
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The "Subconscious"

By Frank Q. Aurillo Jr.

In another article I had discussed the term "subconscious" with a hyphenated "mind" attached to it. Now I'm back with that word subconscious again but without the tail. I'm kind of enamored with this "subconscious" thing I'll give it a few more shots before I let it go peacefully.

I think the "subconscious" mind should always be understood with special consideration because most people probably have only a vague idea of what it is, although almost everybody will quickly admit they sure have heard of it, it's a fact of life, it's real--and that's it. Well?

Sounds more like heaven and hell where people haven't gone to and yet claim to know everything about it like the back of their hand.

The term "subconscious" may and should properly be in quotation marks because it occupies an absolutely unique niche in the realm of existence. No longer may anyone say it probably doesn't exist simply because people haven't seen, heard, smelt, touched or tasted it as substance because it isn't. Substance is matter. And it isn't matter but "mind" precisely. And it is different from the usual mind that we are very familiar with and which we call the "conscious" mind, the one with which we count our income, drive our car, eat and sleep.

The experts say that the "subconscious" is the source of all created things that are in existence from the smallest flea that you can find on your dog's scalp to the vast exploding quasars and pulsars and on to parallel universes in space that they say exist side by side with the universe known to us with our current knowledge and technology.

Hmm... Am I drifting towards church, religion or dogma? No sir, not at all. Nor am I engaged in a treatise on space technology by having said something about exploding stars. But strangely, Albert Einstein's thinking about matter converting itself into energy and back again should tell us that there must be a principle, if you will, for lack of a better term, that must exist that therefore underlies this. For simplicity's sake, if you can't destroy matter and only convert it to some other substance or form, doesn't it seem logical to suppose that there is this underlying thing or principle that guarantees matter's continued existence?

We are talking about the "subconscious" as probably some kind of a blueprint or template out of which the created thing takes shape. Another example would be that if you should plant a tree, say an avocado tree, the template or pattern of the avocado is already encoded in the atoms and molecules of the seed that you plant. You should be kidding yourself if you expect to behold an oak tree or a fig tree or a mango tree or some other tree when it grows up because it will follow the DNA or blueprint (avocado) of its own creation (I didn't put it there).

But most important thing to think about is that this "subconscious", this blueprint seems to be eternal, all- present and all-pervading in every place or condition in time and space where creation is in progress, from nature's own (natural) processes to the conversion of matter into its sub-states whether by natural or artificial means or intervention. And you think that creation was a done deal in seven days after God created the heavens, the firmament and Man himself?I personally believe that this underlying theme or principle, this "subconscious" or "mind" that serves and acts as blueprint, pattern or mold of all creation in all space and time and in this and all parallel universes--is what Einstein must have been thinking when he put forth his belief that matter is neither created nor destroyed.

Now then, what did we say about the subconscious "mind" not just residing in the right brain hemisphere but even outside of the human body? Oh my...

Click here to learn more on this subject.

Frank Q. J. Aurillo

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I'd like to thank Iain Legg and Phil Busbridge of who are the owners of the image titled "Get connected" that's on the pages of my website.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

How to Stop Feeling Sad

By Mohamed Farouk

Feeling Sad

So you are feeling Sad. I know how it feels like, it feels like there is something hurting you but you are not aware of it, It feels like you are neither happy nor satisfied. But why do we feel sad? Are these sad feelings nothing more than a part of the usual cycle of mood swings?

No they are not; these sad feelings are a message sent to you by your subconscious mind, in order to take an action.

Why Do We Feel Sad?

Sad feelings are like all the other emotions we experience, they are an indication that something is going wrong in our lives. The root causes for sad feelings are uncountable but they can be summarized under one big category, Unsolved Problems.

The more unsolved problems you have, the more likely you will feel sad from time to time. You don't have to solve the problem completely to feel good; you just need to take an action towards solving it. see this example below for a better understanding of the concept, which is an example of the communication that happens between you and your subconscious mind.

Your Subconscious Mind Hey, you may not get a raise this year and you are not taking any actions, I am sending you some sad feelings to motivate you.

You Oh my God, I am feeling sad, I am feeling sad. Why, why is this happening to me, God, why, why me??

Few weeks later you discovered that you may be feeling sad because you may not get a raise, so you started to work harder

Your Subconscious Mind I can see you are taking actions, there is no more need for the sad feelings, I am withdrawing them again

As you can see, the subconscious mind found no more reason to keep the sad feelings and so they disappeared. When you feel sad, your main focus should be finding the root cause for these feelings then working towards solving them.

Feeling Sad without Knowing Why

Feeling sad without knowing why is usually the result of having too many accumulated problems in your subconscious mind to the extent that you don't know which of them is the real reason for your sad feelings.

Some people escape solving their problems by taking drugs, others escape them by sleeping while a third category escapes by going into a new relationship. There are hundreds of methods that people use to bury their problems deeper in their subconscious minds, but the subconscious mind never gives up, it always replays back by sending a more intense sad feeling in order to wake you up.

If you don't really know what's really making you feel sad then start by sorting out all of the problems you have, then solve them one by one, when you come along the one that is causing you the sad feelings you will feel better.

Feeling Sad all the Time (For extended Periods)

Feeling sad all the time is one of the symptoms of depression. You may be feeling sad because you are depressed. Personally, I consider depression a message too, a message telling you that unless you bring back what was lost your subconscious mind will keep you depressed.

stopping Feeling Sad

Whether it's an unsolved problem or whether it's a problem that is buried into your subconscious mind, the result will be sad feelings. The only way to deal with these sad feelings is to solve what can be solved and to accept what cannot be solved; only then your sad feelings will go away.

If you don't like this approach, you can start it the other way around, by starting a journey towards feeling happy. This guide will tell you what you need to do in order to feel happy, which in turn, will drive away sad feelings.

Want to have a solid self understanding?

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Conversational Hypnosis – How to Use Conversational Hypnosis Techniques to Solve Problems

By Michael Lee

Conversational hypnosis is a very powerful tool to help solve people’s problems and change their behavior. Whether it’s overcoming depression, phobias, low self-esteem or other psychological challenges, applying conversational hypnosis can do wonders to cure these mental disorders.

There are 3 steps involved:

Establish Rapport

Find positive similarities that both you and the subject can relate to. The effectiveness of your conversational hypnosis efforts will depend on your level of rapport with the subject.

So how do you build rapport? Imagine entering into the subject’s body. Then contemplate: What is he thinking? What emotions or feelings is he hiding inside? What does he want to happen?

This method allows you to "take in" the personality, mindset, or attitude of the subject, resulting in better rapport.

Agree and empathize with your subject. If some bad event made him depressed, say something like, "What happened must have been really tough. I’d feel the same way if I were you." Make him realize that you’re on the same emotional level as he is.

Break the Pattern

The next step of this conversational hypnosis technique would be to disrupt his present flow of thinking. You could say something like, "What if an even better opportunity comes along?" This will allow his mind to open up to possible resolutions.

You can even do the opposite of this step but still yield effective results, as long as his train of thought is interrupted. Say something like, "It seems that no normal people can recover from a misfortune like the one you’ve just experienced. I can’t think of a way to resolve this, can you?"

He will likely oppose your views and prove you wrong by coming up with the answer to his own dilemma! (He’ll probably want to prove he’s no ordinary person too.)

Make A Suggestion

The last conversational hypnosis step is to make a presupposed suggestion. You can say something like, "Wow, you now look like someone who can tackle any challenges."

Make him realize how feeling miserable can bring about undesirable consequences; and how confronting the issue can release him from his "inner monsters."

To summarize, the 3 conversational hypnosis steps to solve mental or psychological problems include establishing rapport, breaking the pattern, and making a suggestion. Hope you learned something beneficial from this article. Discover how to hypnotically persuade anyone to eagerly do anything you want, using breakthrough psychology of persuasion and conversational hypnosis techniques. Grab a FREE course that reveals 10 groundbreaking persuasion secrets at:

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Friday, May 2, 2008

You And The Subconscious Mind

By Frank Jr. Q. Aurillo

I personally like to call this article "You And The Subconscious Mind" with a little emphasis on the uniqueness of the mind which may arouse the curiosity of some readers into wondering why didn't I just say "You And Your Subconscious Mind" as this could have been simpler and more straightforward.

That's just the point of this discussion of the subconscious mind. And it is our normal tendency to refer to it with an assumption too far off the mark, which is, that we normally call it our own and take it for granted as if it were some kind of body part that we can pinpoint and show to others. For lack of true understanding we invariably think of the subconscious mind as something that we can appropriate, a distinctiveness that attaches to our individuality in the same context that you can refer to your hand or hair as part of yourself.

Firstly, because I'm talking about the subconscious mind whenever I speak of the term mind, and am not therefore referring to the conscious, logical or analytical mind that is identified with the left hemisphere of the human brain. Here, I refer to the mind that's more closely related to the autonomous functioning of the nervous system of the body and resides within the right brain hemisphere. In my view, however, it resides in the entire human body through the endocrine glands.

According to the experts, this section of the mind is in charge of the automotive functions of the human body. For example, whoever heard of someone deliberately and consciously ordering his lungs to breathe air in and out, his heart to pump blood and oxygen to his brain to keep it alive and have his digestive and other systems work 24/7 without let-up? That would have entailed that person being awake all those hours to direct and manage all those bodily functions.

But people go to bed during the night and all these respiratory, circulatory, digestive and metabolic functions of the body are undertaken in the usual course of rest without the person being even aware of it.

This fact, standing alone and by itself, should clearly demonstrate that we do not have full control of all our bodily functions. By this, we mean that we really do not have sole and exclusive dominion over our minds. And since these bodily systems run without our intervention they could only do so because of another section of our being that is different from that over which we can exercise control of by means of our will. If so, then we are dealing with a part of our mind that most of us may have taken for granted.

What manner of mind is this that does all these things independently of our bidding? And, can we pause to think that plant and animal life too experience the same cellular and tissue activity involving growth and regeneration as our bodies do? To the extent that this mind we call the subconscious remains hidden but does its job nevertheless to animate human beings and all life on this planet, then to that extent may we propose the theory that the subconscious mind can exist not just within but even outside of our bodies.

In another article, I present some discussion regarding the subconscious mind with questions like, can this mind be controlled by us, or is it us that is under its perpetual control and mercy? Just thinking that the autonomic functions may just quit suddenly without your permission, knowledge and consent. Then what? Also, we talk about how we may bring (if it is possible at all) this elusive mind to the light of day and examine its nature and more or less come to a basic understanding as to how we may be able to use it to our benefit and advantage.

Learn more click here

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I'd like to thank Iain Legg and Phil Busbridge of who are the owners of the image titled "Get connected" that's on the pages of my website.

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