leave your head. Now visualize (see step 3.) yourself achieving the goals, or functioning in a world where your problem has been solved.
Continue in this state for as long as you feel necessary, and repeat as needed.
3. Visualize
Visualization works best when it's paired with meditation, but it doesn't have to be. Meditation puts you in a relaxed state, which makes it easier to create visual sequences. By creating visual sequences you put yourself in a situation that you anticipate yourself being in, before it actually happens. This allows your brain acclimate itself to the situation that is about to occur.
Essentially, visualization is practice for your brain. It's no different than practicing an athletic event, except rather than training muscles, you're training your brain, so it knows how you want it to respond in a specific scenario.
To visualize, all you do is create mental pictures (some people prefer videos), of yourself successfully accomplishing something. You would actually see yourself performing the task, either in third or first person, whichever you prefer.
It's important to remember to create the picture in as much detail as possible, making note of such things as sounds and smells. The more detailed the visualization, the more successful it will be.
Visualize through the entire event or performance, imagining the desired outcome and all the excitement that comes with it. Allow yourself to feel the joy that you will feel when you actually do successfully complete the task. Make it as real and as accurate as possible. Repeat as necessary, and don't stop until you're convinced you've already achieved the goal.
4. Tell Others About Your Goal
If you were to state your goal or desire aloud on a daily basis, your subconscious mind would have no choice but to listen. In order to speak, your brain must formulate thoughts, and in order to formulate thoughts, your brain must first compile and organize those thoughts. Such a simple thing as telling others about your plans requires that you make important decisions before you can do so.
The entire process is orchestrated by your conscious mind, which relays the plan to the subconscious. Suddenly, you've opened up the channel of communication between the two minds, simply by stating your thoughts. While you're explaining away, your subconscious has already begun working on how you're going to accomplish your goal.
A beneficial byproduct of this step is the accountability factor. This is another strategy that I used when starting my weight loss plan. The more people you tell of your plan, the more people you will let down if you fail to achieve it. For me, the accountability aspect adds an extra element of motivation to my already desired goal. It is also a huge help when dealing with procrastination.
5. Talk to Those Who've Been There
Trails are blazed for a reason. Could you imagine if every time you wanted to do something you had to completely start from scratch? What if recipes had to be invented new each time? Or if computers weren't built based on successes and failures of previous builds? Imagine how impossible progression would be on this planet.
Thankfully, that isn't the case in manufacturing and cooking, and there's no reason why it should be in life either. If there's a particular thing you'd like to do with your life, then make it a point to speak to someone who has already done it. If you can't get in touch with them, then read everything you can about them, or study their career. Do everything in your power to follow the path that they created for themselves. If there's something you'd rather do differently, you can always veer off, but there is no need to insist on being a pioneer to get to the same place someone else already has.
You don't have to stop being your own person to follow a blueprint for success. Having a plan that is already proven successful will allow your subconscious mind to work on the nuts and bolts of following the plan rather than designing its own plan. The closer you can get your subconscious mind to the heart of the matter, the better.
It begins with starting down the right road.
6. Set a Deadline
Tell your subconscious mind that you mean business. If you were to combine a deadline with the accountability factor, you'd give yourself no choice but to accomplish your goal.
A deadline tells your subconscious mind that there is an urgent matter at hand, and it must be taken care of immediately. Your mind will feel the importance of the matter, and will make all the necessary adjustments to be sure that the proper attention is given to solving this problem, which it understands to be the most pressing.
Even if it isn't the most important thing going on in your life, a deadline will keep your mind working on it, until it's met.
The amazing thing about the subconscious mind is it does whatever it takes to accomplish the things that you ask it to. Attaching a deadline to a particular goal simply increases the rate at which the subconscious mind works, without you even realizing it.
7. Maintain Focus
It's extremely easy to become distracted from the goals that are most important.
Typically, when you lose focus on what's important it's because your conscious mind becomes occupied with something. Although your subconscious mind wants to continue working on the original plan, your attention is diverted from the ultimate goal to something more timely, but usually not nearly as important.
When your focus shifts, the ability of your subconscious mind to take on and solve the problems you've layed out for it becomes significantly lower. To counteract this, you've got to make a conscious effort to maintain your focus on the issues that you want your subconscious to concentrate on. By this I mean you've got to be aware of the distractions that are presented to your conscious mind, and do your best to flush them out.
Once you understand how to filter your thoughts so that only the absolutely important ones make it to your subconscious, you're on your way to realizing its potential.
8. Chart Progress
The only way to truly understand progress is to see where you were then, and compare it to where you are now. To see a visual map of the road you traveled is an important step towards reaching your ultimate goal.
To begin, take the goal you'd like to achieve, the one that you've been calling on your subconscious mind to accomplish, and write it down in as much detail as you can.
Next, identify a few of the stages or milestones that you plan to reach on the way towards achieving that goal. Keep them in your mind as necessary benchmarks.
Now when you approach those benchmarks you'll be able to see how far you've come, as well as how much further you have to go.
The road map lets your subconscious know that it's on the right track, that it's making progress, and what the next benchmark is, so it can apply its efforts accordingly.
9. Be Realistic
It's easy to tell your subconscious that your goal is to end world hunger. However, when you do that, and then realize that such a goal is beyond your scope of ability, you've set yourself up for failure. As a result you become discouraged and risk losing faith in yourself.
A better way to accomplish your goal is to set a goal that challenges you, yet is realistic. If ending world hunger is your ultimate goal, how about setting your first goal at ending hunger in your community. Once you've accomplished that goal, then you can broaden your scope and work on something bigger.
Give your subconscious mind a challenging goal, but pace yourself. Going for it all right off the bat is a recipe for disaster.
10. Persevere & Persist
Understand now that there will be setbacks. There will be struggles and difficulties. But keep in mind that those things are only temporary.
No setback has to be permanent. It only becomes so if you allow it. It's your responsibility to train your subconscious and conscious minds to see the difference between setbacks and failures.
When you hit a roadblock, go around it. When you have a bridge to cross, cross it with confidence.
Tell yourself that no matter what, you will accomplish that goal. Your subconscious mind, once it has the assurance that you want it to work on a goal, will do whatever it takes to succeed. But if it has the slightest bit of doubt (i.e. you're not totally convinced of what your want, or if you can accomplish it) then it struggles to find solutions.
Be persistent, persevere through tough times, decide confidently in what you want and allow no temporary setback to put you off course.
If you relay this message to your subconscious mind by making a conscious decision that this is what you want, your subconscious mind will respond.
You Control Your Destiny
Remember, your subconscious mind exists to serve you. Put it to work in a productive way and it will provide overwhelming results.
Make conscious decisions that are in the best interest of your overall goals, and your subconscious mind will receive the message, and go to work.
The more you utilize the great power that your subconscious mind provides, the better you will be at calling on it. And the better you get at calling on it, the more success you will realize.
Only you control your destiny. You have the ability to make decisions that impact your life. Take advantage of the power you have to make the best decisions.
RJ Licata is an internet entrepreneur who spends a great deal of time working on his own personal development. His blog - Personal Development for Everyone examines the many areas of self improvement that we find ourselves struggling with on a daily basis.
RJ's experience stems from reading a great deal of books and listening to many accomplished speakers. Most importantly, he plans to continue learning right alongside his readers.
For more articles like this one, check out RJ's Personal Development Blog!
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Cultural Society And The Subconscious Mind
By Mark David Peters
Your subconscious mind is continually recording new information from the world around you. Everything that you see, hear or experience has the potential to modify your subconscious mind. Why is this important?
Because information that has been recorded in the subconscious is expressed in your behavior, and what you believe to be possible or impossible for you to achieve.
A good example of this can be seen in young children, especially those under the age of 6. Since as children we arrive into the world with no ideas as to how to act or what to believe in, we therefore must first learn those things from our parents.
So in a very real sense, your parents not only made you, but they also made your mind. This is why children initially act and behave in a similar fashion to their parents, and may later grow up with their beliefs and views of the world.
However since we do not spend our entire lives with our parents, we therefore expose our minds to new sources of information. This is known as the effect of society on your mind.
A good example of this can be seen by cross comparing two culturally unique families. If you look at children in isolated African tribes you see that children grow up with extremely similar beliefs and behaviors to that of their parents.
This occurs because tribal African children do the same things as their parents did throughout successive generations. They have a set way of doing things, and so follow a traditional way of life. Since they live in an isolated tribe, there is therefore little or no external influences which will affect the way they have lived for decades or even centuries.
As a result, each successive family member grows up with a mind that is essential identical to that of their parent. Although in reality no mind is exactly identical because no life is exactly identical.
Now if you compare this to westernized children who are exposed to far greater sources of external influences, such as TV or music culture, you find that children often grow up to be very different to their parents.
Each generation tends to reflect the cultural trends at the time, showing that society plays a big role in modifying the subconscious mind.
However even though children may appear to be different from their parents, they may still share some of the core deeply engrained beliefs they acquired as children. For example, their level of self esteem.
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Your subconscious mind is continually recording new information from the world around you. Everything that you see, hear or experience has the potential to modify your subconscious mind. Why is this important?
Because information that has been recorded in the subconscious is expressed in your behavior, and what you believe to be possible or impossible for you to achieve.
A good example of this can be seen in young children, especially those under the age of 6. Since as children we arrive into the world with no ideas as to how to act or what to believe in, we therefore must first learn those things from our parents.
So in a very real sense, your parents not only made you, but they also made your mind. This is why children initially act and behave in a similar fashion to their parents, and may later grow up with their beliefs and views of the world.
However since we do not spend our entire lives with our parents, we therefore expose our minds to new sources of information. This is known as the effect of society on your mind.
A good example of this can be seen by cross comparing two culturally unique families. If you look at children in isolated African tribes you see that children grow up with extremely similar beliefs and behaviors to that of their parents.
This occurs because tribal African children do the same things as their parents did throughout successive generations. They have a set way of doing things, and so follow a traditional way of life. Since they live in an isolated tribe, there is therefore little or no external influences which will affect the way they have lived for decades or even centuries.
As a result, each successive family member grows up with a mind that is essential identical to that of their parent. Although in reality no mind is exactly identical because no life is exactly identical.
Now if you compare this to westernized children who are exposed to far greater sources of external influences, such as TV or music culture, you find that children often grow up to be very different to their parents.
Each generation tends to reflect the cultural trends at the time, showing that society plays a big role in modifying the subconscious mind.
However even though children may appear to be different from their parents, they may still share some of the core deeply engrained beliefs they acquired as children. For example, their level of self esteem.
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Friday, March 21, 2008
How to Use the Subconscious Mind
By Ralston Heath
In the early part of the last century, certain people first began to realize that the mind was duality in its operation. The part we always are accustomed to using was named the conscious mind and the other part mistakenly thought to be the lesser part of consciousness was named the subconscious mind.
It was felt that the conscious mind, with its ability to think and reason, would naturally be the master part of the mind and that the other one would be subservient to it. This is extremely inaccurate and is far from being the truth. As you are about to learn, the subconscious mind is the real intelligence and power. No one has ever had as much intelligence, consciously, as all of us have subconsciously.
The prefix "sub" means under, below, beneath, lower. Since the subconscious mind is the seat of our intelligence and power, why do we call it the subconscious mind? Originally it was thought to be the lesser part of our mind and so it was labeled with the sub prefix. What was not realized is that the subconscious mind can access and use all the knowledge of the universe.
Our thoughts and actions are continually being guided by our subconscious mind, whether or not we are led to success and happiness, or failure and despair. It is the subconscious mind that controls and directs our actions as a direct result of the commands our conscious mind gives. It is our conscious mind that discerns levels of difference; good from bad, poor from rich, sick from healthy, and so on. Our subconscious does not make these distinctions; it only follows our conscious guidance and brings into our reality what we have commanded.
We command our subconscious by the thoughts, and words we use. If we are always speaking of prosperity then we develop a success consciousness, the subconscious mind will direct us in thought and action to success and happiness. Conversely if we are always speaking of how hard we have it and our lack of money and resources, then the same measure is applied and our subconscious will cause us to have a hard life, with a lack of money. Do you see what is happening here?
The following is a very simple description of the subconscious Mind and its relationship to the conscious mind. We will use a large corporation as an illustration. A big corporation, as you know, has a CEO and a general manager. Of course it has all those others too like vice presidents, secretaries, treasurers, etc. However for the sake of simplicity, we will use only the CEO and the general manager. Let us assume that this corporation in this illustration is an automobile plant. The CEO does the planning; the general manager executes the plans. When a new model is being contemplated, the president will make the decision as to all the changes to be made. These changes will be given to the general manager. It is the manager that tells the designers and draftsmen and tool makers etc. as to what to do, soon after the models are made; the plant is tooled up to create the new designs and on and on it goes until finally a new car rolls off the line bearing all of the changes originally planned by the CEO.
The conscious mind is the CEO; the subconscious mind is the general manager. The conscious mind does the thinking, planning, evaluating. The subconscious mind carries out the orders. You, as you sit right now are the CEO of your self. Your subconscious is also part of you but works far differently than the CEO part of you. The subconscious part of you will cause to come into reality anything you command it to.
Let us use an example that more closely applies to you. There is an individual that was just getting by. This person just barely managed to keep food on the table and to pay the rent; but there never was any money left over for nice clothes, vacation, etc. This person was always talking about how hard life was and that the working person could never catch a break.
Then one day; suddenly a powerful thought entered into their mind. That person began to see that there is a better life and it could be theirs for the asking. That person saw their self as a success. That person began to think in terms of "I AM a Success," and began to talk about the good things in life.
So what do you think happens after that simple thought change? That's right their general manager; the subconscious mind, accepts the thought "I AM a Success" as a command. It is a new model ordered by the CEO; the conscious mind. Now then, just as the general manager of the factory will give out orders to the many department heads, your subconscious mind will begin sending out messages to the various assistants throughout your being. Your general manager knows that to be a success you must look like one. It will make you more alert; it will put a spring in your step; it will put a look of determination in your eye; it will put an expression in your voice which rings of success. Most important of all, your general manager will direct your thinking and actions so that you will be guided to do the things which will make you a success.
Isn't it hard to believe that you have been going through life the hard way; wishing for things without realizing that through the correct use of your subconscious mind you do not have to wish! You now know that you have it within your power to make your dreams come true, by simply commanding your subconscious mind correctly you can have, and be, all that you desire.
Be Blessed
Ralston Heath recently retired from 25+ years of active duty. Now that his life is his own again, he is working to share with the world all he knows. Check him out on his blog True Happiness
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In the early part of the last century, certain people first began to realize that the mind was duality in its operation. The part we always are accustomed to using was named the conscious mind and the other part mistakenly thought to be the lesser part of consciousness was named the subconscious mind.
It was felt that the conscious mind, with its ability to think and reason, would naturally be the master part of the mind and that the other one would be subservient to it. This is extremely inaccurate and is far from being the truth. As you are about to learn, the subconscious mind is the real intelligence and power. No one has ever had as much intelligence, consciously, as all of us have subconsciously.
The prefix "sub" means under, below, beneath, lower. Since the subconscious mind is the seat of our intelligence and power, why do we call it the subconscious mind? Originally it was thought to be the lesser part of our mind and so it was labeled with the sub prefix. What was not realized is that the subconscious mind can access and use all the knowledge of the universe.
Our thoughts and actions are continually being guided by our subconscious mind, whether or not we are led to success and happiness, or failure and despair. It is the subconscious mind that controls and directs our actions as a direct result of the commands our conscious mind gives. It is our conscious mind that discerns levels of difference; good from bad, poor from rich, sick from healthy, and so on. Our subconscious does not make these distinctions; it only follows our conscious guidance and brings into our reality what we have commanded.
We command our subconscious by the thoughts, and words we use. If we are always speaking of prosperity then we develop a success consciousness, the subconscious mind will direct us in thought and action to success and happiness. Conversely if we are always speaking of how hard we have it and our lack of money and resources, then the same measure is applied and our subconscious will cause us to have a hard life, with a lack of money. Do you see what is happening here?
The following is a very simple description of the subconscious Mind and its relationship to the conscious mind. We will use a large corporation as an illustration. A big corporation, as you know, has a CEO and a general manager. Of course it has all those others too like vice presidents, secretaries, treasurers, etc. However for the sake of simplicity, we will use only the CEO and the general manager. Let us assume that this corporation in this illustration is an automobile plant. The CEO does the planning; the general manager executes the plans. When a new model is being contemplated, the president will make the decision as to all the changes to be made. These changes will be given to the general manager. It is the manager that tells the designers and draftsmen and tool makers etc. as to what to do, soon after the models are made; the plant is tooled up to create the new designs and on and on it goes until finally a new car rolls off the line bearing all of the changes originally planned by the CEO.
The conscious mind is the CEO; the subconscious mind is the general manager. The conscious mind does the thinking, planning, evaluating. The subconscious mind carries out the orders. You, as you sit right now are the CEO of your self. Your subconscious is also part of you but works far differently than the CEO part of you. The subconscious part of you will cause to come into reality anything you command it to.
Let us use an example that more closely applies to you. There is an individual that was just getting by. This person just barely managed to keep food on the table and to pay the rent; but there never was any money left over for nice clothes, vacation, etc. This person was always talking about how hard life was and that the working person could never catch a break.
Then one day; suddenly a powerful thought entered into their mind. That person began to see that there is a better life and it could be theirs for the asking. That person saw their self as a success. That person began to think in terms of "I AM a Success," and began to talk about the good things in life.
So what do you think happens after that simple thought change? That's right their general manager; the subconscious mind, accepts the thought "I AM a Success" as a command. It is a new model ordered by the CEO; the conscious mind. Now then, just as the general manager of the factory will give out orders to the many department heads, your subconscious mind will begin sending out messages to the various assistants throughout your being. Your general manager knows that to be a success you must look like one. It will make you more alert; it will put a spring in your step; it will put a look of determination in your eye; it will put an expression in your voice which rings of success. Most important of all, your general manager will direct your thinking and actions so that you will be guided to do the things which will make you a success.
Isn't it hard to believe that you have been going through life the hard way; wishing for things without realizing that through the correct use of your subconscious mind you do not have to wish! You now know that you have it within your power to make your dreams come true, by simply commanding your subconscious mind correctly you can have, and be, all that you desire.
Be Blessed
Ralston Heath recently retired from 25+ years of active duty. Now that his life is his own again, he is working to share with the world all he knows. Check him out on his blog True Happiness
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Functions Of The Subconscious Mind And How To Use Your Brain To Create The Life You Want
By Katie Evans
The subconscious mind controls all of your involuntary body functions for you: All of the things in you that work without having to attend to them. Some examples of these functions are:
1. Metabolic processes
2. Blood sugar level
3. Hormone output
4. Heart rate
5. Blood pressure
6. Respiratory rate
7. Perspiration
8. Eye blinking
9. Salivation
10. Elimination
If you can control more of your subconscious mind through the use of hypnosis and/or meditation, you may be able to affect some of these functions. Some of the stories that result from using hypnotic techniques about how people have learned to use the power of their minds are amazing. Consider the possibility that dramatic life changes may simply become everyday occurrences for you as well. Another by-product of hypnosis is that all of your body functions achieve a healthy balance when you are in alpha or theta brain wave states. For example, if you use self-hypnosis to lower your blood sugar, you may also be normalizing your blood pressure without even focusing on it.
All of your memories and related incidents are stored in your subconscious mind. It is the seat of your creativity, emotions, imagination and energy.
The two most common motivating forces in the subconscious are protection and punishment. Much of what you do is in response to your mind either wanting to protect you or punish you, usually the former.
The subconscious mind can be compared to a computerized elephant and your willpower is a mouse doing battle with it. Your mouse is flitting about, enthused and excited to create the changes you want in your life and the elephant just sits there, operating on old, outdated computer tapes, unwilling to be moved by the mouse. The mouse is doomed to failure. What hypnosis can do is show you how to move your elephant. Remember, elephants usually move slowly. Don't be impatient with your elephant. However, every time it moves, congratulate it. That will make the next moves easier and easier.
Katie Evans is the founder and CEO of the Living Lite Weight Loss Program, which shows people HOW to create a healthier lifestyle. When you use hypnosis and the incredible power of your subconscious mind, you will never diet again, you will simply learn how to create a new relationship with food. For those who wish to make a living helping people heal their lives so they can lose weight and keep it off, there are now Living Lite Franchises available.This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to own her own business (we accept men franchisees, too!) and still have support and guidance in setting up the systems. Ms. Evans is a published author, lecturer and entrepreneur. She also teaches "The Mental Game of Golf" on cruise ships. You can reach Katie at: or or
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The subconscious mind controls all of your involuntary body functions for you: All of the things in you that work without having to attend to them. Some examples of these functions are:
1. Metabolic processes
2. Blood sugar level
3. Hormone output
4. Heart rate
5. Blood pressure
6. Respiratory rate
7. Perspiration
8. Eye blinking
9. Salivation
10. Elimination
If you can control more of your subconscious mind through the use of hypnosis and/or meditation, you may be able to affect some of these functions. Some of the stories that result from using hypnotic techniques about how people have learned to use the power of their minds are amazing. Consider the possibility that dramatic life changes may simply become everyday occurrences for you as well. Another by-product of hypnosis is that all of your body functions achieve a healthy balance when you are in alpha or theta brain wave states. For example, if you use self-hypnosis to lower your blood sugar, you may also be normalizing your blood pressure without even focusing on it.
All of your memories and related incidents are stored in your subconscious mind. It is the seat of your creativity, emotions, imagination and energy.
The two most common motivating forces in the subconscious are protection and punishment. Much of what you do is in response to your mind either wanting to protect you or punish you, usually the former.
The subconscious mind can be compared to a computerized elephant and your willpower is a mouse doing battle with it. Your mouse is flitting about, enthused and excited to create the changes you want in your life and the elephant just sits there, operating on old, outdated computer tapes, unwilling to be moved by the mouse. The mouse is doomed to failure. What hypnosis can do is show you how to move your elephant. Remember, elephants usually move slowly. Don't be impatient with your elephant. However, every time it moves, congratulate it. That will make the next moves easier and easier.
Katie Evans is the founder and CEO of the Living Lite Weight Loss Program, which shows people HOW to create a healthier lifestyle. When you use hypnosis and the incredible power of your subconscious mind, you will never diet again, you will simply learn how to create a new relationship with food. For those who wish to make a living helping people heal their lives so they can lose weight and keep it off, there are now Living Lite Franchises available.This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to own her own business (we accept men franchisees, too!) and still have support and guidance in setting up the systems. Ms. Evans is a published author, lecturer and entrepreneur. She also teaches "The Mental Game of Golf" on cruise ships. You can reach Katie at: or or
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Childhood Influences On The Subconscious Mind
By Mark David Peters
Incoming information into the subconscious mind has the ability to modify, erase or replace existing information. This means that beliefs formed during childhood can later be altered in your adult years of life.
However it is often much harder to reprogram a mind when you are older, because information has already been stored into it which the mind now uses to compare against new incoming information.
The Effect Of Childhood Influences
For example, if as a child you were constantly told that you will never amount to much in life, you would mostly likely grow up with poor self esteem and lack a belief that you are capable of success.
Essentially your mind was programmed not to achieve success, and it will act out this limiting belief in your future actions, preventing you from achieving any success you go after.
Subconscious Beliefs And Self Sabotage
The most common way this occurs is by self sabotage, whereby you unconsciously sabotage your chances of success or happiness, usually just before they occur.
Although consciously you may not like to fail, subconsciously, because your mind has been programmed to fail, that is what your mind thinks is best for you.
Modifying The Mind
However we are not all doomed by our limiting beliefs in the subconscious, because new information has the ability to change these limiting beliefs into beliefs that will improve and enrich your life.
So for example, if you were constantly put down by your parents as a child, but in your later years of life people kept telling you how wonderful and great you are, your subconscious mind is forced to reexamine its previous beliefs, and eventually will adopt the new belief that you now deserve success and happiness.
Unfortunately most people are not told how wonderful and great they are by the people they meet, and so in order to reprogram the mind they must do it themselves.
This is typically a slow process as you are trying to change or remove beliefs that have existed for many years, and which are therefore deeply engrained into the mind. However there are techniques to speed up the rate at which beliefs can be changed. You can find out about these various techniques by visiting the website listed below.
Visit for more Self Improvement Advice
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Incoming information into the subconscious mind has the ability to modify, erase or replace existing information. This means that beliefs formed during childhood can later be altered in your adult years of life.
However it is often much harder to reprogram a mind when you are older, because information has already been stored into it which the mind now uses to compare against new incoming information.
The Effect Of Childhood Influences
For example, if as a child you were constantly told that you will never amount to much in life, you would mostly likely grow up with poor self esteem and lack a belief that you are capable of success.
Essentially your mind was programmed not to achieve success, and it will act out this limiting belief in your future actions, preventing you from achieving any success you go after.
Subconscious Beliefs And Self Sabotage
The most common way this occurs is by self sabotage, whereby you unconsciously sabotage your chances of success or happiness, usually just before they occur.
Although consciously you may not like to fail, subconsciously, because your mind has been programmed to fail, that is what your mind thinks is best for you.
Modifying The Mind
However we are not all doomed by our limiting beliefs in the subconscious, because new information has the ability to change these limiting beliefs into beliefs that will improve and enrich your life.
So for example, if you were constantly put down by your parents as a child, but in your later years of life people kept telling you how wonderful and great you are, your subconscious mind is forced to reexamine its previous beliefs, and eventually will adopt the new belief that you now deserve success and happiness.
Unfortunately most people are not told how wonderful and great they are by the people they meet, and so in order to reprogram the mind they must do it themselves.
This is typically a slow process as you are trying to change or remove beliefs that have existed for many years, and which are therefore deeply engrained into the mind. However there are techniques to speed up the rate at which beliefs can be changed. You can find out about these various techniques by visiting the website listed below.
Visit for more Self Improvement Advice
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Overcoming Negativity With hypnosis
By Shanat Kuphur
This is a feeling that when present in a human being it changes the views of the concerned person. This means that a person may not be thinking any thing with considering the benefits out of the same. This feeling may cause one to believe that there is no benefit ever that he/ she may get from doing something new. It can also be said that the person may not do anything in view of getting or achieving a goal but shall do the same with extra precaution and care so that there is no trouble that may be faced. It may also happen that the work is not accepted at all as there is a feeling in the persons mind that success shall not be achieved.
This behavior of not being affirmative about anything and only looking at the negative aspects of each and everything is termed as negativity. This feeling or change of thought may also be attributed for one not being active or stable in any kind of work which is to be performed. A negative person is one who may never agree to anything that is told and in turn may give out a reason or an explanation for not agreeing to the same.
People may also start to dislike the person who thinks negatively. Science shows that this feeling may arise in the human nature for every single person but only a few have a lot of it. For example: if a group of friends is planning to go for a picnic one of them may be against the idea because that particular person may see the consequences that may occur if anything went wrong at the picnic. It may be said that the individual may not look forward for enjoyment at this point of time but may speak about things like an accident or not getting to the correct destination or even being lost in the picnic. Though this may be a very small example of negativity but there are many such things which may occur.
A negative person may not be negative always and such a feeling may arise only if the person does not wish to do the particular task. This issue can be resolved very easily, science has evolved and to end this issue hypnotherapy may be used if you are one of those who does not want to go to a psychiatrist you also have another option. All you need to do is purchase a MP3 on line and you will be guided to think in a positive manner. You will no longer find room for complains and soon you will undergo the transition from a negative person to an affirmative person. This also permits the person to be accepted socially. Thinking positive is the key to success and hypnotism helps you to get to the key. With hypnosis you will be able to find positivity and there'll be good thoughts in you. You will no longer live in a world of apprehensions and worries, where nothing seems to have a positive outcome.
For more information on Negativity and Negative thinking check the links.
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This is a feeling that when present in a human being it changes the views of the concerned person. This means that a person may not be thinking any thing with considering the benefits out of the same. This feeling may cause one to believe that there is no benefit ever that he/ she may get from doing something new. It can also be said that the person may not do anything in view of getting or achieving a goal but shall do the same with extra precaution and care so that there is no trouble that may be faced. It may also happen that the work is not accepted at all as there is a feeling in the persons mind that success shall not be achieved.
This behavior of not being affirmative about anything and only looking at the negative aspects of each and everything is termed as negativity. This feeling or change of thought may also be attributed for one not being active or stable in any kind of work which is to be performed. A negative person is one who may never agree to anything that is told and in turn may give out a reason or an explanation for not agreeing to the same.
People may also start to dislike the person who thinks negatively. Science shows that this feeling may arise in the human nature for every single person but only a few have a lot of it. For example: if a group of friends is planning to go for a picnic one of them may be against the idea because that particular person may see the consequences that may occur if anything went wrong at the picnic. It may be said that the individual may not look forward for enjoyment at this point of time but may speak about things like an accident or not getting to the correct destination or even being lost in the picnic. Though this may be a very small example of negativity but there are many such things which may occur.
A negative person may not be negative always and such a feeling may arise only if the person does not wish to do the particular task. This issue can be resolved very easily, science has evolved and to end this issue hypnotherapy may be used if you are one of those who does not want to go to a psychiatrist you also have another option. All you need to do is purchase a MP3 on line and you will be guided to think in a positive manner. You will no longer find room for complains and soon you will undergo the transition from a negative person to an affirmative person. This also permits the person to be accepted socially. Thinking positive is the key to success and hypnotism helps you to get to the key. With hypnosis you will be able to find positivity and there'll be good thoughts in you. You will no longer live in a world of apprehensions and worries, where nothing seems to have a positive outcome.
For more information on Negativity and Negative thinking check the links.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008
Does Subliminal Self Hypnosis Work?
By Jon Mercer
As someone who has long been interested in the power of the subconscious mind, and the ability of human beings to change their reality simply by changing their point of view, I have a great interest in subliminal self hypnosis. Like many people, I have wondered if subliminal messaging is effective as a means of change, and if subliminal self hypnosis can really change someone's life in a profound way.
After researching these subjects for years, I have seen significant research and anecdotal evidence to suggest that subliminal self hypnosis actually does work, and that the subliminal messages involved are clearly registered understood by the brain.
While there is an enormous amount of anecdotal research to suggest that subliminal self hypnosis is a viable means of personal development, there are also made few major university studies to back up this claim. An Israeli study (Hassain, 2007) found that subliminal images of symbolic objects, such as flags, were clearly recognized by the subconscious mind, even when the participants had no conscious knowledge of being exposed to the image.
The study also found that individuals exposed to the subliminal images altered their behavior based or on the type of image they were shown. This research suggests what many in the para-psychology field have been saying for years: the subconscious mind is aware of (and influenced by) everything that goes on around it, even the things we are consciously unaware of.
Another double-blind study conducted by University College, London produced exactly the same results (Bahrami, 2006). The London study used MRI brain scan technology to verify that the visual cortex within the brain had been activated at exactly the moment the subliminal image appeared.
These studies and others like them strongly suggest that subliminal self hypnosis can be an effective means of personal development, and that subliminal images are both understood and acted on by the subconscious mind -- even when we are unaware of them.
Although there has been a great deal of skepticism in some quarters about the efficiency of subliminal messsaging, it is interesting to notice that many of the largest advertising firms in the world have used subliminal images in television and print advertisements. The United Kingdom has banned the use of subliminal advertising messages, after it was discovered that agencies were routinely inserting subliminal "buy now" messages in their television advertising campaigns. Australia is currently considering a ban as well, after a well-publicized awards ceremony was caught using subliminal advertising text and images.
The question becomes, why would companies spending millions of dollars on advertising waste their time with subliminal images if they did not believe they were effective? The simple answer is, they wouldn't. Advertising executives have known for years that ALL messages influence human behavior, subliminal and otherwise.
The use of subliminal messaging is exciting in many ways, because it gives individuals a chance to influence their own subconscious mind, rather than letting the advertising agencies (and political campaigns) do it for them. There is enough evidence at this point to say with certainty that subliminal self hypnosis does affect the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors of users. Many believe it could be the greatest self-help tool of our age.
Discover the Secrets of Subliminal Self Hypnosis! Breakthrough Videos use Subliminal Messaging to Create the Life of Your Dreams!
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As someone who has long been interested in the power of the subconscious mind, and the ability of human beings to change their reality simply by changing their point of view, I have a great interest in subliminal self hypnosis. Like many people, I have wondered if subliminal messaging is effective as a means of change, and if subliminal self hypnosis can really change someone's life in a profound way.
After researching these subjects for years, I have seen significant research and anecdotal evidence to suggest that subliminal self hypnosis actually does work, and that the subliminal messages involved are clearly registered understood by the brain.
While there is an enormous amount of anecdotal research to suggest that subliminal self hypnosis is a viable means of personal development, there are also made few major university studies to back up this claim. An Israeli study (Hassain, 2007) found that subliminal images of symbolic objects, such as flags, were clearly recognized by the subconscious mind, even when the participants had no conscious knowledge of being exposed to the image.
The study also found that individuals exposed to the subliminal images altered their behavior based or on the type of image they were shown. This research suggests what many in the para-psychology field have been saying for years: the subconscious mind is aware of (and influenced by) everything that goes on around it, even the things we are consciously unaware of.
Another double-blind study conducted by University College, London produced exactly the same results (Bahrami, 2006). The London study used MRI brain scan technology to verify that the visual cortex within the brain had been activated at exactly the moment the subliminal image appeared.
These studies and others like them strongly suggest that subliminal self hypnosis can be an effective means of personal development, and that subliminal images are both understood and acted on by the subconscious mind -- even when we are unaware of them.
Although there has been a great deal of skepticism in some quarters about the efficiency of subliminal messsaging, it is interesting to notice that many of the largest advertising firms in the world have used subliminal images in television and print advertisements. The United Kingdom has banned the use of subliminal advertising messages, after it was discovered that agencies were routinely inserting subliminal "buy now" messages in their television advertising campaigns. Australia is currently considering a ban as well, after a well-publicized awards ceremony was caught using subliminal advertising text and images.
The question becomes, why would companies spending millions of dollars on advertising waste their time with subliminal images if they did not believe they were effective? The simple answer is, they wouldn't. Advertising executives have known for years that ALL messages influence human behavior, subliminal and otherwise.
The use of subliminal messaging is exciting in many ways, because it gives individuals a chance to influence their own subconscious mind, rather than letting the advertising agencies (and political campaigns) do it for them. There is enough evidence at this point to say with certainty that subliminal self hypnosis does affect the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors of users. Many believe it could be the greatest self-help tool of our age.
Discover the Secrets of Subliminal Self Hypnosis! Breakthrough Videos use Subliminal Messaging to Create the Life of Your Dreams!
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Positive Affirmations - Use Your Self-Talk To Create What You Want
By Marelisa Fabrega
Affirmations are simply statements that we make to ourselves; it's our self-talk. You use affirmations all the time, whether you're doing so intentionally or unintentionally. If you make a mistake and you think to yourself, "I'm always making mistakes, I never do anything right", you've just made a negative affirmation. If instead you make a mistake and you think to yourself, "That's OK, I have the ability to correct this", you've just made a positive affirmation.
Your self-talk has an enormous impact on your conscious and subconscious minds. By repeating positive affirmations you can reprogram your thought patterns. Creating new thought patterns will allow you to begin to change your underlying beliefs and the way that you think and feel about yourself, others, and your place in the world. In this way, you can improve your life dramatically through the use of daily positive affirmations.
Choosing Your Affirmations
Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization, offers the following advice for choosing your affirmations:
• Always phrase your affirmations in the present tense, as if it already exists. Say "I enjoy being at my ideal weight" instead of saying "I will reach my ideal weight."
• Affirm what you want, not what you don't want. Instead of saying "I am no longer a procrastinator", say "I always get things done on time."
• Don't simply go through your affirmations by rote; add positive feelings and emotions to your affirmations.
• Choose affirmations that feel right for you. If you come across an affirmation that you like but you would feel more comfortable changing a couple of words, go right ahead.
Use Three Different Pronouns
A technique that you can apply to make your affirmations more effective is to write down the same affirmation using different pronouns. For example, if you want to affirm that you're surrounded by positive people who want the best for you, you can write down the following three affirmations (in this example your name is Joan):
• I am surrounded by positive people who want the best for me.
• Joan, you are surrounded by positive people who want the best for you.
• Joan is surrounded by positive people who want the best for her.
When you say affirmations in the second and third person it's as if someone else is talking to you or about you. Your internal critic is less apt to interject a negative comment if it thinks someone else is making these positive affirmations about you.
Affirmations Can Be General or Specific
Affirmations can be general or they can be very specific. Some examples of general affirmations are the following:
• Abundance is all around me.
• Abundance is my birthright.
• There is more than enough for all.
Use general affirmations to "set the stage". Once you've established clear, well-defined goals for yourself you can create specific affirmations to help keep you focused on your goals and to strengthen your belief in your ability to reach your goals. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds in the next three months by exercising, your affirmations could be the following:
• I now jog for 40 minutes, 4 times a week.
• Jogging helps me to lose weight and makes me healthy and fit.
• I am now lifting weights 3 times a week.
• I enjoy going to the gym and lifting weights.
• I am getting excellent results from jogging and weight lifting, and it shows.
• Every day I am getting fitter and fitter.
• I now weigh X amount of pounds (your target weight).
• People comment on how much thinner I am and how good I look.
You Have to Be Able to Believe Your Affirmations
Whenever you choose to change anything in your life, you're choosing to move out of your present comfort zone. We should always strive to grow and expand our definition of ourselves and of what we are capable of. However, you have to make sure that your affirmations are not so far off from where you are at the moment that there's no way you can get yourself to believe what you're affirming.
If you don't believe the affirmations you're saying to yourself, then you need to start with a less ambitious affirmation and gradually make your affirmations bigger and bigger. For example, if you currently make $3,000.00 a month, it may be difficult for you to believe "I am now making $50,000.00 a month". However, you can probably believe the following affirmation: "I am now making $4,500.00, or more, a month". As you move forward and begin to see results you can progressively increase this number until you do feel comfortable affirming that you make over half a million dollars a year.
Repeat Your Affirmations Often
There is much power in repetition. Positive affirmations are not something that you do once in a while, instead, you should expose your mind to the affirmations that you choose for yourself as often as possible. In the words of Robert Collier: "Constant repetition carries conviction."
Write down your affirmations and place them where you can refer to them often (you can even carry them around in your wallet). You can say them out loud to yourself every morning when you wake up and at night before going to bed, or you can set aside a few minutes each day to scribble them on a sheet of paper several times to help reinforce the message in your mind.
Taping the affirmations in your own voice and listening to the tape while you're relaxing-or, even better, meditating-- has had extraordinary effects for countless people. Louise Hay, author of the International bestseller "You Can Heal Your Life", recommends that you sing or chant your affirmations. Some people leave a CD with positive affirmations playing softly in the background while they sleep at night.
In addition, there are several programs that allow affirmations to flash on and off on your computer screen unobtrusively, helping to program these affirmations into your subconscious.
Affirmation Bath
Practitioners who offer healing workshops often use a technique called "affirmation bath". Basically, several people stand around one person and they all begin saying positive affirmations directed toward that person. The person is "engulfed" by positive messages from others. You can try this technique if you can find several like-minded people to participate in this exercise with you.
Release Any Negative Feelings That Arise
Negative feelings can act as self-imposed stop signs to getting what you want in life. If you feel any discomfort, self-doubt, fear, anger, and so on when saying your affirmations, you need to let go or release these negative feelings. One way to do this is by using the Sedona Method. As stated before, you have to add positive feelings and emotions to your affirmations, and if negative feelings are getting in the way, you need to be able to let go of them.
Your self-talk can either prevent you from getting what you want in life, or it can be a powerful catalyst for creating the life you've always wanted. Create a daily practice of using positive affirmations to help motivate, support, and inspire you to go after your dreams.
For more information on creating and living your optimal life, visit
From Marelisa Fábrega, Founder and CEO of
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Affirmations are simply statements that we make to ourselves; it's our self-talk. You use affirmations all the time, whether you're doing so intentionally or unintentionally. If you make a mistake and you think to yourself, "I'm always making mistakes, I never do anything right", you've just made a negative affirmation. If instead you make a mistake and you think to yourself, "That's OK, I have the ability to correct this", you've just made a positive affirmation.
Your self-talk has an enormous impact on your conscious and subconscious minds. By repeating positive affirmations you can reprogram your thought patterns. Creating new thought patterns will allow you to begin to change your underlying beliefs and the way that you think and feel about yourself, others, and your place in the world. In this way, you can improve your life dramatically through the use of daily positive affirmations.
Choosing Your Affirmations
Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization, offers the following advice for choosing your affirmations:
• Always phrase your affirmations in the present tense, as if it already exists. Say "I enjoy being at my ideal weight" instead of saying "I will reach my ideal weight."
• Affirm what you want, not what you don't want. Instead of saying "I am no longer a procrastinator", say "I always get things done on time."
• Don't simply go through your affirmations by rote; add positive feelings and emotions to your affirmations.
• Choose affirmations that feel right for you. If you come across an affirmation that you like but you would feel more comfortable changing a couple of words, go right ahead.
Use Three Different Pronouns
A technique that you can apply to make your affirmations more effective is to write down the same affirmation using different pronouns. For example, if you want to affirm that you're surrounded by positive people who want the best for you, you can write down the following three affirmations (in this example your name is Joan):
• I am surrounded by positive people who want the best for me.
• Joan, you are surrounded by positive people who want the best for you.
• Joan is surrounded by positive people who want the best for her.
When you say affirmations in the second and third person it's as if someone else is talking to you or about you. Your internal critic is less apt to interject a negative comment if it thinks someone else is making these positive affirmations about you.
Affirmations Can Be General or Specific
Affirmations can be general or they can be very specific. Some examples of general affirmations are the following:
• Abundance is all around me.
• Abundance is my birthright.
• There is more than enough for all.
Use general affirmations to "set the stage". Once you've established clear, well-defined goals for yourself you can create specific affirmations to help keep you focused on your goals and to strengthen your belief in your ability to reach your goals. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds in the next three months by exercising, your affirmations could be the following:
• I now jog for 40 minutes, 4 times a week.
• Jogging helps me to lose weight and makes me healthy and fit.
• I am now lifting weights 3 times a week.
• I enjoy going to the gym and lifting weights.
• I am getting excellent results from jogging and weight lifting, and it shows.
• Every day I am getting fitter and fitter.
• I now weigh X amount of pounds (your target weight).
• People comment on how much thinner I am and how good I look.
You Have to Be Able to Believe Your Affirmations
Whenever you choose to change anything in your life, you're choosing to move out of your present comfort zone. We should always strive to grow and expand our definition of ourselves and of what we are capable of. However, you have to make sure that your affirmations are not so far off from where you are at the moment that there's no way you can get yourself to believe what you're affirming.
If you don't believe the affirmations you're saying to yourself, then you need to start with a less ambitious affirmation and gradually make your affirmations bigger and bigger. For example, if you currently make $3,000.00 a month, it may be difficult for you to believe "I am now making $50,000.00 a month". However, you can probably believe the following affirmation: "I am now making $4,500.00, or more, a month". As you move forward and begin to see results you can progressively increase this number until you do feel comfortable affirming that you make over half a million dollars a year.
Repeat Your Affirmations Often
There is much power in repetition. Positive affirmations are not something that you do once in a while, instead, you should expose your mind to the affirmations that you choose for yourself as often as possible. In the words of Robert Collier: "Constant repetition carries conviction."
Write down your affirmations and place them where you can refer to them often (you can even carry them around in your wallet). You can say them out loud to yourself every morning when you wake up and at night before going to bed, or you can set aside a few minutes each day to scribble them on a sheet of paper several times to help reinforce the message in your mind.
Taping the affirmations in your own voice and listening to the tape while you're relaxing-or, even better, meditating-- has had extraordinary effects for countless people. Louise Hay, author of the International bestseller "You Can Heal Your Life", recommends that you sing or chant your affirmations. Some people leave a CD with positive affirmations playing softly in the background while they sleep at night.
In addition, there are several programs that allow affirmations to flash on and off on your computer screen unobtrusively, helping to program these affirmations into your subconscious.
Affirmation Bath
Practitioners who offer healing workshops often use a technique called "affirmation bath". Basically, several people stand around one person and they all begin saying positive affirmations directed toward that person. The person is "engulfed" by positive messages from others. You can try this technique if you can find several like-minded people to participate in this exercise with you.
Release Any Negative Feelings That Arise
Negative feelings can act as self-imposed stop signs to getting what you want in life. If you feel any discomfort, self-doubt, fear, anger, and so on when saying your affirmations, you need to let go or release these negative feelings. One way to do this is by using the Sedona Method. As stated before, you have to add positive feelings and emotions to your affirmations, and if negative feelings are getting in the way, you need to be able to let go of them.
Your self-talk can either prevent you from getting what you want in life, or it can be a powerful catalyst for creating the life you've always wanted. Create a daily practice of using positive affirmations to help motivate, support, and inspire you to go after your dreams.
For more information on creating and living your optimal life, visit
From Marelisa Fábrega, Founder and CEO of
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Meditation to Increase Your Metabolism - Use Your Subconscious Mind to Create Your Ideal Body
By Katie Evans
Katie EvansLevel: Basic PLUSKatie Evans is the founder and CEO of The Living Lite Hypnosis Centers, which show people HOW to create a healthier lifestyle. When you use ...
Daily exercise is crucial for increasing your metabolism and burning off what you eat instead of storing it as fat. In conjunction with your exercise program, it is important that you begin to significantly reduce foods that impair your metabolic functions. These foods include , alcohol,refined sugars, salt, fats, starches and simple carbohydrates.
Pay attention to your physical and emotional responses to eating certain foods. Your body will never lie to you. It will let you know what foods are nurturing and life enhancing for it and what foods are killing it. All you have to do is listen and do what your body wants.
Another way to increase your metabolism is one that works very well in conjunction with the previous two. It is visualizing, imagining and internally creating the ideal functioning of your metabolism. By doing this, you are actually giving a message to your subconscious mind to increase your metabolism and use all of the food you eat instead of storing it as fat. Take a moment now to see, feel or imagine, in any way that comes to you, your metabolism functioning at peak efficiency. Some may see or imagine a furnace burning or get a sense of warmth somewhere in their bodies. You might imagine some sort of activity such as a car or even a wild animal. However you choose to perceive your metabolic process is the correct way for you. After you decide on the representation of your metabolism, turn it up. Make it warmer, stronger, faster or whatever indicates to you an increase in your metabolism.
Do this visualization several times a day and always just before you go to sleep. When you visualize what you want just before sleep allows your subconscious mind to work on it while you sleep.
Katie Evans is the founder and CEO of the Living Lite Weight Loss Program, which shows people HOW to create a healthier lifestyle. When you use hypnosis and the incredible power of your subconscious mind, you will never diet again, you will simply learn how to create a new relationship with food. For those who wish to make a living helping people heal their lives so they can lose weight and keep it off, there are now Living Lite Franchises available.This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to own her own business (we accept men franchisees, too!) and still have support and guidance in setting up the systems. Ms. Evans is a published author, lecturer and entrepreneur. She also teaches "The Mental Game of Golf" on cruise ships. You can reach Katie at: or or
Article Source:
Katie EvansLevel: Basic PLUSKatie Evans is the founder and CEO of The Living Lite Hypnosis Centers, which show people HOW to create a healthier lifestyle. When you use ...
Daily exercise is crucial for increasing your metabolism and burning off what you eat instead of storing it as fat. In conjunction with your exercise program, it is important that you begin to significantly reduce foods that impair your metabolic functions. These foods include , alcohol,refined sugars, salt, fats, starches and simple carbohydrates.
Pay attention to your physical and emotional responses to eating certain foods. Your body will never lie to you. It will let you know what foods are nurturing and life enhancing for it and what foods are killing it. All you have to do is listen and do what your body wants.
Another way to increase your metabolism is one that works very well in conjunction with the previous two. It is visualizing, imagining and internally creating the ideal functioning of your metabolism. By doing this, you are actually giving a message to your subconscious mind to increase your metabolism and use all of the food you eat instead of storing it as fat. Take a moment now to see, feel or imagine, in any way that comes to you, your metabolism functioning at peak efficiency. Some may see or imagine a furnace burning or get a sense of warmth somewhere in their bodies. You might imagine some sort of activity such as a car or even a wild animal. However you choose to perceive your metabolic process is the correct way for you. After you decide on the representation of your metabolism, turn it up. Make it warmer, stronger, faster or whatever indicates to you an increase in your metabolism.
Do this visualization several times a day and always just before you go to sleep. When you visualize what you want just before sleep allows your subconscious mind to work on it while you sleep.
Katie Evans is the founder and CEO of the Living Lite Weight Loss Program, which shows people HOW to create a healthier lifestyle. When you use hypnosis and the incredible power of your subconscious mind, you will never diet again, you will simply learn how to create a new relationship with food. For those who wish to make a living helping people heal their lives so they can lose weight and keep it off, there are now Living Lite Franchises available.This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to own her own business (we accept men franchisees, too!) and still have support and guidance in setting up the systems. Ms. Evans is a published author, lecturer and entrepreneur. She also teaches "The Mental Game of Golf" on cruise ships. You can reach Katie at: or or
Article Source:
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Create Your Own Life With Subliminal Messages
By Cher K Markov
You are the architect of the whole thing in your life. Every flash of your life is substantially creative and the world is eternally bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough appeal and everything your heart wishes must come to you.
We all are aware of the fact that we are the architect of all that occurs in all of our lives. We tend to create our physical life experience through our thoughts. Accurately, every thought that we think of gives birth to a creation. So indeed every thought has creative power to perform.
In general, the subconscious accepts whatever you pretend is real and will use it to create your outer reality. The thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you want, set into action the formation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you want. And likewise, the thoughts that you assume, regarding those things that you do not want, set into motion the creation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you do not want.
You might be aware of the technique "Creative Visualization" used to create what you want in your life. In simple terms, it is your natural power of imagination that you are already using it every minute. Creative visualization is nothing but imagining or thinking what you want to be rather than what you don't want.
It is what your subconscious brain really thinks of. Imagining what you want is like creating a replica before you construct the real thing. The images direct the energy in your body.
You have planned your life yourself. You did not create anything in your outer reality that is a stranger to you. There is comfort to be had by looking at your "outer circumstances" and realize that this is a perfect reflection of what you truly believe as a soul.
With each breath, with each liveliness, you send out this essence of yourself, which blends with other essences and creates and re-creates your physical environment. Feel yourself centered within and sending out waves of your energy. See it radiation outward from your physical being and into the environment, where it becomes an extension of yourself.
Recognize that the things you perceive "out there" are the manifestation of your thoughts, formed by YOUR energy into symbols of the inner you, your essence, and your soul.
You are the architect of the whole thing in your life. Nothing happens against your perceptions. The inner desire of the wise and cognizant soul is to externalize, to create a concrete materialization of what it internally holds to be true and thereby experience that trust. It is through that experience that the transformation occurs.
Your life is not your master, it is your child. Every flash of your life is substantially creative and the world is eternally bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough appeal and everything your heart wishes must come to you.
Emotions help you create truth and thus the reality. When you deem in something, love, desire, and want it, you can build it more quickly. If there is anything you want to become conscious of, focus upon it. Whatever you turn your attention to, you will create.
Life is really very easy and effortless. What we confer out, we get back. You create foundation with the thoughts that you think. Beliefs generate thoughts and emotions, which create your inner experience and outer reality. If any area of your life is not working, one of your beliefs in that area simply needs to be enhanced.
You can easily control your thoughts and create your life with deliberate intent. Come on Get it and conquer the world.
Cher K Markov is an Internet Marketer. She writes informative articles on various subjects including mind power techniques for inspiration and motivational purposes. Visit her lenses for more information on Subliminal Messages and the best Subliminal Messages Videos in movie and music format.
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You are the architect of the whole thing in your life. Every flash of your life is substantially creative and the world is eternally bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough appeal and everything your heart wishes must come to you.
We all are aware of the fact that we are the architect of all that occurs in all of our lives. We tend to create our physical life experience through our thoughts. Accurately, every thought that we think of gives birth to a creation. So indeed every thought has creative power to perform.
In general, the subconscious accepts whatever you pretend is real and will use it to create your outer reality. The thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you want, set into action the formation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you want. And likewise, the thoughts that you assume, regarding those things that you do not want, set into motion the creation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you do not want.
You might be aware of the technique "Creative Visualization" used to create what you want in your life. In simple terms, it is your natural power of imagination that you are already using it every minute. Creative visualization is nothing but imagining or thinking what you want to be rather than what you don't want.
It is what your subconscious brain really thinks of. Imagining what you want is like creating a replica before you construct the real thing. The images direct the energy in your body.
You have planned your life yourself. You did not create anything in your outer reality that is a stranger to you. There is comfort to be had by looking at your "outer circumstances" and realize that this is a perfect reflection of what you truly believe as a soul.
With each breath, with each liveliness, you send out this essence of yourself, which blends with other essences and creates and re-creates your physical environment. Feel yourself centered within and sending out waves of your energy. See it radiation outward from your physical being and into the environment, where it becomes an extension of yourself.
Recognize that the things you perceive "out there" are the manifestation of your thoughts, formed by YOUR energy into symbols of the inner you, your essence, and your soul.
You are the architect of the whole thing in your life. Nothing happens against your perceptions. The inner desire of the wise and cognizant soul is to externalize, to create a concrete materialization of what it internally holds to be true and thereby experience that trust. It is through that experience that the transformation occurs.
Your life is not your master, it is your child. Every flash of your life is substantially creative and the world is eternally bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough appeal and everything your heart wishes must come to you.
Emotions help you create truth and thus the reality. When you deem in something, love, desire, and want it, you can build it more quickly. If there is anything you want to become conscious of, focus upon it. Whatever you turn your attention to, you will create.
Life is really very easy and effortless. What we confer out, we get back. You create foundation with the thoughts that you think. Beliefs generate thoughts and emotions, which create your inner experience and outer reality. If any area of your life is not working, one of your beliefs in that area simply needs to be enhanced.
You can easily control your thoughts and create your life with deliberate intent. Come on Get it and conquer the world.
Cher K Markov is an Internet Marketer. She writes informative articles on various subjects including mind power techniques for inspiration and motivational purposes. Visit her lenses for more information on Subliminal Messages and the best Subliminal Messages Videos in movie and music format.
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Subconscious Mind Power Techniques
By Greg Frost
When you engage your subconscious mind using positive affirmations, it will allow the mind to absorb and treat these affirmations as reality. When these end goals are repeated constantly, the subconscious mind will act so that it becomes the reality around you. This can be achieved and sped up with the use of subconscious mind power techniques.
1. Meditation
Meditation is a form of communication with your subconscious mind, and ideally should be conducted in a peaceful environment that allows you to relax without interference. By integrating your affirmations with meditation, you will see results a lot faster. The combined usage of positive affirmations and meditation is at its optimal just before you go to bed. By repeating your affirmations over and over before you sleep, you are allowing your subconscious to work on it throughout the night as it does not rest.
2. Visualization
Another technique for enhancing your affirmations is by incorporating a visual aspect to each affirmation. Visualize each affirmation as though it is the current reality, and this will increase the effectiveness of your positive affirmations.
3. Using your Vision
40% of your mind is used for vision, and by writing down your affirmations and leaving them in places where you can see them easily, it acts as a constant reinforcement and reminder. Leave these lists in areas where you are able to constantly look at them, such as on the refrigerator at home, or on your desk at work.
4. Include greater Details
Make sure that you are as clear and detailed as possible for all your affirmations, so that your subconscious mind knows exactly what you want to achieve. Be careful that you should limit this to the end goal, and not the process that the subconscious mind should take to achieve it. By adding in more details, it would make the affirmation more precise.
5. Use positive words
Always use the present tense in your positive affirmations. This gives it the power of now, enabling the subconscious to act on it faster to match it with the reality around you. Use positive and stronger terms such as "will" rather than "might", and you will see that it makes a difference!
These are 5 techniques that you can employ in your everyday life to help you achieve results faster and more effectively from positive affirmations. With practice and time, you will soon find yourself a more positive person in mind, body and soul.
Greg Frost is a leading innovator in the field of subliminal technology and the director of which specializes providing a whole range of subliminal cds for self improvement . Grab your free "Ultimate Success Unleashed" Subliminal Cd today at
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When you engage your subconscious mind using positive affirmations, it will allow the mind to absorb and treat these affirmations as reality. When these end goals are repeated constantly, the subconscious mind will act so that it becomes the reality around you. This can be achieved and sped up with the use of subconscious mind power techniques.
1. Meditation
Meditation is a form of communication with your subconscious mind, and ideally should be conducted in a peaceful environment that allows you to relax without interference. By integrating your affirmations with meditation, you will see results a lot faster. The combined usage of positive affirmations and meditation is at its optimal just before you go to bed. By repeating your affirmations over and over before you sleep, you are allowing your subconscious to work on it throughout the night as it does not rest.
2. Visualization
Another technique for enhancing your affirmations is by incorporating a visual aspect to each affirmation. Visualize each affirmation as though it is the current reality, and this will increase the effectiveness of your positive affirmations.
3. Using your Vision
40% of your mind is used for vision, and by writing down your affirmations and leaving them in places where you can see them easily, it acts as a constant reinforcement and reminder. Leave these lists in areas where you are able to constantly look at them, such as on the refrigerator at home, or on your desk at work.
4. Include greater Details
Make sure that you are as clear and detailed as possible for all your affirmations, so that your subconscious mind knows exactly what you want to achieve. Be careful that you should limit this to the end goal, and not the process that the subconscious mind should take to achieve it. By adding in more details, it would make the affirmation more precise.
5. Use positive words
Always use the present tense in your positive affirmations. This gives it the power of now, enabling the subconscious to act on it faster to match it with the reality around you. Use positive and stronger terms such as "will" rather than "might", and you will see that it makes a difference!
These are 5 techniques that you can employ in your everyday life to help you achieve results faster and more effectively from positive affirmations. With practice and time, you will soon find yourself a more positive person in mind, body and soul.
Greg Frost is a leading innovator in the field of subliminal technology and the director of which specializes providing a whole range of subliminal cds for self improvement . Grab your free "Ultimate Success Unleashed" Subliminal Cd today at
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Monday, March 10, 2008
Famous Subliminal Messages in Music
By Greg Frost
There have been many rumors and speculations that famous songs actually include subliminal messages. Subliminal messages used in songs are verbal or aural in nature, and are done either with great haste or backwards at such low volumes that the audience do not even know they are hearing it. Such charges are not only present in rock music, but even Christian songs as well!
A reputable subliminal message in music is the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin, that apparently when reversely played contains messages pertaining to Satanism. This is a type of reverse subliminal messages. Most of the time, subliminal message are put into songs for entertainment purposes or to increase sales of the album. Rumor has it that Led Zeppelin placed the message wishing that if people played the record backwards enough times, it would damage it and hence lead to added sales for them!
Other renown subliminal messages in music include one involving The Beatles, specifically the song called Come Together, which is thought to be about sex with John Lennon. Even Britney Spears, in the song “I’m not that Innocent†had supposedly placed the message “Sleep with me I’m not too young†when reversely played! The rock group Queen’s song “Another One Bites the Dust†is also purported to be mentioning about drug usage when reversedly played.
A couple of years before, there was a court case involving the suing of a rock group “Judas Priest†which had inserted the subliminal message of “Do it†in their song, that seemed to worry parents into thinking that it was causing their children to end their life
Before getting work up over and panicking about the various songs that you have listened to in the past, is not whether there are actual subliminal messages included in songs, but if these have any impact on the audience. If you were to hear such a message played backwards, would you be able to perceive it, or unknowingly change your behavior
Researchers have found out that when audiences are exposed to messages recorded in reverse, they are unable to decode what it actually was when played normally. There was no significant impact on their behavior After all, if listening to metal bands that proclaim death and gore do not induce people to go on a murder rampage, it is unlikely that such subliminal messages in music can have significant adverse effects on the audience.
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About the Author: Greg Frost is a coach in helping people unlock the power of their subconscious mind to improve every aspect of their daily lives. Click Here to Grab your Free "Ultimate Success Unleashed" Subliminal Cd today at
There have been many rumors and speculations that famous songs actually include subliminal messages. Subliminal messages used in songs are verbal or aural in nature, and are done either with great haste or backwards at such low volumes that the audience do not even know they are hearing it. Such charges are not only present in rock music, but even Christian songs as well!
A reputable subliminal message in music is the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin, that apparently when reversely played contains messages pertaining to Satanism. This is a type of reverse subliminal messages. Most of the time, subliminal message are put into songs for entertainment purposes or to increase sales of the album. Rumor has it that Led Zeppelin placed the message wishing that if people played the record backwards enough times, it would damage it and hence lead to added sales for them!
Other renown subliminal messages in music include one involving The Beatles, specifically the song called Come Together, which is thought to be about sex with John Lennon. Even Britney Spears, in the song “I’m not that Innocent†had supposedly placed the message “Sleep with me I’m not too young†when reversely played! The rock group Queen’s song “Another One Bites the Dust†is also purported to be mentioning about drug usage when reversedly played.
A couple of years before, there was a court case involving the suing of a rock group “Judas Priest†which had inserted the subliminal message of “Do it†in their song, that seemed to worry parents into thinking that it was causing their children to end their life
Before getting work up over and panicking about the various songs that you have listened to in the past, is not whether there are actual subliminal messages included in songs, but if these have any impact on the audience. If you were to hear such a message played backwards, would you be able to perceive it, or unknowingly change your behavior
Researchers have found out that when audiences are exposed to messages recorded in reverse, they are unable to decode what it actually was when played normally. There was no significant impact on their behavior After all, if listening to metal bands that proclaim death and gore do not induce people to go on a murder rampage, it is unlikely that such subliminal messages in music can have significant adverse effects on the audience.
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About the Author: Greg Frost is a coach in helping people unlock the power of their subconscious mind to improve every aspect of their daily lives. Click Here to Grab your Free "Ultimate Success Unleashed" Subliminal Cd today at
Hypnosis for Weight Loss Can Help Shed Weight By Controlling Your Subconscious Mind
By Nishanth Reddy
Hypnosis for weight loss can bring you success at your goal of losing weight, particularly when all other approaches fail. With the increase in the hypnosis for weight loss success rate, more and more people are using hypnosis for losing their weight. Thus, more and more people are conquering weight gain and enjoying a slimmer and healthier body through hypnosis for weight loss.
Weight gain with extreme Eating
In general, people are having query regarding how weight loss by hypnosis can help. Primarily, the major cause for weight gain is extreme sugar intake. Weight loss by hypnosis suggestions can teach the subconscious mind that sugar is not that exciting.
Thus, the outcome will be reduced sugar intake, weight loss along with better sleep, better concentration, and overall quality of life.
Weight gain with comfort Eating
One more cause for weight gain is “comfort eating”. Sometimes, you may eat too much to help ease the problem of depression, frustration, mad, irritation, or loneliness. Comfort eating is becoming a huge problem although you tell yourself constantly that never turn to food for comfort.
Again, weight loss by hypnosis can teach the subconscious mind to get relax, gain power, and control over the situations where you need to turn to food. Thus, you find yourself with weight loss.
Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Controlling Food Addictions
Just as you can use hypnosis to stop smoking or other negative behaviors, you can also make use of hypnosis for weight loss. Here, the goal is to educate the subconscious mind how to change from one thought process to another. Most fast foods contain fat and high carbohydrates, meaning that excessive calories and unnecessary pounds. However, to lose weight successfully, you need to turn the fast food desires off. Well, it is not that difficult. With weight loss by hypnosis, you can gain control over fast food desire and start choosing healthy and delicious food.
Probably one of the difficult foods to gain control over is chocolate. In fact, chocolate intake is not actually cause weight gain. However, a regular consumption of chocolate can increase the pounds and calories.
In this case, hypnosis for weight loss can offer a more-essential boost to your subconscious mind that you show least interest in eating chocolate. With weight loss for hypnosis, your subconscious mind is substituted with positive words for food such as nutrition, healthy diet, etc.
Motivation for weight loss
While you are trying to lose weight, one of the most important things that you to keep in mind is motivation. Hypnosis for weight loss helps a person by motivating him or her to lose weight. You need to know what is that which makes you to overeat. Give complete food journal to your hypnotist and tell him how you feel when you eat your food. It helps your hypnotist to determine your sub conscious mind and decides the approach to treat you.
The hypnotherapist eliminates your negative food emotions or thoughts, which might be the causes of your weight problems. He also induces positive thoughts to replace the negative thoughts in your mind. Thus, your mind is re-programmed about your way of thinking about food, which ultimately stops you from overeating.
Exercise Along with Hypnosis for Weight Loss
Now, just as you can use the hypnosis for weight loss to control food addictions and desires, you can also use this to increase the practice of exercising. The key to losing weight is not just controlling the quantity and kinds of foods intake but also exercise.
With regular exercise, you will not only lose weight but also develop overall health and tone your body. Even this exercise motivation is suggested with the help of hypnosis for weight loss. Thus, you will be excited to run, walk, swim, ride, and play tennis, or the activity that you enjoy the most.
With weight loss by hypnosis, you will start doing every day activities that is good for your body. Hypnosis for weight loss will boost your subconscious mind, motivating it to do exercise. Very quickly, your complete life’s attitude will change and you begin to eat healthier food and exercise.
About The Author: Nishanth Reddy is an author and publisher of many health related websites. For more information on hypnosis, hypnosis techniques, hypnosis downloads, learning hypnosis, hypnosis training, visit his website: Weight Loss Hypnosis
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Hypnosis for weight loss can bring you success at your goal of losing weight, particularly when all other approaches fail. With the increase in the hypnosis for weight loss success rate, more and more people are using hypnosis for losing their weight. Thus, more and more people are conquering weight gain and enjoying a slimmer and healthier body through hypnosis for weight loss.
Weight gain with extreme Eating
In general, people are having query regarding how weight loss by hypnosis can help. Primarily, the major cause for weight gain is extreme sugar intake. Weight loss by hypnosis suggestions can teach the subconscious mind that sugar is not that exciting.
Thus, the outcome will be reduced sugar intake, weight loss along with better sleep, better concentration, and overall quality of life.
Weight gain with comfort Eating
One more cause for weight gain is “comfort eating”. Sometimes, you may eat too much to help ease the problem of depression, frustration, mad, irritation, or loneliness. Comfort eating is becoming a huge problem although you tell yourself constantly that never turn to food for comfort.
Again, weight loss by hypnosis can teach the subconscious mind to get relax, gain power, and control over the situations where you need to turn to food. Thus, you find yourself with weight loss.
Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Controlling Food Addictions
Just as you can use hypnosis to stop smoking or other negative behaviors, you can also make use of hypnosis for weight loss. Here, the goal is to educate the subconscious mind how to change from one thought process to another. Most fast foods contain fat and high carbohydrates, meaning that excessive calories and unnecessary pounds. However, to lose weight successfully, you need to turn the fast food desires off. Well, it is not that difficult. With weight loss by hypnosis, you can gain control over fast food desire and start choosing healthy and delicious food.
Probably one of the difficult foods to gain control over is chocolate. In fact, chocolate intake is not actually cause weight gain. However, a regular consumption of chocolate can increase the pounds and calories.
In this case, hypnosis for weight loss can offer a more-essential boost to your subconscious mind that you show least interest in eating chocolate. With weight loss for hypnosis, your subconscious mind is substituted with positive words for food such as nutrition, healthy diet, etc.
Motivation for weight loss
While you are trying to lose weight, one of the most important things that you to keep in mind is motivation. Hypnosis for weight loss helps a person by motivating him or her to lose weight. You need to know what is that which makes you to overeat. Give complete food journal to your hypnotist and tell him how you feel when you eat your food. It helps your hypnotist to determine your sub conscious mind and decides the approach to treat you.
The hypnotherapist eliminates your negative food emotions or thoughts, which might be the causes of your weight problems. He also induces positive thoughts to replace the negative thoughts in your mind. Thus, your mind is re-programmed about your way of thinking about food, which ultimately stops you from overeating.
Exercise Along with Hypnosis for Weight Loss
Now, just as you can use the hypnosis for weight loss to control food addictions and desires, you can also use this to increase the practice of exercising. The key to losing weight is not just controlling the quantity and kinds of foods intake but also exercise.
With regular exercise, you will not only lose weight but also develop overall health and tone your body. Even this exercise motivation is suggested with the help of hypnosis for weight loss. Thus, you will be excited to run, walk, swim, ride, and play tennis, or the activity that you enjoy the most.
With weight loss by hypnosis, you will start doing every day activities that is good for your body. Hypnosis for weight loss will boost your subconscious mind, motivating it to do exercise. Very quickly, your complete life’s attitude will change and you begin to eat healthier food and exercise.
About The Author: Nishanth Reddy is an author and publisher of many health related websites. For more information on hypnosis, hypnosis techniques, hypnosis downloads, learning hypnosis, hypnosis training, visit his website: Weight Loss Hypnosis
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Convince Conscious Mind For Subconscious To Work
By Enoch Tan
Enoch TanLevel: PlatinumEnoch Tan aims to help people achieve greater awareness in living and experiencing life. To evolve human consciousness to higher levels. To change lives and ...
Your conscious mind is the part of your mind that deals with reason and logic. It is the director of your subconscious mind, which is the part of your mind that deals with energy and creation. Your conscious mind is the logical mind that functions with logic. You think with the conscious mind and it is the programmer of the subconscious mind, which is the creative mind that carries out the program. Convince your logical mind so that it will send the right instructions to your creative mind.
The source of our ability to achieve anything we desire is the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind will accept any sustained impression, particularly fuelled by emotion, and therefore any sustained thought, and bring it into manifestation without question. It is the task of the conscious mind therefore to choose carefully which sustained thoughts and impressions the subconscious mind receives.
The bible says that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of the Heavenly Father which is in heaven. The "two of you" referred to are the conscious and subconscious minds. Before anything can be achieved, both need to be in harmony. The subconscious mind is always in harmony and never argues about anything, so it is the conscious mind that needs to be convinced.
The subconscious mind does not need reason to make things happen. When an impression is made upon the subconscious mind without conscious awareness, the subconscious mind will proceed to work on it automatically. But its effect will soon become noticeable by the conscious mind and will be interfered by it. If your conscious mind cannot accept what is happening because it reasons against it, then it will send a conflicting impression that will undo the first.
There are two conditions that need to be present for subconscious change to be sustainable. The first condition is that the subconscious impression must be continually induced in order to maintain its strength over the mind. The second condition is that the conscious mind must become convinced by reasoning the result as a logically acceptable event. When either one of these two conditions are present, the subconscious mind will be able to continue creating the thing it is programmed with.
When change happens unconsciously, it can also reverse unconsciously. There are times when you experience good or bad things happening to you for awhile. But you have no idea how exactly did you cause those things to happen because you were unconsciously creating them. Then when your subconscious mind undergoes a change, the good or bad things begin to change as well. That is why if you want to have deliberate control over your reality creation, you need to have conscious understanding.
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life and you will call it fate. That is why gaining awareness is so important. All of life is a learning experience to become all that you can be. The purpose of all our experiences whether good or bad is for us to evolve in our consciousness. The more conscious we become, the more power we have as deliberate creators of our own reality. Awareness gives us freewill to choose our experiences.
Even when you choose to use techniques or technology that bypasses the conscious mind to program the subconscious mind for unconscious change, you should seek to learn how it works. When you are aware of the process and the logic behind it, you are able to have both your conscious and subconscious minds working for you. Total transformation involves the whole mind and not just part of it. It is your belief that the subconscious technique works that affects its influence over you as well.
We seek to understand how everything works and to discover the explanation of every mystery that presents itself to us. It is because when we can comprehend all that we experience according to logic, we are able to master our situations instead of letting them master us. Everything in the universe runs according to logic. When we encounter anything we do not understand, it is not because it is illogical but just that we have yet to discover the logic of it.
Logic does not originate from the conscious mind but from the subconscious mind. No one invents a new idea that never existed, but he only discovers it through inspiration that comes from a place where it already exists with everything else. It is the conscious mind that plays with logic and then decides how shall the subconscious mind operate with it. The truth is all programs already exist within the subconscious mind, but the conscious mind decides which ones it shall run.
Perfect creation requires perfect harmony between the conscious and subconscious minds. That is why you need to find as much information as you can that supports you in believing in the possibility and success of creating what you desire. Conscious knowledge enables us to direct reality as we will. Understanding is the key to solving all our problems. Understanding the problem dissolves the problem. Understanding is the reason that convinces the conscious mind for the subconscious to work.
Enoch Tan aims to help people achieve greater awareness in living and experiencing life, to evolve human consciousness to higher levels and to revolutionize the way we understand the mind and reality, because that is what governs every area of life and destiny. When you learn Secrets of Mind and Reality which is the science behind all Self Help, you'll become a Law of Attraction and Manifestation Master. Visit the site: Secrets of Mind and Reality
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Enoch TanLevel: PlatinumEnoch Tan aims to help people achieve greater awareness in living and experiencing life. To evolve human consciousness to higher levels. To change lives and ...
Your conscious mind is the part of your mind that deals with reason and logic. It is the director of your subconscious mind, which is the part of your mind that deals with energy and creation. Your conscious mind is the logical mind that functions with logic. You think with the conscious mind and it is the programmer of the subconscious mind, which is the creative mind that carries out the program. Convince your logical mind so that it will send the right instructions to your creative mind.
The source of our ability to achieve anything we desire is the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind will accept any sustained impression, particularly fuelled by emotion, and therefore any sustained thought, and bring it into manifestation without question. It is the task of the conscious mind therefore to choose carefully which sustained thoughts and impressions the subconscious mind receives.
The bible says that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of the Heavenly Father which is in heaven. The "two of you" referred to are the conscious and subconscious minds. Before anything can be achieved, both need to be in harmony. The subconscious mind is always in harmony and never argues about anything, so it is the conscious mind that needs to be convinced.
The subconscious mind does not need reason to make things happen. When an impression is made upon the subconscious mind without conscious awareness, the subconscious mind will proceed to work on it automatically. But its effect will soon become noticeable by the conscious mind and will be interfered by it. If your conscious mind cannot accept what is happening because it reasons against it, then it will send a conflicting impression that will undo the first.
There are two conditions that need to be present for subconscious change to be sustainable. The first condition is that the subconscious impression must be continually induced in order to maintain its strength over the mind. The second condition is that the conscious mind must become convinced by reasoning the result as a logically acceptable event. When either one of these two conditions are present, the subconscious mind will be able to continue creating the thing it is programmed with.
When change happens unconsciously, it can also reverse unconsciously. There are times when you experience good or bad things happening to you for awhile. But you have no idea how exactly did you cause those things to happen because you were unconsciously creating them. Then when your subconscious mind undergoes a change, the good or bad things begin to change as well. That is why if you want to have deliberate control over your reality creation, you need to have conscious understanding.
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life and you will call it fate. That is why gaining awareness is so important. All of life is a learning experience to become all that you can be. The purpose of all our experiences whether good or bad is for us to evolve in our consciousness. The more conscious we become, the more power we have as deliberate creators of our own reality. Awareness gives us freewill to choose our experiences.
Even when you choose to use techniques or technology that bypasses the conscious mind to program the subconscious mind for unconscious change, you should seek to learn how it works. When you are aware of the process and the logic behind it, you are able to have both your conscious and subconscious minds working for you. Total transformation involves the whole mind and not just part of it. It is your belief that the subconscious technique works that affects its influence over you as well.
We seek to understand how everything works and to discover the explanation of every mystery that presents itself to us. It is because when we can comprehend all that we experience according to logic, we are able to master our situations instead of letting them master us. Everything in the universe runs according to logic. When we encounter anything we do not understand, it is not because it is illogical but just that we have yet to discover the logic of it.
Logic does not originate from the conscious mind but from the subconscious mind. No one invents a new idea that never existed, but he only discovers it through inspiration that comes from a place where it already exists with everything else. It is the conscious mind that plays with logic and then decides how shall the subconscious mind operate with it. The truth is all programs already exist within the subconscious mind, but the conscious mind decides which ones it shall run.
Perfect creation requires perfect harmony between the conscious and subconscious minds. That is why you need to find as much information as you can that supports you in believing in the possibility and success of creating what you desire. Conscious knowledge enables us to direct reality as we will. Understanding is the key to solving all our problems. Understanding the problem dissolves the problem. Understanding is the reason that convinces the conscious mind for the subconscious to work.
Enoch Tan aims to help people achieve greater awareness in living and experiencing life, to evolve human consciousness to higher levels and to revolutionize the way we understand the mind and reality, because that is what governs every area of life and destiny. When you learn Secrets of Mind and Reality which is the science behind all Self Help, you'll become a Law of Attraction and Manifestation Master. Visit the site: Secrets of Mind and Reality
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Power of Repeated Words and Thoughts
By Remez Sasson
Thinking is usually a mixture of words, sentences, mental images and sensations. Thoughts are visitors, who visit the central station of the mind. They come, stay a while, and then disappear, making space for other thoughts. Some of these thoughts stay longer, gain power, and affect the life of the person thinking them.
It seems that most people let thoughts connected with worries, fears, anger or unhappiness occupy their mind most of the time. They keep engaging their mind with inner conversation about negative situations and actions. This inner conversation eventually affects the subconscious mind, making it accept and take seriously the thoughts and ideas expressed in those inner conversations.
It is of vital importance to be careful of what goes into the subconscious mind. Words and thoughts that are repeated often get stronger by the repetitions, sink into the subconscious mind and affect the behavior, actions and reactions of the person involved.
The subconscious mind regards the words and thoughts that get lodged inside it as expressing and describing a real situation, and therefore endeavors to align the words and thoughts with reality. It works diligently to make these words and thoughts a reality in the life of the person saying or thinking them.
This means that if you often tell yourself that it is difficult or impossible to acquire money, the subconscious mind will accept your words and put obstacles in your way. If you keep telling yourself that you are rich, it will find ways to bring you opportunities to get rich, and push you towards taking advantage of these opportunities.
The thoughts that you express through your words shape your life. This is often done unconsciously, as few pay attention to their thoughts and the words they use while thinking, and let outside circumstances and situations determine what they think about. In this case there is no freedom. Here, the outside world affects the inner world.
If you consciously choose the thoughts, phrases and words that you repeat in your mind, your life will start to change. You will begin creating new situations and circumstances. You will be using the power of affirmations.
Affirmations are sentences that are repeated often during the day, and which sink into the subconscious mind, thereby releasing its enormous power to materialize the intention of the words and phrases in the outside world. This does not mean that every word you utter will bring results. In order to trigger the subconscious mind into action, the words have to be said with attention, intention and with feeling.
In order to obtain positive results, affirmations have to be phrased in positive words. Look at the following two sentences:
1. I am not weak anymore.
2. I am strong and powerful.
Though both sentences seem to express the same idea, but in different words, the first one is a negative sentence. It creates in the mind a mental image of weakness. This is wrong wording. The second sentence awakens in the mind a mental image of strength.
It is not enough to say an affirmation a few times, and then expect your life to change. More than this is necessary. It is important to affirm with attention, as well as with strong desire, faith and persistence. It is also important to choose the right affirmation for any specific situation. You need to feel comfortable with it; otherwise the affirmation may not work or may bring you something that you do not really want.
Affirmations can be used together with creative visualization, to strengthen it, and they can be used separately, on their own. They are of special importance for people who find it difficult to visualize. In this case they serve as a substitution to creative visualization.
Instead of repeating negative and useless words and phrases in the mind, you can choose positive words and phrases to help you build the life you want. By choosing your thoughts and words you exercise control over your life.
Here are a few affirmations:
- Day by day I am becoming happier and more satisfied.
- With every inhalation I am filling myself with happiness.
- Love is filling my life now.
- The power of the Cosmos is filling my life with love.
- The power of the Universal Mind is now filling my life with wealth.
- The powerful and vital energy of the Cosmos is flowing and filling my body and mind.
- Healing energy is constantly filling every cell of my body.
- I always stay calm and in control of myself, in every situation and in all circumstances.
- I am having a wonderful, happy and fascinating day.
© Copyright Remez Sasson
Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, self-improvement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation. He is the author of several books, among which are "Peace of mind in Daily Life", "Will Power and Self Discipline", "Visualize and Achieve" and "Affirmations - Words of Power".
Visit his website and find articles and books filled with inspiration, motivation and practical advice and guidance.
Thinking is usually a mixture of words, sentences, mental images and sensations. Thoughts are visitors, who visit the central station of the mind. They come, stay a while, and then disappear, making space for other thoughts. Some of these thoughts stay longer, gain power, and affect the life of the person thinking them.
It seems that most people let thoughts connected with worries, fears, anger or unhappiness occupy their mind most of the time. They keep engaging their mind with inner conversation about negative situations and actions. This inner conversation eventually affects the subconscious mind, making it accept and take seriously the thoughts and ideas expressed in those inner conversations.
It is of vital importance to be careful of what goes into the subconscious mind. Words and thoughts that are repeated often get stronger by the repetitions, sink into the subconscious mind and affect the behavior, actions and reactions of the person involved.
The subconscious mind regards the words and thoughts that get lodged inside it as expressing and describing a real situation, and therefore endeavors to align the words and thoughts with reality. It works diligently to make these words and thoughts a reality in the life of the person saying or thinking them.
This means that if you often tell yourself that it is difficult or impossible to acquire money, the subconscious mind will accept your words and put obstacles in your way. If you keep telling yourself that you are rich, it will find ways to bring you opportunities to get rich, and push you towards taking advantage of these opportunities.
The thoughts that you express through your words shape your life. This is often done unconsciously, as few pay attention to their thoughts and the words they use while thinking, and let outside circumstances and situations determine what they think about. In this case there is no freedom. Here, the outside world affects the inner world.
If you consciously choose the thoughts, phrases and words that you repeat in your mind, your life will start to change. You will begin creating new situations and circumstances. You will be using the power of affirmations.
Affirmations are sentences that are repeated often during the day, and which sink into the subconscious mind, thereby releasing its enormous power to materialize the intention of the words and phrases in the outside world. This does not mean that every word you utter will bring results. In order to trigger the subconscious mind into action, the words have to be said with attention, intention and with feeling.
In order to obtain positive results, affirmations have to be phrased in positive words. Look at the following two sentences:
1. I am not weak anymore.
2. I am strong and powerful.
Though both sentences seem to express the same idea, but in different words, the first one is a negative sentence. It creates in the mind a mental image of weakness. This is wrong wording. The second sentence awakens in the mind a mental image of strength.
It is not enough to say an affirmation a few times, and then expect your life to change. More than this is necessary. It is important to affirm with attention, as well as with strong desire, faith and persistence. It is also important to choose the right affirmation for any specific situation. You need to feel comfortable with it; otherwise the affirmation may not work or may bring you something that you do not really want.
Affirmations can be used together with creative visualization, to strengthen it, and they can be used separately, on their own. They are of special importance for people who find it difficult to visualize. In this case they serve as a substitution to creative visualization.
Instead of repeating negative and useless words and phrases in the mind, you can choose positive words and phrases to help you build the life you want. By choosing your thoughts and words you exercise control over your life.
Here are a few affirmations:
- Day by day I am becoming happier and more satisfied.
- With every inhalation I am filling myself with happiness.
- Love is filling my life now.
- The power of the Cosmos is filling my life with love.
- The power of the Universal Mind is now filling my life with wealth.
- The powerful and vital energy of the Cosmos is flowing and filling my body and mind.
- Healing energy is constantly filling every cell of my body.
- I always stay calm and in control of myself, in every situation and in all circumstances.
- I am having a wonderful, happy and fascinating day.
© Copyright Remez Sasson
Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, self-improvement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation. He is the author of several books, among which are "Peace of mind in Daily Life", "Will Power and Self Discipline", "Visualize and Achieve" and "Affirmations - Words of Power".
Visit his website and find articles and books filled with inspiration, motivation and practical advice and guidance.
Unleash The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
By Carol Robinson
Have you ever asked yourself, ‘Why don't I have the life that I dreamed of as a child'? Why don't I have more money, better health or, well, you fill in the blank. Many people today are searching for the answers to these questions. They want change but are unaware of how to implement changes. I was one of these people.
In my search for answers, I came across information about the mind and how it really works. There are two aspects to the mind, the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. When most people think about the mind, they picture the brain. The thinking mind is much more than that. The conscious mind is sometimes referred to as the rational mind. It gathers information through sensory input. The subconscious mind gathers information through emotional input.
The conscious mind can accept or reject any idea. The conscious mind uses the five senses to accept or reject information. We have the ability to decide if we believe something to be fact or fiction through the use of the conscious mind. We also have the ability to change what we believe at the conscious level. Have you ever repeated a saying that you heard as a child without really understanding the emotional connection to that saying? I sure have! I grew up in a lower middle class environment where money was not abundant. I remember my mother saying, ‘money doesn't grow on trees', many times. As an adult I repeated this saying because I believed that you must work hard and save your money to live a satisfying life. Because I believed this, my conscious mind accepted it as fact. Be careful what you accept as fact!
Now let's move to the subconscious mind. This area is sometimes referred to as the emotional mind or intuitive mind. This area has no ability to reject any idea presented to it. It cannot differentiate between real or fake. It accepts whatever you believe on an emotional level. In the above example I emotionally believed that abundance came through hard work and frugal living. What I did not understand then was the imprint that I had placed on my subconscious mind. Whatever is impressed on the subconscious mind controls your vibration. You see, the body is a mass of molecules vibrating at a very high rate. When we believe in lack, we vibrate at a low level. When we believe in abundance, we vibrate higher. With these thoughts of lack and struggle, I lowered my vibration resulting in lowered results. We need a higher vibration in order to attract the abundance that our higher power wants us to have.
Maybe you know of someone who is always unhappy, unhealthy and broke. Do you feel good being around them? Do they lift your energy? Of course not! They have a low level of vibration and it can be very draining. On the other side, isn't it uplifting to be around a genuinely happy, healthy and positive person? Yes! They bring your energy level up.
To have permanent changes in our lives, we must change the thinking of our subconscious mind. If you want to be successful, you must know how to unleash the hidden power of your subconscious mind. So how do we do this? There are four steps to complete the process.
The first step involves your thoughts. You must become aware of what you are thinking about by listening to the little voices that run through your mind. What are they saying? Do they start with words like can't, won't or shouldn't? Remember that thoughts are units of energy. Are your thoughts vibrating at a high level or low level? The most effective way to change these thoughts is with positive affirmations. Remember that your subconscious mind has no ability to reject an idea that you believe. So write out your affirmation in the present tense for whatever you desire and keep it positive. Bob Proctor taught me to start by saying, ‘I am so happy and grateful now that…' Gratitude is very important in this process as well. At the very least, be grateful that you have become aware of your negative thoughts because now you can change them! Another powerful tool is visualization. Our mind sees in pictures. If you create a board with pictures of all the things that you want to attract into your life, they will come. You must place this board in a place where you can view it several time a day. Visualization is the language of your subconscious mind and intuition is how your subconscious mind communicates with you. Affirmations and visualization will change your thoughts.
The second step is internalizing the emotions involved with what you want to attract. When you have the things that you desire in your life, how will you feel? Most people fail to unleash the hidden power of their subconscious mind simply because they never spend time thinking through what they really want in life and then allowing the emotions to become real. Picture yourself walking through the front door of your new home or behind the wheel of your new car. How do you feel? Allow these emotions to grow. When you look at your picture board, smile. When you read your affirmations, stand and shout them out. Convince your subconscious mind that you have what you want from life and you will.
The third step involves action. This is the step that is most neglected. You need to move in the direction of your dreams to achieve them. This step usually involves your intuition or gut feeling. When you are effectively implementing steps one and two, you will find that ideas or thoughts just come to you. This is the universe telling you which direction to go. Listen to these thoughts and act. You will also find that phone calls or emails will come at just the right time. Act on them. Coincidence is just the universe communicating with you. Take action and you will achieve your dreams. The most important part of this step is to not worry about how to achieve something. The universe will take care of the how. The how will be attracted to you through the subconscious mind, so listen.
The fourth and final step involves your results. Always analyze your results. How is that working for you, an infamous Dr. Phil line. If your results are poor, change your course. It you feel good about your results, keep moving in that direction.
Once you learn how to unleash the unlimited power of your subconscious mind, you will receive anything that you want from life. Solutions to problems will present themselves, income will increase and your giving spirit will grow.
Sustainable Living Articles @
Carol Robinson
Have you ever asked yourself, ‘Why don't I have the life that I dreamed of as a child'? Why don't I have more money, better health or, well, you fill in the blank. Many people today are searching for the answers to these questions. They want change but are unaware of how to implement changes. I was one of these people.
In my search for answers, I came across information about the mind and how it really works. There are two aspects to the mind, the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. When most people think about the mind, they picture the brain. The thinking mind is much more than that. The conscious mind is sometimes referred to as the rational mind. It gathers information through sensory input. The subconscious mind gathers information through emotional input.
The conscious mind can accept or reject any idea. The conscious mind uses the five senses to accept or reject information. We have the ability to decide if we believe something to be fact or fiction through the use of the conscious mind. We also have the ability to change what we believe at the conscious level. Have you ever repeated a saying that you heard as a child without really understanding the emotional connection to that saying? I sure have! I grew up in a lower middle class environment where money was not abundant. I remember my mother saying, ‘money doesn't grow on trees', many times. As an adult I repeated this saying because I believed that you must work hard and save your money to live a satisfying life. Because I believed this, my conscious mind accepted it as fact. Be careful what you accept as fact!
Now let's move to the subconscious mind. This area is sometimes referred to as the emotional mind or intuitive mind. This area has no ability to reject any idea presented to it. It cannot differentiate between real or fake. It accepts whatever you believe on an emotional level. In the above example I emotionally believed that abundance came through hard work and frugal living. What I did not understand then was the imprint that I had placed on my subconscious mind. Whatever is impressed on the subconscious mind controls your vibration. You see, the body is a mass of molecules vibrating at a very high rate. When we believe in lack, we vibrate at a low level. When we believe in abundance, we vibrate higher. With these thoughts of lack and struggle, I lowered my vibration resulting in lowered results. We need a higher vibration in order to attract the abundance that our higher power wants us to have.
Maybe you know of someone who is always unhappy, unhealthy and broke. Do you feel good being around them? Do they lift your energy? Of course not! They have a low level of vibration and it can be very draining. On the other side, isn't it uplifting to be around a genuinely happy, healthy and positive person? Yes! They bring your energy level up.
To have permanent changes in our lives, we must change the thinking of our subconscious mind. If you want to be successful, you must know how to unleash the hidden power of your subconscious mind. So how do we do this? There are four steps to complete the process.
The first step involves your thoughts. You must become aware of what you are thinking about by listening to the little voices that run through your mind. What are they saying? Do they start with words like can't, won't or shouldn't? Remember that thoughts are units of energy. Are your thoughts vibrating at a high level or low level? The most effective way to change these thoughts is with positive affirmations. Remember that your subconscious mind has no ability to reject an idea that you believe. So write out your affirmation in the present tense for whatever you desire and keep it positive. Bob Proctor taught me to start by saying, ‘I am so happy and grateful now that…' Gratitude is very important in this process as well. At the very least, be grateful that you have become aware of your negative thoughts because now you can change them! Another powerful tool is visualization. Our mind sees in pictures. If you create a board with pictures of all the things that you want to attract into your life, they will come. You must place this board in a place where you can view it several time a day. Visualization is the language of your subconscious mind and intuition is how your subconscious mind communicates with you. Affirmations and visualization will change your thoughts.
The second step is internalizing the emotions involved with what you want to attract. When you have the things that you desire in your life, how will you feel? Most people fail to unleash the hidden power of their subconscious mind simply because they never spend time thinking through what they really want in life and then allowing the emotions to become real. Picture yourself walking through the front door of your new home or behind the wheel of your new car. How do you feel? Allow these emotions to grow. When you look at your picture board, smile. When you read your affirmations, stand and shout them out. Convince your subconscious mind that you have what you want from life and you will.
The third step involves action. This is the step that is most neglected. You need to move in the direction of your dreams to achieve them. This step usually involves your intuition or gut feeling. When you are effectively implementing steps one and two, you will find that ideas or thoughts just come to you. This is the universe telling you which direction to go. Listen to these thoughts and act. You will also find that phone calls or emails will come at just the right time. Act on them. Coincidence is just the universe communicating with you. Take action and you will achieve your dreams. The most important part of this step is to not worry about how to achieve something. The universe will take care of the how. The how will be attracted to you through the subconscious mind, so listen.
The fourth and final step involves your results. Always analyze your results. How is that working for you, an infamous Dr. Phil line. If your results are poor, change your course. It you feel good about your results, keep moving in that direction.
Once you learn how to unleash the unlimited power of your subconscious mind, you will receive anything that you want from life. Solutions to problems will present themselves, income will increase and your giving spirit will grow.
Sustainable Living Articles @
Carol Robinson
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